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If you are indeed the exception who wishes to befriend me for what is presented here, please let me know and I will gladly send you a friend request. I apologize for any inconvenience this may pose to those of you who are genuinely interested in the exchange of paranormal and otherworldly enlightenment, but felt the need to discern from bands who simply wish to post networking adds on this page. I look forward to meeting all of you!!!
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I've been a performing drummer for more than 14 years now, and have experienced and endured much in the form of hardship, having made numerous mistakes along the way. But then again, that's what make's life most fulfulling by granting you the enlightenment of how not to repeat those mistakes. It is this realization that allows me to say with the utmost sincerity, that I'm TRULY greatful for every single downfall, in knowing that had I not gone through all that I have, my desire to seek more in life might not be.
Hence my definition of what life really is:
Having to Fall down and rise yet again so as to acquire the knowledge of what caused you to fall.
Along the way in experiencing all of what has been my short albiet fulfiling life, I became more and more dissatisfied with what our society offered up as being "TRUTH". I began to feel an overwhelming urge to want more than this prison like physical existence, and felt that there just had to be more to life than to work a 9 to 5, pay a few bills, acquire luxuries and posessions and die. Through my family, who became more and more metaphysical with each passing year, I soon dismissed my fear of all that is considered to be "Occult", and began searching for more. Where once I was terrified by the thought of otherworldly existence, I soon began to embrace the realization that they are already living amongst us, and could've destroyed us long ago if they so desired. This led me to ask then, why are they here? Of course, Hollywood would love to make thrilling movies of alien abduction and invasion in order to terrify us while skyrocketing box office reviews. But what if these so called "Aliens" are not primative warfaring beings who live to destroy everything outside of themselves. Hostility, hatred and greed are selfish inhibitions of man, not evolved beings. What if their purpose was not to take from us, but rather to give us what they have to offer in order to help us become what we were truly meant to be. Through this I began to find what I had been searching for all along... PURPOSE.
Maybe not the purpose for all in this lifetime, but definitely for myself and others like myself. I felt that this newfound purpose would come through love and enlightenment for all and not just for some. I know that I am still existing in human form, and that unconditional love is something I've yet to fully acquire, but I wish to ascend to become more than this. Where I no longer feel selfish emotions and understand that all life is connected and so, part of a whole. That we are all of "God" or Spirit, and so are in actuality fragments of one spiritual entity who were merely stripped of our divinity in order to fulfill our quest to find our way once again re-evolving into even greater beings than we once were.
My purpose became to become better than I am as a spiritual being having a physical experience, and to unite with others who feel as I feel in hopes to help the world ascend to a much higher realm of consciousness. Like many others, I am still just finding my way along this path called life, but nevertheless will continue seeking truth and enlightenment for as long as this experience lasts.
THANKS: DaliborUFO's & The Secret Government THE Most Powerful Lecture I've ever come across... A MUST WATCH!!!
Thanks to: T And D A V I DHow the Government has worked to hide the truth from us for years!!!
Thanks: Dalibor USA Trips to Mars, and its Inhabitants

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Anything beautiful and artistic. I love utilizing the ability to create things, whether it's music or visual art. I love partaking in most anything that helps me to escape the worries of a world that seems bent on destruction.

All About 2012
Why 2012?
Secrets of The Mayan Calendar Part 1
Secrets of The Mayan Calendar Part 2
Secrets of The Mayan Calendar Part 2

(By Ian Xel Lungold)

I'll admit that this series Starts out slow making you wonder where he's going with this, and whether or not it's worth your time to watch. Well I PROMISE that this is most certainly worth your time. Understand that he gradually builds into the true purpose he's moving to explain.
This 3 hour presentation is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's break thru discoveries of the structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness. "Ian takes a complex subject such as The Mayan Calendar and makes it very easy to understand on a personal level". He also clearly points out how the Schedule of Creation can be tracked when one looks at past historical events and relates that information to what to expect in the near future leading up to 2012.

The Mayan Calendar comes North Part1
The Mayan Calendar comes North Part2

I'd like to meet:

Musically, I would like to meet Hendrix..... but that just doesn't seem very likely, maybe in another life though. Ultimately, I would like to meet Pleiadians and Andromedans, and Arcturians.


The Truth IS Out There....The Question Is.... DO YOU REALLY WANT THE TRUTH!?!?

