Himmel Strasse is a band located in France and it was formed in March 2005.
The name have been chosen to denounce the atrocity of murders upon Jewish people during the Second World War. It was the name given to the path taken by Jewish people to reach gas rooms.
Fox, Jano, Rémi (ex-bass guitarist), Vivian (ex-guitarist) and Helvic (ex-drummer) were the very first former members. Later, in July 2005, Will arrived to the band in order to perform drums and the band reaches the actual line-up : Fox (guitars), Will (drums) and Jano (bass and vocals).
They began working and soon they composed the first songs in Himmel Strasse.
Some gigs were scheduled, especially with Faerie and SoulReign.
After a number of gigs, the band sat down and decided to begin the new album project. “Bleeding Scars†relates the feelings of people in different moments of the life. Himmel Strasse produced the album at David Hanner studio. The sound in this cd is due to the hard work of David and the band.
Last 24th February, “Bleeding Scars†was released in France through Pyrenean Metal and Thrash The 666 and the band is seaching for a suitable label to release it worldwide.
The coming out of "Bleeding Scars" has been an important thing for the band, and reviews and interviews were made in Metal Bible, Twilight Metal or Pyrenean Metal, as well as shows with Artefact, Self Defense, Bullshit Inc., The Plague or Persefone.
Meanwhile, some gigs and more are to be done...
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