Member Since: 10/4/2005
Band Members: Burston Howls - Vocals, head-choppin' -
Grave Klein - Keyboards, grave-diggin' -
Chris Scarfield - Guitars, Axe-weilding -
Boot Hill - Bass, Vocals, thunder-clappin' -
Barnaby Wilde - Drums, bone shakin'.(Feat. members of the Ghastly Ones, the Bomboras, the Finks & the Witchdoctors)
Influences: The Spirit world, Black Magic, Voodoo, Zombie Dust, Mojo, Bad Vibes, Full moon rising, Gravedancing, Gris-Gris, Witch's Spells, Incantations, Seances, Being raised from the dead.
Sounds Like: When the Witching hour is at hand and Were-Wolves howl at the moon, a thicket opens up and a herd of helacious black horses, eyes a blazing red and snorting fire charge out of the choked, dark forest and into the glen at break-neck speed...the sound of wailing guitars & swords swish throught the chilly night can mean only one thing...
Type of Label: None