Anyone who still wonders "ARE WE ALONE" should probably see this. Perhaps afterwards, you'll be better prepared to join those of us who refute the "conspirators" by forming some "theories" of your own. Finally,The Disclosure Project DVD is available.If you haven't taken the time to watch these interviews, you may wish to as the events they detail are very fascinating.

Thanks: D A V I DDisclosure Project interviews PART 1
Disclosure Project interviews PART 2

THANKS: DaliborAlien Abduction Seminar

The Roswell Incident, A Cover-up??? The Complete Story Everyone seemed to know about it except for those who mattered most... The General Public!!!

THANKS: Theophilism The History of Satanism A Closer Look at The Possible Origins of Man and Secret Societies

TERROR STORM Can you handle the truth?

Thanks: johnStar Wars Vs. The NWO I've tried forever to explain to my skeptical friends how George Lucas's last 3 installments of Star Wars was created in the perfect likeness of what was to come for America, unbeknownst to us until 9/11 took place Was he trying to tell us something.... why don't you watch and decide for yourself

THANKS: DaliborUFO's & The Secret Government THE Most Powerful Lecture I've ever come across... A MUST WATCH!!!

Animals need all the friends they can get!



If you've already added MYM to your page THANK YOU!! If not will you PLEASE add the video to your page so more people can see what happens to animals to produce meat, eggs and dairy products!? If you do not want it to autoplay on your page consider adding it to a blog.

Thank you!!!

For the Animals, =]


Butterball's House of Horrors: A PETA Undercover Investigation

Butterball's House of Horrors: A PETA Undercover Investigation

What's Wrong With Dairy and Eggs?

The "Free-Range" Myth

The Protein Myth

Ecological Effects of Animal Agriculture

Protecting Your Bones

Vegan Holiday Recipes

Factory Farming Fact Sheet

Seattle Vegetarian Restaurant Guide

Portland Vegetarian Restaurant Guide

Here are a few basic but colorful banners linking to our MySpace page. Feel free to add one or more of these as well. Thanks again!

Please help us spread awareness by adding one or more of our banners and also the Meet Your Meat video to your page.



This is an article from ALIENSHIFT.NET Please read with an open mind.............................-2012-INTRODUCTION -
As incredible as it may seem to many people, humanity on Earth is in the process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We are to become a galactic civilization, interacting positively with the many star system civilizations in our galaxy and universe, and indeed other universes. It is our true destiny to change from a society based on fear and competition, to one based on love, peace, and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the quickening change.We live in an invisible universe (often referred to as spiritual realms, or Heaven) as well as the visible universe, which is the only part most people believe exists. The real truth has been hidden from us so we would eventually remember and discover who we really are, great immortal beings of universal knowledge and wisdom, closely connected to our physical brothers and sisters in space, and those in the spiritual realms. Unfortunately many governments, religions, and philosophies have been manipulated to keep much of the truth from us so others could retain power and control. The recent retaliation to so-called terrorist attacks in the USA will, in time, be shown to be one of the final attempts to keep us under control. However, it is time for a great change in understanding by world populations, who mainly want peace, despite what is presented to us by a manipulated mass media.Many people feel "something is about to happen", but because much of the current change is in the invisible universe, before manifesting in the visible universe, it is difficult to comprehend at first. We have actually been part of a grand "experiment", having agreed at a higher level of understanding to be here in these exciting "end times", the end of one civilization, and the beginning of a new one, known as the Seventh Golden Age that we will co-create.Much has been written, spoken, and prophesized about our future. Some of this information was true at the original time of recording, but has since changed. Some of it was never true, and was intended to manipulate us. And some information was correct and still holds firm today. Sorting all this out is the difficult part. That is why what is "truth" for one person, is not necessarily "truth" for someone else. You need to apply your own discernment to all information, including what I am presenting in this article. People are waking up in varying degrees as we continue our learning.Some information is difficult to absorb, such as the nature of our hollow Earth and the ancient civilizations still living there. Like the fact that many people have actually traveled back in time to change the future of this planet and universe, many eons ago. And like the fact we have discovered how to make war ships invisible and time travel again, since 1943 and how the Apollo Moon Program was a cover-up of higher technology.Secret trips had already been made to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and to explore other parts of our solar system since the early 60s. Finally, to whet your appetite a little more, or make you more skeptical, depending on where your awakening path is at, Earth is expected to slow its rotation, stop, and reverse its spin without catastrophes, along with being moved in space with the rest of the solar system to become part of the Sirian star system!

