Shanne Skratch had a strange dream about a band wearing rubber suits covered in Nipples.Three years later in 1976 after a short spin in The Launderettes with Ray Pist and Chaotic Bass, The Nipple Erectors were formed.The place being her damp bedsit in The Arsenal North London .
Ms Shanne Bradley Bass and Mr Shane O' Hooligan Macgowan Vocals were joined by Mr Roger Towndrow on geetar.The band continued in various incarnations until 1981. At one stage even having to bow to pressure to shorten their name to The Nips from the men who ran an independent record company.. because getting gigs as The Nipple Erectors was out of the question.
Shanne has continued forming and playing in various bands, the best known being The Men They Couldn't Hang her last performance being in 2006 at Birmingham Icon gallery with a deaf performance artist Aaron Williamson in Clippety Clop. The notorious Shane still gigs with Pogue Mahone.
Various records by The Nipple Erectors have come out but sadly the band have had very little to do with them apart from the actual original writing, playing and recording.Anyone who would like to pay us royalties owed from the last 30 years is most welcome.