Count Smokula profile picture

Count Smokula

This is the Real Rock'n'Roll!!!mspmb allowScriptA

About Me

Count Smokula, it is believed, was born 496 years ago in the town of Yabatubursk, near Glipsch, in Smokesylvania. Yet through an old series of family remedies, medicinal plants and herbs, he has retained his boyish vigor, and most people can't imagine he is a day over 380.Even as a boy, The Count was known to possess miraculous powers of entertainment and was much in demand as a singer of Smokesylvanian songs of joy and for his exquisite playing of the SqveezeBox, which he performed at many Shlabans and other social events throughout the Shmear Province.Although from one of the oldest and most prominent Smokesylvanian families (his great-grandfather Sverdling of Smokula was considered the benefactor of the region, and his likeness hung outside The Great Latrine of Glipsch), the Smokula fortune had been greatly diminished by the time of The Count's birth, and in fact he was called The Count because of his ability to find Grooshiks (coins) and count them over and over again. it is to this childhood ritual to which The Count attributes his dazzling ability to count to five.When he was about 11 years of age, the terrible Blue Plague swept through Smokesylvania. The boy was quite ill for several months and at one time was not expected to recover. His mother, however, determined that The Count should live, summoned a kropsik lady, who after performing an elaborate votchnik ritual on him, saved his life. However, since the cure involved transfusions involving caffeine, The Count has had a constant sturggle with cafe latte addiction. Several stays in a rehabilitation clinic have helped to clean out his system, but even one cupp of the latte keeps him up at night, and that has accounted for his perpetual pallor. The disease also left him with an unnatural craving for blues music, which he needs to hear constantly or he reverts to a near catatonic state.Upon recovering from the plague the boy Count was determined to regain his health through physical acticity, and also needed some extra Grooshiks to help the now-struggling family, and so obtained employment in the tanning factory of Zakneh and for a time cleaned the public clocks in Glipsch. Being of a rather capricious nature, he amused himself by changing the times on all the clocks. The Glipschniks,unaware of the little trick played on them, and always following public clocks for their schedules, never got anywhere on time, and hence the expression "A Glipsch on time, never boils."Eventually, The Count grew up and emigrated to the United States. Smokesylvania had changed. Lightbulbs had emerged, and the villagers no longer huddled around their television sets watching their favorite programs by candlelight. The Count took a hard look around and realized that all the excitement and dazzling television guests could be found in The Hollywood of the California. And that is where he now makes his home - as host of the only talk show in America to show and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Smokesylvanian truth - God help us all.Check this out: A vild review!

My Interests


Member Since: 2/16/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Count Smokula and whoever shows up for the gig!
Influences: Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Bob Dylan, Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Louisiana Red, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Britney Spears, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Dolly Parton, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jerry Jeff Walker, Otis Blackwell, Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Oum Kalsoum, Fairouz, Bedouins, Ray Campi, Ronnie Mack, Theodore Bickel, Hamza El Din, Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan, Ry Cooder, Spike Jones, Weird Al Yankovic, Barbecue Bob and Susie, Horowitz, Shostokovich, Peggy Lee, Otis Blackwell, Fats Domino, Smokey Robinson, Smokey Miles, Donovan, Freddy King, BB King, Albert King, Elvis Presley the King, Pygmies, Roy Rogers, Tiny Tim, Don Ho, Kurt Weill, Beatles, Doors, Rolling Stones
Sounds Like: Count Smokula! Me! No vun else! Oh maybe Jackie Mason if he could sing!
Record Label: Glipsch Records, Bear Family, SK
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Count Smokula on Last Comic Standing promo!

Ve keep hearing through the vines vit grapes that ve're on the promo for NBC's "Last Comic Standing" vhich is entirely possible due to our recent ectivities. If anyvun has a copy ve vould be heppy to ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:57:00 PST

The Count Smokula Show!

Oh boy, there was some intense activity going on in the past couple of months in Smokesylvania!!!We shot webisodes for "The Count Smokula Show" - sketch comedy, comedy and music!Special guests include...
Posted by Count Smokula on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:20:00 PST

Count Smokula on "Insider" CBS TV tomorrow!

Here's the exciting news: Entertainment Tonight's "Insider" will air a story on body doubles in Hollywood featuring exclusive shots from "The Count Smokula Show" webisode shoot with Count Smokula and ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

Fangoria vas Amazing!

This weekend I went to the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors at the L.A. Convention Center. I performed at the Saturday night cocktail party for all the vips and gold guests!The Radioactive Chicken Heads (t...
Posted by Count Smokula on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:57:00 PST

Me busy boy!

I haven't blogged for avhile since I've been so darn vildly busy!!!Shooting webisodes of "The Count Smokula Show" for The Real UHF network to be coming out in the fall! It's gonna be amazing! George ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:31:00 PST

Zombie Walk, Living Dead Festival was a blast!

Saturday was the Great Zombie Walk and Living Dead Festival at the Key Club in Hollywood I played with the Radioactive Chicken Heads backing me up and Bill Manspeaker from Green Jello as a guest. Th...
Posted by Count Smokula on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:23:00 PST

Count Smokula on Rue Morgue Radio!

Count Smokula on Rue Morgue Radio!Brand new interview with Count Smokula hosted by Liisa La Douceur The BloodSpattered Guide this week starts today!Check it out at http://www. ruemorgueradio. com/...
Posted by Count Smokula on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:42:00 PST

Fifty-Five Hundred Dollar an Hour Snatch!

FIFTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR AN HOUR SNATCHBy Count SmokulaI heard the moralistic self-righteous vice-busting Governor of The Great State of New York got caught playing with some very expensive vixens  ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:00 PST

Boithday Vishes for the Great Riffel!

I vas honored vhen The Great Miss Rena Riffel, Hollyvood movie star, singer and model added my Heppy Boithday Vishes for her on her ectual blog!!! I think she's a heppy boithday goil now!Our Glamazon ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:36:00 PST

Count Smokula on Tom Green Show!

To prove vunce again, I' m the hardest voiking vampire in show business I did 2 hours of live tv yesterday!!!Count Smokula was on two one hour Tom Green Shows which streamed live at and ...
Posted by Count Smokula on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:00:00 PST