--Spreading wisdom, my thoughts, and understanding others. --Interested in finding my Soul-Mate! --Anything out side!! Camping, fishing, hiking! ANYTHING! --Supporting and enjoying web radio! www.psych0radio.com --Learning, accepting, teaching, loving, and being someone I can respect!--Getting to know YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't be the last to get your own straight jacket for the asylum! We have the best PILLS around!
People who believe in the theory of: We all can agree to disagree.Anyone who wants to promote there art! Networking is the key! "Beings" from other worlds!My dad.
My Soul! My Breath! My very BEING!24/7 it is around me, flowing through me and out of me.I can't find the words to describe how I feel about the art of music. I respect and support every type.Been involved with a web radio who has captured my life. My best friends are involved, my man DJ's and shares a Promotion Manager Title with me. I have totally embraced the local bands of AMERICA! The station is a 24/7 site where you can listen to DJ's all over the world! We LOVE taking request and entertaining our listeners in the chat room. My man/owner of my soul, DJ's from 11PM to 5AM Central time Sunday - Wednesday. DJ Jester is a wickedly awe inspiring DJ who will take you on a musical journey if you let Him! Come join Jesters MADDNESS in Jesters Lounge!DJ Jester also DJ's and runs Karaoke here in Newton, IA. We are having a BIG Karaoke Contest! If anyone one wants some info. on that let me know. It is world wide so if you need local info. I can still help you on that.
I am a Movie girl! The only ones you won't see me watching are anything to do with War. I am way too emotional and I really do hate crying for a girl who crys a lot! LOL
When I actually sit down in front of the TV screen I am usually in "off" mode. I go for the basics. Real-TV, Comedy movies, and anything involving music. Oh, and a good sports game! Love watching two equally good teams go head-on!
Now, I can SO get into a good book. I tend to read Horror, Fiction, but do love good old poem books, and anything that teaches you something.
Heroes are hard to find anymore. At one time I looked up to my mom, preachers, police... all worthy to be called heroes but each one has let me down 'cause in the end like me the are all human. Guess that says that we all can be heroes too. I look up to people who are not "sheep" who think for them self, who are willing to push beyond what every one else thinks, try new things, and who are willing to listen and agree to disagree sometimes. To those I tip my hat. *smile*