I am a gamer/geek always have been a dorky nerd always will,,,,NERDS RULE!!!!you may think I am a nerd but my pets say I am hot,ummmm think I will take their opinion,I am also big into pre-1840 reenactments. Currently I am rebuilding my career, everyone has hopes and dreams and to lose sight of those is a tragic. No matter what I always pick myself up from the bootstraps and onward ho.I am encompassed by music and love DJ/MC work, started here in DSM at the lumberyard , currently running a karaoke show. I love to sing, maybe some day I may end up on the other end of spectrum and be announced by one of my fellow DJ brethren.
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Open minded free spirits, enough of the carbon copy drones. Really enjoy meeting the entertainers in life , we are a unique breed and all different flavors. Everyday people that enjoy life is a blessing as well,,,,,but the negative bastards are fun to play with.and of course any and all members of the Window Licker's Association
Too diverse to mention anything specific,,,,,, you can check out some of my list on the web radio station as I am on the graveyard shift from 11pm till mornings central standard time,,,, the ip to add to your winamp ishttp:// ------please add http://www.myspace.com/psych0radio to your friends list, this is the stations myspace,,please click the psych0banner below to go to our station
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Read Many in my time ,again too diverse,,everything from American Lit to D&D adventures,poetry and philosophy,,theology and temporal mechanics,,,,just pick, I am a jack of all traits and Master of ..uhh,,oh ya MY PET...
Robbin Williams,George Carlin, Andy Kauffman, and add Jeff Dunham to the list of inspirations