The Earth has a consciousness of its own, it is a living being. The Divine Plan of the Creator, which we all follow, knowingly or unknowingly, calls for the Earth to ascend from the reality we know as the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th Dimension (an intermediate or temporary existence) and then to the 5th Dimension. This has long been suggested to be around the end of 2012, or earlier. Humanity, and all other life must be ready to ascend, or increase vibration, to move with the planet most people no longer have the time to go through separate and individual ascension processes that could take another 200 or 390 years. They are in their last incarnation and should ascend to help establish the next creation on Earth and the whole universe. This means keeping these bodies and gradually bringing them back to about the age of 30. Those not ready, will incarnate back into the 3rd Dimension on another planet. They cannot return to the higher dimension Earth. Some people's "contract" is up and they will return to previous star systems, if they wish, and even ascend higher than the 5th Dimension. No one on Earth was originally from this planet.Ascension is the integration of spirit and matter. It is the process where our physical, emotional, mental, and all spiritual bodies combine to create a fully conscious being. We take on a Light body. We are really spiritual beings having a human experience. We have other aspects of ourselves who exist on other worlds, in other dimensions or realities. In essence, we are all physical Angels with a giant amnesia problem. Through ascension, we realize we are all connected; we are all One with all other life in the universe. Everything came from one Creator. Race differences, war, owning property, land rights, in fact all aspects of our current world, are really illusory. We live in a giant hologram.Many dimensions, also known as planes, mansions, and parallel worlds exist in the same space. They only differ by degrees of vibration. When we increase our vibration sufficiently, we change dimension. A measure of the vibration rate of the Earth, its heartbeat, is the Schumann Resonance, which appears to be measured differently by some Earth scientists compared with higher realm information. For years it stayed at 7. 8 cycles per second (hertz). It began moving up at the time of the Harmonic Convergence. August 1987, the year of much spiritual awakening. In theory, when it is constantly at 13. 0, we are in the 4th Dimension. According to some sources we have been sitting at 12. 9 for some time, and will move to 13. 8 in the near future.Ascension is expected to be achieved when we are fully exposed to the photon belt energies. This is a toroid-shaped energy band that our solar system passes through twice in a 26, 000 year cycle. Each pass in previous cycles has lasted about 2, 000 years. We are currently in the belt, but protected from premature fatal ascension by a holographic energy field placed around our solar system by the Galactic Federation of Light, our allies from other civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy. As our vibration rate increases, some photon energies are gradually released into our solar system.Initially, a 12-strand RNA/DNA system will have replaced our body's current 2-strand system. We will have increased our 7-chakra system of body energy vortexes to a 13-chakra system. We will also consciously use 100 percent of our brain, instead of the 10 to 20 percent currently utilized. Full consciousness will return to us, that are the awareness of why we are here, what we are to do in the future, and what our past lives have been. We will have universal knowledge at our finger tips, or rather, our brain receptors, and have super-human abilities.

As ascended galactic humans (physical angels), we will be able to interact with all sentient life forms in our galaxy, universe, and beyond. We will regain extraterrestrial powers that we lost many lifetimes ago. Telepathy, teleportation, and interplanetary travel without space craft will be possible using our Light body or merkaba.Some people will be able to revisit or return to their previous star system that they came from. Some will help to repopulate Mars, Venus, and Maldek which will be re-formed from the Asteroid Belt. The majority will stay on Earth for the new Golden Age, and will help create it. Earth will be a showcase planet, a major centre for trade, conferences, and headquarters for the Intergalactic Union of many galaxies near us.Those who populate Earth will become her true stewards, anchoring Light and supporting energy nodes and grids around the planet at great temples. The whales and dolphins have been burdened with this task for far too long. We will live in magnificent crystalline cities within the Earth, although they will seem as if they are on the surface. This is how all higher dimension civilizations live on other planets. It is how many Lemurians and Atlanteans already live within the shell of our hollow Earth. We will be meeting them soon. Our new civilization will again be based on spiritual concepts of Lemuria, which in turn, was based on Sirius B concepts.Our current structure of governments will cease. Higher intelligent beings will help us set up new governing councils based on appropriate universal principles. We will have the final say in fine- tuning new government, without interference from those who currently control governments.

