DJ Jester (a.k.a)The Jester YupYup profile picture

DJ Jester (a.k.a)The Jester YupYup

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Entertainer by nature ,Father by choice,,,,,My son is my pride and joy in life. Then comes music and its ability to influence people. Music as always had an influence in my life, it seems I was friends with or related to someone some where in the industry thru out my whole life. I however never got the proverbial break in that side of things ,,I started off as a salesman early in my life and thru those experiences I have became a promotional manager for radio and bands, seems the guy everyone knows has finally had a calling,,Being able to help future musical icons get there start is huge blessing in my life,I am proud to try and make a difference and if all else fails I allowed a few peoples dreams of getting their music heard to happen, no matter how much a piece of crap they are. Even a turd needs love too.Yeah for can reach me thru my email: "[email protected]"I live a free spirit life,, I am currently in a Poly-relationship ,I am the Master of a beautiful soul I call my Pet yes my Pet has a collar,,,what ya think I am a negligible Master? she is openly BI , I am straight and we have a lot of friends in the gay community and probally find us hangin out at the Pride parade in Des Moines every year. She has recently met the lady of her dreams. The 3 of us all live together as one happy family and things couldn't be more complete in our lives.

My Interests

I am a gamer/geek always have been a dorky nerd always will,,,,NERDS RULE!!!!you may think I am a nerd but my pets say I am hot,ummmm think I will take their opinion,I am also big into pre-1840 reenactments. Currently I am rebuilding my career, everyone has hopes and dreams and to lose sight of those is a tragic. No matter what I always pick myself up from the bootstraps and onward ho.I am encompassed by music and love DJ/MC work, started here in DSM at the lumberyard , currently running a karaoke show. I love to sing, maybe some day I may end up on the other end of spectrum and be announced by one of my fellow DJ brethren.
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I'd like to meet:

Myspace Graphics
Open minded free spirits, enough of the carbon copy drones. Really enjoy meeting the entertainers in life , we are a unique breed and all different flavors. Everyday people that enjoy life is a blessing as well,,,,,but the negative bastards are fun to play with.and of course any and all members of the Window Licker's Association


Too diverse to mention anything specific,,,,,, you can check out some of my list on the web radio station as I am on the graveyard shift from 11pm till mornings central standard time,,,, the ip to add to your winamp ishttp:// ------please add to your friends list, this is the stations myspace,,please click the psych0banner below to go to our station
Come visit the Asylum!


MySpace Layouts

Long Live Bruce Campbell!!!!


Read Many in my time ,again too diverse,,everything from American Lit to D&D adventures,poetry and philosophy,,theology and temporal mechanics,,,,just pick, I am a jack of all traits and Master of ..uhh,,oh ya MY PET...


Robbin Williams,George Carlin, Andy Kauffman, and add Jeff Dunham to the list of inspirations

My Blog

How To Get Music On My Show

Hmmm, Never been a blogger but was asked soooo many time how to get on "The Jester's Lounge "  on ,so i figure this would probally be the best medium. a) Best thing ya can do ...
Posted by DJ Jester (a.k.a)The Jester YupYup on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:23:00 PST