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Clown Vomit


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**The following information is fact-based and is meant to educate the public on the true nature and origins on the musical act that is known as Clown Vomit**
What is Clown Vomit?
Clown Vomit is a musical act that traces its roots back to The New World Odor- The ancient esoteric society that has been serving humanity for several thousand years as the only organization committed to stopping musical manipulation and auditory propaganda on the public at large. Clown Vomit merely exists as a mere subsidiary to accomplish the musical societal objectives put forth by the New World Odor, such as spreading The Musical Gospel of Instigation and Marination. This vision and mission statement to work as to make a type of collectivisational, yet musical-unitarian process underlies the work of Clown Vomit. Ergo, Clown Vomit is much more than a musical act- it is objective self-with standing philosophy about concepts of Nature and the role of Humans (in an evolutionary role).
Who is Clown Vomit?
Members of Clown Vomit are selected and chosen by The New World Odor, which through an extensive divine network of musical philosophies, seeks to forever change the way the listener experiences the sound and nature of the musical aesthetic. Members of Clown Vomit are representatives of not only The New World Odor, but the objective truth of Musical Instigation and Marination. Clown Vomit members are subject to very serious and very strict codes of musical ethics, which in turn is meant to break down the individual musical stimuli, and further transmit the performer/performers into the essence of The Instigation. Many years of hard work and dedication to The New World Odor are recommended in the philosophy of Instigation in order to fully become self-aware (In The Instigatory Sence). In order to be received and respected by members of the Clown Vomit musical collective, as well as the Clown Vomit greater community, some Clown Vomit members may need to go to harsh extremes to prove allegiance to The Vomit.** Some members are chosen by The World Odor for only a brief length of time to be in Clown Vomit, while other members may dedicate their entire lives to the cause of Musical Instigation and Marination. While performing in Clown Vomit, the musicians turn over all possessions and personal items until The New World Odor decides when their doody is finished.
**In the very rare instance, the Clown Vomit representative may indeed need to transfer their entire soul to the cause of The New World Odor for unknown or known purposes. This is only done in the rare instance when proof of allegiance to The Vomit is incomplete.**
Where is Clown Vomit?
Clown Vomit is currently residing in The New York region, on 58 acres of organic farmland. With the hopes of purchasing 238 more acres to further the musical prophecy of The New World Odor, Clown Vomit will be working to relay it’s message of Instigation to the greater public at large in a historic, and technologically changing society. In the spectrum of music however, Clown Vomit represents the entire musical spectrum, from instrumentation, to dynamics, tempo, rhythm, and style as well as genre. Clown Vomit, and more importantly the philosophical truth of Musical Instigation and Marination, have no boundaries or limits.
When is Clown Vomit?
Ancient History, and Sub-Ancient History-
Although certain records are unclear as to the exact true nature and origins of Clown Vomit, historians agree on one general factor- There is proof and evidence that Clown Vomit was first conceived and proposed onto the masses by Emperor Julius Caesar over two thousand years age. Modern science and technology can now confirm that around 45 B.C., Emperor Julius Caesar had been receiving divine revelations as to the mathematical schematics for the Theremin- a major element to the Instigation doctrine and instrument of Clown Vomit. Members of the Roman Senate soon began to grow weary of Caesar’s unacceptable behavior. Caesar would sit up all night for hours making large batches of Eggsalad recipes for all of his friends and family members. They would often have stay up for hours and often have to play to his strange and odd behavior, which ranged from down right silly to abundantly cruel. Caesar would often claim to be able to raise the dead with the imaginary Theremin, as well as being able to move large bodies of water and mountains with the Theremin. Caesar was later charged with public acts of randomness, immorality, corrupting the youth, musical inpropriety, and for what would later be called by modern scholars as a fundamental factor of The New World Odor and all of it's underlying philosophies- Instigation. History now tells us that it was Julius Caesar, and Julius Caesar alone who received the Clown Vomit revelation just hours before his murder, which unknowingly would greatly alter the course of musical history. Before his murder on March 15, 44 B.C., Julius Caesar had just given what has now been clarified by modern theologians as The One Great Speech. In this tremendous sermon, Emperor Julius Caesar laid the foundational for what would later be known as The New World Odor. He outlined principles of Musical Instigation and Marination, what would become to be known as Clown Vomit, and The Theremin. The Gospel was supposed to be received with joy, but instead was received with anger and malicity. Julius Caesar was murdered the mid afternoon of March 15, 44 B.C. by a group of