one of the greatest restrictions to our progress is the repressive control of world "official" governments by a secretive Shadow Government, which also limits the type of daily news or "truth" we receive through the world's mass media. This is why many people are not aware of the current and coming great changes to civilization. It is the reason we have fear-based news most of the time on television and in newspapers.Keeping people in fear and distress through news, financial matters, wars and violence, and mind control, plus filled with harmful foods, drinks, legal and illegal drugs, as well as being subjected to harmful chemtrails, are some of the means to keep our vibrations low. This makes ascension so much harder to achieve.This negative control has also been an aspect of many religions and philosophical groups for a long time. The good news is that this manipulation and control of worldwide societies is quickly coming to an end. A dictatorial New World Order/One World Government, masquerading as a democratic globalization program, will not be allowed by higher realms intervening on our behalf. We agreed to this intervention before incarnating here, despite some people believing it contravenes choice", which it does not under the Creator's divine plan. Those who don't believe in a Creator or this plan are in for a big surprise!Disclosures on how we have been manipulated are soon to be announced, and will commence some wonderful changes.The little known aspect of the Shadow Government is that it, in turn, has been controlled by negative extraterrestrial beings who have given them much advanced technology for their control on Earth. However, we should not hate these aspects of our society. We have probably all exhibited negative traits in past lives just for the experience! It is best to send them love and have nothing to do with their controlling schemes whenever we have the choice. In the near future, all darkness on Earth will be transmuted to Light, and in doing so, will create a stronger Light. Many of the Shadow Government former ET dark allies are now part of the forces of Light in this galaxy. Many former Shadow Government people have also now aligned with the Light The remaining ones can either do the same, or continue incarnating on another 3rd Dimension planet until they are ready to ascend to higher dimensions. It is their choice.

Our universe is teaming with life at various levels of evolution. We are more or less at the bottom, but are about to make a giant move in the "up" direction. The highest intelligence is the collective energies we term God, the Creator, or numerous other terms. From here, and down through many descending levels of vibration, known as dimensions, planes, or mansions, exist a multitude of beings, initially in spiritual form, then semi-solid, and then in dense bodies like our current ones. We know these beings by terms such as Elohim, Archangels, Lords of Light, Angels, Ascended Masters, and finally extraterrestrials, which have humanoid bodies or those we can call dinoid, insectoid, and reptoid. Television reveals some of these forms in shows like "Star Trek". We have all existed in these higher energy forms before, but intertwined with other aspects of ourselves. We are each part of a soul group of approximately 12 souls, and part of a soul family of approximately 144.Billions of souls (aspects of God) were sent to Earth to see if they could rind their way back to the vibration of God or the purest Light without memory of where they had been. This has never been done in this way anywhere before. Thus the uniqueness of our current situation or "experiment". Earth is the fulcrum for change and peace in this galaxy and universe. Evolution elsewhere cannot proceed successfully until we ascend to the 5th Dimension. Many civilizations are watching us with intense interest. Higher dimensions can see through to lower dimensions, but we cannot see higher dimensions from here. In recent years, mankind has had virtually unlimited access to the highest beings of Light who provide guidance through channeled contacts and sometimes even manifesting in etheric or physical form.

Divine intervention is allowed to occur in a planet's affairs when spiritual progress is hindered. In fact it is part of our incarnation contract which calls for it at our stage of evolution, before we connect permanently again with other galactic civilizations.The intervention is carried out at a physical level by our space brothers and sisters, and at a spiritual level by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Our space brethren include the Galactic Federation of Light, a sort of "United Nations" of our galaxy, comprising over 200, 000 or 90% of the civilizations in it. It was formed over 4 million years ago. About 60% of physical beings in our galaxy are non-humanoid in appearance. Both types travel in spacecraft. An inter-galactic group of ships and personnel, the Ashtar Command, work closely with the Galactic Federation. The Spiritual Hierarchy consists of the Elohim orders, the Time Lord councils, the Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, and the Devic kingdom. They don't need space craft, although the Ascended Masters often "hang out" in Ashtar Command ships.Incidentally, the Time Lords regulate time, which together with Light, are the two elements that compose Creation.The Galactic Federation have over 18 million space craft in our solar system at any one time, rotating from a much larger base. Competition is high among members to be here and assist at this great "end times" period! Some mother ships are thousands of kilometres long. The smaller shuttle craft are more commonly seen in our atmosphere.A first contact program by the Federation has been in place for about 10 years now. This will most likely culminate in mass sightings of craft, a change in world governance structures, a unification of all societies, and a return of our personal sovereignty. Then, we can be shown how to handle and adapt to ascension and full consciousness. Much of this is expected to be carried out on spacecraft and within magnificent underground cities.

