NuJazz Festival Berlin/Hamburg profile picture

NuJazz Festival Berlin/Hamburg

NuJazz Festival am 25.+ 26.04.08 in Hamburg/Berlin

About Me

Sa. 26.4.08 Berlin

Monsieur Dubois feat. Joe Bowie (Defunkt)
State of Monc
Soap Produkzioni
DJ Rogall
DJ SoulRabbi

Festsaal Kreuzberg, Skalitzer Straße 130, 10999 Berlin
Beginn 20h
Eintritt im VVK 12€/10 € + VVK-Gebühr
Abendkasse: 14 €/12 €

Elektronischer VVK:KOKA36 - Oranienstr.29

Telefonischer VVK Berlin unter:030 / 61101313

Fr., 25.4.08 Hamburg

Monsieur Dubois feat. Joe Bowie
State of Monc
DJ Timo Weiner (soundlook)

Mandarin-Kasino, Reeperbahn 1, 20359 Hamburg, Beginn 20h


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Ende April startet eine einzigartige dtsch./holländische Festivalkooperation des ElektroJazz!
Am 25.04. finden in Hamburg im Mandarin-Kasino (Reeperbahn) und am 26.04. im Festsaal Kreuzberg (Berlin-Kreuzberg) Konzertevents mit den holländischen Gruppen „Monsieur Dubois feat. Joe Bowie (Defunkt) sowie State of Monc statt. Beide Formationen sind in den Niederlanden die zur Zeit angesagtesten NuJazz-Bands, die weit über das klassische Jazzpublikum hinaus junge Fans und Bewunderer gefunden haben.
In Berlin werden am Sa., 26.4. darüber hinaus die Berliner NuJazz-Band „SOAP Produkzioni“ sowie die bekannten DJ..s Soul Rabbi [rabbi records] und DJ Rogall die Veranstaltungen auf dem Dancefloor abrunden. In Hamburg wird am Fr., 25.4. zusätzlich DJ Timo Weiner (soundlook) gastieren.
An der Gesamtorganisation sind auf deutscher Seite der Hamburger Jazzclub Stellwerk, das Hamburger Mandarin-Kasino sowie das Jazz-Meeting Berlin beteiligt. Auf niederländischer Seite involviert sind das DutchNuJazzMovement und das holländische Konsulat in Hamburg. Der Auftritt junger NuJazz-Bands in Deutschland ist nur der Anfang einer gemeinsamen Planung, der zwischen den Metropolen Hamburg, Berlin, Amsterdam und Rotterdam stattfinden wird. Im weiteren Verlauf sind Konzerte einer Hamburger und einer Berliner Band in Rotterdam und Amsterdam geplant. Diese Veranstaltungen sind für Ende des Jahres in Vorbereitung. Dazu werden noch Unterstützer gesucht.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/19/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Monsieur Dubois feat. Joe Bowie (Defunkt) In the past years, Monsieur Dubois created a strong live reputation with an attractive mix of Junglebeats, Funk, Souljazz and Afrogrooves, a.k.a. “Danceable Hardjazz”. With this convincing hybrid, catchy and sophisticated sound, Monsieur Dubois has been able to attract a very diverse, international public.
Bowie, youngest member from a musical family (brother of Lester and Byron Bowie) entered the scene late 70’s with his visionary band Defunkt and thus created a strong source of inspiration for many groups, amongst others Living Colour and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The second Monsieur Dubois-album arrived in september 2007: “Soul Integration” (Challenge Records, CR77049), a collaboration with American tromboneplayer and vocalist Joseph Bowie, leader from the legendary, New-York punkfunk group Defunkt. Monsieur Dubois and Joe Bowie:

“...sounds like truly urgent danceable hardjazz!”
Volkskrant - Koen Schouten

“A strong and tight sounding unit [...] With Soul Integration Monsieur Dubois prooves to be ready to conquer the rest of Europe...” 4,5 stars review JAZZ magazine - André Dadi

“An album that leaves behind a lot of the current hypes in a brilliant way” De Morgen - Didier Wijnants

Some time ago a tip from DJ Soul Rabbi lead Monsieur Dubois to Joseph Bowie, who appeared to have previously moved to The Netherlands. During several spectecular try-outs it was evident that the expressive sound of this remarkable musician provided Monsieur Dubois with a formidable extra weapon!

Joe Bowie - vocals, trombone
Bart Wirtz - saxophone
Rik Mol - trumpet
Maarten Meddens - keys
Kasper Kalf - double bass
Udo Demandt - percussion
Rudi Sanders - drums

State of Monc State of Monc has a musical story to tell, which they do with amazing drive and variation, all the while toying with the balance between electronics, brass and acoustic bass and percussion. The result is music with the smarts and soul of jazz that pumps with the energy of dance.

“Germany has Jazzanova, France has St. Germain, and we, we have State of Monc." OOR (Geert Jan Jacobs)

Arthur Flink - trumpet
Hielke Praagman - electronics
Jörgen Fleskens - bass
Tuur Moens - drums
Milan Bonger - Altosax
Ben van den Dungen - Tenorsax
Johan Hendrikse- keys

Soap Produkzioni This is wonderfully crazy. It’s an example of what we all should know a bit more about, the incredibly diverse jazz scene in Berlin thet’s, er, wonderfully crazy. Eva Kruse is the bassist in Michael Wollny’s highly acclaimed trio [em], and her beautiful tone features on "die strassen von hamburg" that morphs into an accomplished soprano sax feature Lars.
The key ingredient in all this is electronics....... Well constructed, with thoughtful and original use of electronics, great soloing from Lars and Hendrik that draws you into the mix and keeps you wondering where all this is leading. .... Every track fearlessly tries new ideas; some work, some don’t but the sense of musical adventure here is palpable.
Jazzwise (Stuart Nicholson)

Lars Dieterich – Sax, Reeds, Efx
Hendrik Stiller – Keys, Rhodes, Samples
Eva Kruse – Kontrabass
Pelle Hinrichsen – Drums, Loops, Laptop
+ DJ Soul Rabbi [rabbi records]

+ DJ Rogall

Sounds Like: NuJazz
Record Label: Challenge (SunnyMoon)
Type of Label: Indie