musical communists and conspirators who had despised of the new musical philosophical principles, proposed by Julius Caesar himself. The Musical Instigation and Marination laid dead for hundreds of years out of sight, but always worked underground, with an extensive network of doctors, scientists, lawyers, all working collaboratively for a reason not yet explored or realized. However, The Instigation returned fullforce in 1776, when American hero Nathan Hale rediscovered it in a tree stump in the Appalachian Mountains. Hale had been participating in an all you can eat Eggsalad competition when he witnessed The Gospel of Marination firsthand, which would give rise to the first ever organization tied to concepts of a Societal Musical Instigation. It was Nathan Hale who formed the secret organization, which we now refer to today as The New World Odor. He headed the organization until his death in 1776. Feelings of sorrow and loss penetrated the philosophies for years and years after the death of Nathan Hale. For the next 125 years, The New World Odor worked behind the scenes without a director or president spreading the Glorious Gospel of Instigation and initiating musical ideological change, until 1901 when the revelation was received by then future President of The United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt had been aware of the philosophies of Instigation and Marination from his days exploring the American west. Several Native American communities are also aware of it's great power and translucense, and Roosevelt was sure to be aware of it by the time he was president. It was Roosevelt, and Roosevelt alone who being skilled in electrical engineering and computer science, built the world’s first ever Theremin from the ancient schematics derived from the mind of Julius Caesar.
Modern History-
In early 2001, librarian Basil Chunkington III and commercial fisherman Rhubarb Siesta were driving home late after a concert in Pennsylvania. Suddenly at around 3 a.m. Basil realized that a ghost was in the middle of the road. Shocked and scared, Rhubarb pulled to the side of the road to see if the ghost needed some type of help or medical assistance. It turned out that the ghost was just in the need of a ride to the nearest town, his car had ran out of gas and he was waiting for a good samaritan. Basil and Rhubarb gladly allowed the ghost in the car and drove to the next town, making minor chit chat. After several moments of silence, the ghost informed him that he was infact The Ghost of Theodore Roosevelt, and was sent for a reason to choose both Basil Chunkington III and Rhubarb Siesta to represent Clown Vomit as it's Co-Directors on behalf of The New World Odor. After denying such a position, Roosevelt pulled out a large rifle and made Basil and Rhubarb get out of the car. They walked into the woods off the road and were brought to a house where it was revealed to Basil and Rhubarb that it was their destiny to be in the musical act known as Clown Vomit. After talking about it for several moments with each other, Rhubarb began bellowing to the heavens in tongues uncontrollably. Theodore pulled out the Theremin from his Moose head on the wall, and tried to use it to stop Rhubarb from hallucinating, who by now was also flying in the air. He was unsuccessful. Fearing for his friend's life as well as his own, Basil began waving his hands infront of the Theremin and began to feel a part of The Instigation. Rhubarb fell from the heavens, and since that time Basil Chunkington III and Rhubarb Siesta have been working on behalf of The New World Odor to recruit Clown Vomit members and to spread the Gospel of Musical Instigation and Marination with the glorious musical act known as Clown Vomit.
In retrospect to Clown Vomit, Clown Vomit has been a derivative of a much greater societal issue that has been with mankind for thousands of years. As far as a time frame, a complete history of Clown Vomit is inaccurate and unclear. In other words- Clown Vomit represents the past, present and future of the entire musical spectrum.
How is Clown Vomit?
Clown Vomit is a community driven musical act, which exists for one reason- to serve the public musically and bring the Gospel of Instigation to the forefront of popular musical thought. In order to do this, Clown Vomit assembles members with help from their subsidiary- The New World Odor who are chosen and selected for their leadership qualities and dedication to the musical discipline. Clown Vomit is run independently and seeks donations as well as fees for their musical services. At the heart of Clown Vomit, is a firm belief in the power of musical originalism and an intellectual sarcasm that shadows over the musical intent. Recently Clown Vomit has been longing to pass legislation along with The New World Odor to receive some kind of funding in order to practice The Musical Instigation to the fullest ability.
Why is Clown Vomit?
Clown Vomit is still around today in order to spread the ancient gospel of Instigation in a contemporary. Everything else that is personified in auditory form from Clown Vomit is a natural cause and response of a much greater societal problem. The music that is put forth on the standard basis of Clown Vomit, is still an even further reaction of the problem of mass generated music. Until The New World Odor informs Clown Vomit of a different path of musical variety, Clown Vomit will be penetrating the minds of men, women, and children everywhere- educating them on the musical idiom, and enlightening them along the treacherous path.

