Puppy kicking, finding truth in a mad world full lies hypocracy tyrany bad music and just plain old underhandedness,The strange and Unusual, Ghosts monsters and aliens, THC, National Geographic, the out doors (what's left of it), Hiking to the tops of mountains, original sounding music, space travel, mars, photography, Steler photography, painting, drawing, drawing, drawing, reading, science, history, horror and old sci-fi flix and all things bizarre creepy and strange, the color green, making my stupid movies I make, burning down the houses of the ones i love, Making Hash, Writing and poetry, Photoshop, Kung-Fu
-------------------------------------------Dont Steel MY drawings or ill eat your brains
Flesh Eater
Attack of the Zomborgs
Two Ghouls
Gharial grimm and new character Starra
other puppy kickers most of all, also other independent thinkers who don't buy into the statuesque and this deranged neofacist-imperialistic modern american quest for money oil and all things shinny ! other artists and muscians people who wanna buy my art, people who want to start a band,zombies, ghouls, mad men, monsters, aliens, and freaks
What is seen
is not always what is real.
According to Shakespeare,
there was something operating...
in nature, perhaps inside human
nature itself, that was rotten.
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Which Horror Movie Killer Are You? (pics)
Freddy Kueger
Wow! Freddy..huh... Well you are a evil one going in out of peoples dreams, causing nightmares. Your method of killing is creative rather tham lumbering around splatting people with a machettie or some blunt object like an idiot.
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Add to My Profile | More Videosto many bands to name... Punk, metal, psychobilly, Funk, surf, garage, hardcore, reggea, jazz, anything out of the ordinary, anything creepy and weird
HORROR! Fear and loathing in Los Vegas,The Exorcist, fight club, starwars, beatlejuce, 6 string samurai, Natral Born Killers, Taxi Driver, Stoner Flicks, documentaries, uhh... almost any think that ends in the word "Dead", army of darkness Yeah! Halloween 1,2,4,5,6, Monty python!, chainsaw Massacer, teenagers from space, the day the world stood still, friday the 13th and nightmare on elm street series, poltergeist, the gate, loose change, the last house on the left, psyco, house of a 1000 corpses, hellraiser, wolf creek, Final Destination, Hannibal movies, Invasion Of the Body snachers, Critters, Pumpkin Head, Rob Zombies Halloween
Television Rotts your mind and leads to inconstinence-------------------- Everyone’s looking for something, And the answer somebody else knows what it is, No one can live with the decisions of their own, It seems as though they look to someone else, To tell them what to be, Tell’em what to wear, Tell’em what to say, Tell’em how to act and think about others compulsively Until the world is all like them -Bad Religion------------------------------------------------"We have found out... that we cannot trust some people who are nonconformists. We will make conformists out of them in a hurry... The organization cannot trust the individual; the individual must trust the organization."
H.P. Lovecraft, The Dark Tower
Courage is doing what you are afraid to do; there is no courage with out FEAR -------------------------------------------Vincent Vango, Jesse Michaels, Les Claypool, Bach, Albert Einstein, Luke Skywalker, Heman, Bruce Li, Hunter S. Thomson, Alfred Hitchcock, MC Escher, HR Giger, PUSHEAD, Wes Craven, Tim Burton, Edgar Allan Poe, Angus Oblong, Charles Addams, H.P. Lovecraft, Cliff Burton, Stephen King, Roland Deschain