Dodgy Demo Club profile picture

Dodgy Demo Club

"That's well Dodgy"

About Me

Q. WHATS THIS DEMO CLUB ABOUT THEN ?The collective like to work in one take to capture the raw first idea. The members belive that the true spirit of the song appears at its first creation, and no matter how naive ,rough amatuer the songs sound there is a freshness that is gained by not polishing out the bumnotes and reworking to excess.Q. BUT THAT'S NOT VERY PROFFESSIONAL IS IT ?It depends on your point of view ,but we belive it has a charm and honesty that repetitive reworking can destroy .Like early punk rock its raw ,homespun and its ours and we don't care !Q. SO YOU DONT CARE ?Well everyone likes to be liked and we would love to hear from people who dig our sound ,but we also know that a lot of people wont get it ,but we wont let that stop us experimenting. We know the collective has more inspiration than outright talent ,but we see that the sum is greater than its parts. We will keep on keeping on, and add new demos all the time because we have plenty of ideas. Thats what the Demo Club is about

My Interests


Member Since: 2/29/2008
Influences: 70's Punk, 80's chic , 90'shoegaze, The Clash, The Damned, The Mockers, Vic Goddard, Morrissey, Boothill Footappers, Sir William Bragg, The Walnut Dash, The Primatives, John Peel, Cars Can be Blue, Eugene Kelly Helen Love, Zipper -Cremallera, Mikabomb, The Spazzys, Holly Golightly, Billy Childish, White Stripes, The Jam, The Upper Room, Cornmo, The Hives, Revillos, Twister, They Might be Giants, Monopuff, The Polecats, Johnny Cash , Anorak Girl, J Church,

Myspace layouts from

Sounds Like: Your Dad singing in the bathroom
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Tip of the week !

Hi Alljust thought that if you fancy giving your ears a treat why not check out this band on my spacedronjo kept by 4 -- twist on the Jesus and mary chan and Bloo...
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:46:00 PST


Well the world thrives on chnge .. .. so here is our new Dodgy Demo !Its based on our contempt for advertising -  "Pentipeptides " "Bifidus Digestum" "Good Bacteria " etc etc , God they annoy us ...
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:10:00 PST

Saturday - A Dodgy Demo

Well "Saturday" is the most recent upload from the Dodgy workshop. As you would expect its a "Well Dodgy" original. Sorry , but "Mollys Lips" had to go to make space for this Nothing clever ...
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:47:00 PST

David Watts -tribute ?

Well covers are often a touchy subject ,should you mess with the oridginal especially if you are as Dodgy as us ? Well we did ,and enjoyed it We were all introduced to it by The Jam and we must thank ...
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:16:00 PST

Mollys Lips

A rush release in trubute to the brief Vaselines reunion gig. You should really check out the Vaselines and Eugene Kellys solo work its well worth it.  
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:07:00 PST

Production Values

Sorry the Club dont have any of these, we are not technically minded - which adds to our homespun charm perhaps !
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

Those that have gone before

Well as we say we are constantly changing our style and getting new ideas (all random) and some of you may have missed previous efforts. These were My way or the highway - a bouncy ditty without drum ...
Posted by Dodgy Demo Club on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:53:00 PST