THIS IS CLOWN VOMIT!!!!! Name Clown Vomit Birthday Sometime in the winter Birthplace Earth Current Location Currently the Vomit is based in New York. We all have day jobs on the organic farm and sometimes we play on the swing sets in Central Park. If you see us, stop over and say hi. We will probably ignore you. Hair Color It changes depending on the weather and humidity. For example- In New York it is black and in New Jersey it is brown, while in Rhode Island it is a light silvery tarnish flavor. Height Several meters. The Shoes You Wore Today We believe in the philosophy of Marination which strictly preaches against horrid inventions such as shows. Your Weakness Red 40, Bisephnol A Your Fears The Brooklyn Brawler Your Perfect Pizza Marinated Fried Strawberry Eggsalad Pizza (with a wince of garlic) Your Most Overused Phrase On Instant Messenger DO YOU LIKE EGGS?????????????????????? Thoughts First Waking Up Where is the powdered guacamole? Your Best Physical Feature Rectum Single or Group Dates All of Clown Vomit's members are asexual beings. Paulentine Powers, for example, has never even seen a sexual organ. He grew up in the hands of parents who were survivors of The Great MudShark Tragedy of the 1970's. This has left a remark on Paulentine so severly dreadful, that even to this day he refuses to speak about the incident citing privacy laws in 17 states. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea Both of these companies create the crappiet Ice Tea known to the planet. Clown Vomit has been drinking Ice Tea exclusively for generations and generations. An ancient recipe that was recieved upon astral projecton has layered the open field for all of the Clown Vomit history. Do you Smoke Bananadine. Do you Sing No. Do you Shower Daily No. Do you want to go to College No. Do you want to get Married Clown Vomit is married. Do you belive in yourself Clown Vomit IS the self. Do you get Motion Sickness Only when moving. Do you think you are Attractive Marlon Brandon thought so. Are you a Health Freak We are all really terrified of the recent problems with the food supply. We do not shower, but use vinegar as a daily bodily rub down to insulate the goodness. Do you get along with your Parents Noone in Clown Vomit has parents. They all left each of us in a field. We were raised by wolves in the Catskill Mountains and at the age of 13, Dumme Wasser killed all of them with his bare hands, turning on the only family we had. In the past month have you Drank Alcohol We only drink rubbing alcohol on the rocks. In the past month have you Smoked Bananadine. In the past month have you been on Drugs Yes, bananadine. In the past month have you gone on a Date No we move together like conjoined sextuplets. It is hard to sit down at a restaurant. Paulentine's ass usually get's in someone's bread and butter. In the past month have you gone to a Mall Only to instigate. In the past month have you been on Stage Only to insult the audience and play really instigating music. In the past month have you been Dumped We do not date. In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping No that is a deadly sin. Skin is not meant to be observed. Ever been called a Tease Just in bed, as we are rubbing hot mushroom sauce on each other's shadow elbow. Ever been Beaten up Clown Vomit is the one who beats up. All of the other bands today do not realize their place as a unitary bystander in the face of The New World Odor. If any band gets in our way, we will do our doody on them to spread the instigation internally. How do you want to Die In the middle of a dwarf invasion. What do you want to be when you Grow Up An Instigator What country would you most like to Visit The New World Odor has enforced us to stay in The United States until further notice. Rumors are flying about a tour of Japan, or even Paraguay. Number of Drugs I have taken 6 pills of frozen sour cream inserted throw the nostrils taken before and after each meal. It releases endorphins from the nutsack which then causes a rush of marination which can last several hours. Number of CDs I own Every Magma CD, Trout Mask Replica, Banchee, the first Shakti album.... that's it. Number of Piercings Every member of Clown Vomit has the same piercing. What began as a sick dare, turned out to be the greatest decision Clown Vomit has ever made. Each member has a cherry red diamond pierced directly below the kneecap. Incase of an emergency, the kneecap can be used as a fierce weapon causing both destruction, and pain. Number of Tattoos Thereminist Chester Bea Arthur has a profile of Harry Truman tattoed above his left shoulder while vocalist Rubarb Siesta has the word 'MOM' tattoed below his belly button. In a Boy/Girl... Favorite Eye Color Translucent yellow. Favorite Hair Color Male Pattern Baldness. Short or Long Hair Male Pattern Baldness. Height Tall and strong like Billy Crystal. Weight Really, really fat people... Walter Hudson fat. Best Clothing Style The one from the 30's. Best Myspace Surveys