it is necessary for the Earth to cleanse and rebalance herself in preparation for ascension. This preparation has been part of the reason for many extreme weather conditions that the planet has been going through in recent years. Much volcanic and earthquake activity has been loosening the tectonic underwater landmasses of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean (which sank about 25, 000 years ago), and Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean (which sank about 12, 000 years ago). As part of the rebalancing, these landmasses of Lemuria and Atlantis must come to the surface. They hold ancient temples and pyramids, which have to be reactivated.Magma upwelling within the Earth's shell towards her solid crust has been heating the oceans for some time now. This causes the so-called El Nino and La Nina effects, particularly in equatorial regions.Two large ice crystal layers, known as firmaments, will be re-formed around the planet. These layers keep certain energies contained on Earth and will give the whole planet a semi-tropical climate. They also prevent degrading rays from reaching Earth from outer space. Water from the melting polar caps and seawater will be used in the firmaments. The collapse of these layers in ancient times was the cause of great floods and much loss of life on the planet. People in those times were twice as tall as we are now due to the protection from DNA degradation. The layers will form from about 15, 000 to 18, 000 ft (4, 500m to 5, 500m), and from 35, 000 to 38, 000ft (10, 700 to 11, 600m). Gaps will occur at the North and South Poles, and the firmaments will be higher when following contours of high mountain ranges.Other landmasses will alter, and more seas and inland lakes will be formed. All life forms, animals, and plants will be removed before this happens. Humanity will be mainly relocated into inner Earth cities while all this occurs. Even after our ascension, some Earth changes are expected to continue.

More people can now confirm what is happening by tuning into their Higher Self /Soul/I Am Presence during meditation. This "going within" process has been practiced on Earth well before religions and philosophical groups formed. People can assist by visualizing Light energies in the form of unconditional love anchoring onto and within the planet. Love conquers all! It produces peace, healing, harmony, and oneness.The anticipated changes to a new monetary system and world forgiveness of debt is likely to also change government structures in the near future. If the few remaining controlling cabals on this planet don't allow these changes, then first contact with our space and spiritual friends is likely to be brought on more quickly than expected. Should the changes occur, then greater financial and spiritual abundance will be available to all mankind. Divisions between races and countries will cease.There are many people working quietly in the wings of government, judicial and financial systems to assist the implementation of these changes. We should be introduced to them soon. More free energy devices will become available, particularly for powering our homes and transport systems. These inventions have been available for some time. This has been pointed out in the Disclosure Project crusade, headed by Dr Steven Greer and friends who are showing the world the extent of Earth's secret contact with ET civilizations over the last 60 years. We are in the Time of Truth where many hidden truths, including those of the Shadow Government must come to the surface.The occurrence of many disastrous Earth changes, producing much loss of life, is now unlikely due to the great increase in mass consciousness in recent weeks since the September 11 atrocities, caused not by isolated terrorists but by those people controlling the US Government It is still possible though, on a day-to-day basis, that some volcanic and earthquake activity will still occur.Those loved ones who have already passed over are likely to join us in higher dimensions, if that was their choice. Others who have, and will pass over in the future, may already have decided at a higher level that they are not ready for ascension to higher dimensions yet. They will reincarnate onto a 3rd dimensional planet, possibly held within the large battle planet Nibiru, soon to become a part of our solar system.Stand by for an interesting ride.


Posted By: Avalon~ Mayan Insights regarding 2012
Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge change or shift in consciousness and reality perception.

The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed.

The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.

The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now.

The Mayans also say that by 2012:
• we will have gone beyond technology as we know it.

• we will have gone beyond time and money.

• we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension

• Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe.

• Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the center of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)

"Everbody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it."

-- Extraterrestrial Earth Mission --
In 2012, the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!

Note From Avalon:
This Schumann Resonance is fact
Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This means there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. Another interpretation is that we, or rather Consciousness, have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating.

During the Apocalypse or the time "between worlds", many people will be going through many personal changes. The changes will be many and varied. It is all part of what we came here to learn or experience. Examples of change could be- relationships coming to an end, change of residence or location, change of job or work, shift in attitude or thinking, etc.

Remember at any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your intuition, not intellect and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Go with the flow.

Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life.
We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others, this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts, we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgmental ones.

Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few.
Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem/reaction/solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.

Remember nothing happens by accident.
Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other. Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive! The truth shall set you free!

