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1000°- Interview 2003 im Kreuzer Stadtmagazin Leipzig

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That is an unbelievably good video! Best quality!!! Optimally co-ordinated of Eric Schwartz! DJ D-Boy from Leipzig and Mr. White are rockin' here the House! Exactly the same as PAPA Soul & Sevensol with Deep House Afro High Tech Minimal Electro Nu Jazz Soul! That had been an unbelievably good party in the Victor Jara/ Leipzig/ Germany. I hope that still many parties will come in this music quality. THANX, Deep House Pumpin' Crew LE! for this Deeper Shades of House EVENT!

A little story about the DEEPER SHADES OF HOUSE LE! Party@ VICTOR JARA @ Leipzig!!!

Alle Fotos ansehen?The fast drive to Leipzig with my brother Michael after the ominously Mondbasis-Festival. Ick sag nur:
fun fun fun auf der autobahn!!

Victor Jara Party-Cutout 9.June 2007 - with Mr. White & CO!

I'd like to meet:

many people in my friendlist and someother more...
Hehe... ;)


a very small part of my album collection...

Singles, Maxi..s & Ep..s - a never ending story...


FREAKS (1932)

"A carnival barker displays a sideshow freak called the Feathered Hen and tells her story. Cleopatra, a trapeze artist with the carnival, is adored by a midget named Hans. Frieda, Hans' fiancée (also a midget), warns Hans that Cleopatra is only interested in him so that he will give her money. Cleopatra has an affair with Hercules, and when Frieda lets it slip that Hans is to come into an inheritance, Cleopatra and Hercules plan to get the money be having Cleopatra marry Hans. During the wedding reception, Cleopatra, although openly romantic with Hercules, is accepted by the freaks, but is revolted and mocks them. The freaks decide that they no longer need Hercules in their carnival and have a new career for Cleopatra all lined up, and make sure she doesn't "chicken" out."


My last SKIN SHOWER... THE FOUNTAIN from Darren Aronofsky!!! Whata Sound from Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet!


The Fantastic Planet (1973)

"Based on French science fiction novelist Stefan Wul's Oms en Serie ("Oms by the Dozen"), René Laloux's La Planète Sauvage (its title changed to Fantastic Planet for the U.S. release) paints an animated tale of humans kept as domesticated pets by an alien race of blue humanoid giants called Traags. The story takes place on the Traags' planet Ygam, where we follow our narrator, an Om called Terr, from infancy to adulthood, when he escapes his subjugation with a Traag learning device with which to educate the savage Oms and incite them to revolt. As a French-Czech coproduction, this story had much resonance for its makers as an allegory of Czechoslovakia's invasion by Soviet troops in the late '60s, and had to be completed in Paris due to political pressure. While the story does not distinguish itself in the annals of science fiction, the imagination invested in the surreal backdrops, with its eerie creatures and landscapes, does. The animation technique--moving paper cutouts across backgrounds--contributes to the overall feeling of other-worldliness. Fantastic Planet won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival in 1973."



At the moment...



Zinedine "ZIZOU" Zidane

DER HEILIGE SÜNDER - Eine der besten Kolumnen über Zidane von Christian Eichler i.d. FAZ vom 29.12.2006 klick hier!

Tribute an Zinedine Zidane - MyVideo

more videos from the genius?

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Materazzi bezeichnete Zidanes Schwester doch als «Hure»

Also doch: Die Beschimpfung seiner Schwester als «Hure» hatte im Fussball-WM-Finale 2006 in Berlin zum unrühmlichen Kopfstoss und dem vorzeitigen WM-Final-Abgang von Frankreichs Superstar Zinedine Zidane geführt.Italiens Verteidiger Marco Materazzi gestand dies nun gegenüber dem Magazin «TV Sorrisi e Canzoni» ein. Lippenleser hatten vor einem Jahr die entsprechende Version bereits entziffert. Doch Materazzi stritt damals alles ab. Jetzt erzählte der Abwehrspieler von Inter Mailand: «Ich hatte ihn nur einige Sekunden am Leibchen gehalten, er (Zidane, Anm.) drehte sich daraufhin zu mir um und verhöhnte mich: 'Falls du wirklich mein Trikot haben willst, dann gebe ich es dir nachher'.Darauf habe ich mit einer Beleidigung geantwortet, das ist wahr», meinte der Innenverteidiger, bevor er erstmals gestand, was er damals wirklich gesagt hatte: «Deine Schwester, die Hure, wäre mir lieber.» (Auf Italienisch: «Preferisco la puta di tua sorella.»).

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Sieh dir mal dieses Video an: Little Superstar

Sieh dir mal dieses Video an: Little Superstar Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos...
Posted by D on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:25:00 PST

Mr. White am 9. Juni 2007 im Victor Jara LEIPZIG!!!

Myspace Slideshow erstellen   Alle Fotos ansehen...
Posted by D on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:27:00 PST