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:
Basil Chunkington III / Theremin, Vocals, Squeezebox, Co-Director

Opal Magnus / Drums, Vocals

Paulentine Powers / Guitar, Vocals

Larry 'Chip' Jones / Saxophone, Clarinet in B flat, Flute

Obsedian Mekanik / Guitar, Vocals

Rubarb Siesta / Bass, Vocals, Co-Director

Influences: Gerald Bostock, Pythagoras, Christian Vander, Hans Moleman, Charles Ives, Iannis Xenakis, Theodore Roosevelt, Bruce Lee, Rasputin, Professor Hiney Experience, Walt Disney, Ray Bradbury, Clive Bunker, Vincent Furnier, Travis Bickle, Robert Englund, Sigourney Weaver, Harpo Marx, Nathan Hale, Oscar Peterson, Winston Churchill, Charles Mingus, Archimedes, Jethro Tull, Stanley Kubrick, Adam West, Lucielle Ball, Leopold Mozart, Claude Debussy, George Harrison, Isaac Newton, Christiaan Huygens, John Coltrane, Joseph Manieri, Jon Ritter, Ginger Baker, The Wright Brothers, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Duane Allman, Andy Kaufman, Alexander Graham Bell, Gene Wilder, Bill Cosby, Bing Crosby, Sam Walton, Erik Satie, Barriemore Barlow, Ian Anderson.
Sounds Like: Unlike anything you have ever heard before. Some people call it divine and heavenly, while others are terrifyed by the multiple levels of musical vibrations that penetrate their ears. Clown Vomit exists somewhere in between the known and the unknown. Imagine a wonderful land scape with beautiful oak trees, purple flowers, red strawberries, and a golden fox. Now imagine an eagle flying above and doodying on your shoulder. That is what Clown Vomit represents. The awareness, and acceptance of a changing ideology.

Buy Clown Vomit @ iTunes!!

Record Label: DIY
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Eggsalad and Doody Bomb mixes, Album updates, The Weekly Standard, more info

Vomit-heads,It’s been a long time indeed since we last spoke... Friends indeed. There is good news, and there is sad news. Swell news and bad news. Many rumours have been circling on the int...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:19:00 PST


Vomit-heads,By mere chance in this universe, it turns out that it seems that after a brief relapse into the suffering of the ages, some glorious news of glorious Instigation has appeared into the main...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:59:00 PST

Join The Official Clown Vomit Mailing List

Vomitheads,Click on the link to go to the Clown Vomit site. From there add your name in that little box and you'll be added to the most magical, colorful, most scrumptious mailing list of all time. We...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST

Clown Vomit CMJ Spotlight Artist of the week 9/21-9/28 + New Album News!!!

Companions,Indeed friends and lovers we have extraordinary news abroad to tell you. We shall start from the beginning, where it usually awaits the pondering...Work on The New World Odor album has beg...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:58:00 PST

Help Clown Vomit open for Au Revoir Simone at The Canal Room by voting for them online!

Vomit-heads,Friends...Perhaps more good news to put on top of the sundae. Perhaps, perhaps. It turns out, by what Clown Vomit internally believes is because of the force of instigation, that Clown V...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:53:00 PST

Feel The Yellow Instigation

Vomit-heads, People are saying they like eggs. yes!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!We are going to start this blog off with a little instigation that we have to address. Many of the Vomit fans having b...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:21:00 PST

How to recieve a discounted Clown Vomit ticket for June 22 at Crash Mansion

The rumours are true. Several days ago Clown Vomit recieved an incoming message from a publicist that we were indeed to perform at the NY Emergenza finals to be held Friday June 22, 2007 at Crash Man...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:46:00 PST

Introducing The Vomit Bus,

Vomiteers,As many of your thousands of fans can surmise, Clown Vomit is still involved in perhaps the planet's greatest battle of the bands- Emergenza. And while, the journey has been vulumptious and...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:31:00 PST

Clown Vomit Radio Theme Song....

Vomiteers,After more then five years of continuous musical obstrictions, there has been a breakthrough in what we would call the first big break in the musical spectrum of that which is Clown Vomit's ...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:24:00 PST

More Vomit

Vomiteers,We have recently recieved notification from several people in the vomit community concerned about Rubarb Siesta's rambunctious interview on Boston University Radio. While the interview itse...
Posted by Clown Vomit on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:27:00 PST