Discernment in 2005 and beyond
As we move into the fourth dimension, we are experiencing a shift in consciousness. The fourth dimension is more a state of mind than an actual place. When you are living your life with all of your chakras wide open, and all of those around you are experiencing life in the same way, it will be in the fourth dimension.

Discernment applied to different sources of information is becoming of paramount importance.
The many agendas for Planet Earth and its inhabitants come from many sources and some are published in the media. Various extraterrestrial sources are talking about several possible scenarios to take place within the next 5 to 10 years. Some are talking about government DNA and mind control, the New World Order by 2003, annihilation from negative ET’s etc. Some are talking about the Ascension (Rapture) of many of us, together with Planet Earth, possibly helped by the positive ET’s.
All of these scenarios are possible, depending on your own reality. The message is to follow your heart, your gut feelings and intuition, not your intellect. Be discerning with the feelings and information you process. Does it resonate with you? Work towards healing the planet and yourself and say no to those who wish to control us. Following the Mayan calendar can help free us from the time and money circle, liberate the mind and open the way to the new age beyond time and money.

POSTED BY: Dalibor
A message from Sananda: Enjoy with Love and Light, Orion.

SANANDA : Today we wish to discuss with you the events pending in your dimension. We have arrived at the pinnacle and are about to cascade down the mountain side into the valley of destruction and despair. We, the hierarchy, are about to intervene on behalf of all lightworkers everywhere. This has been decreed by the high councils and it is in their jurisdiction to see this through. Within moments of your time life will become a confusing place to be on earth. The wool has been pulled over your eyes for so long that the truth will seem unrecognizable and foreign. This shock wave that will permeate your earth will be the beginning of the entrance of a new domain. It is in the coming of these changes that many anticipate a predictable outcome. What we wish to say to you is expect nothing and be open to everything. In this way you will not be dismayed at any changes that have been made to better suit you. We always have the highest good of all in mind and we take great care to see this through.

In the next moments of your reality, you will see and be exposed to things that will be disheartening. In best cases, the truth of your present regime and world leaders will come in the form of shock. For many of you, this will be only the beginning of the truth as there will be so much to unveil. Know that as events unravel, it is in the best interest of all to pace the information in a timely fashion. We are doing our best to ensure the laws of your current government system are followed. This will assist in keeping some semblance of normalcy for those who are unprepared. We have been granted permission to intervene and this means in any way that we deem necessary. We still are urging your leaders to step down in peace and allow for this transition to be a relatively smooth one. We are giving each of them a final turn at choosing the light. It is by far in their best interest to do so, however we find they still resist. Free will enables them to choose a path even if it leads to their demise. We honor this choice in all and allow for the workings of karma and spiritual law to shape the experiences of those who choose not the light. Be weary of those who claim to be of the light yet are determined to see the outworking of your present governing body to its end. These souls shall be exposed in the light of illuminating all.

What lies before you now will determine your path to the source of all that is. It will be a formidable course that each of you will embark upon yet it will be filled with joy and love. It will be the time that you have all prepared for and will be the moment in the history of your planet when all come together under one God. We are so eager to join with you in the new galactic society you are preparing to create and you will be amazed at the most wondrous tasks that each of you will be asked to perform. No more will life seem mundane and out of sync with your inner desires. Now you will face each day with a smile and be blessed with the work of your inner callings. Each of you is so integral to the whole, we cannot overemphasize that. Each of you holds an aspect of creator that came here to be actualized, It is in this way that you will be creating the new earth. Each of you holds an energetic imprint that is valuable to the functioning of the whole. Your specific DNA was encoded for this particular time on earth and will be utilized to its fullest potential. Now more than ever is the time to realize this and to move forward with great ease.

You will all be beneficiaries of abundance and there will be enough to go around for the entire world. This was no accident. It was many many long years of secrecy and hard work to ensure this opportunity would one day arise. Now it is here, my bothers and sisters, and now you all stand on the edge of true freedom. Freedom by any other name is not freedom. This term has been used widely, especially in your country, and we shall see to it that this word has new meaning for all. Freedom by the standards of an enlightened society is one where each individual has the ability to express who they are in truth without retribution. Freedom for one means freedom for all, otherwise there is no true freedom. Take no substitutes.

In the coming days you are to be thrown from your current understanding of reality. People of this country will rebuke the truth. It will be a hard pill to swallow but it will be in the facing of this harsh truth that most will be relieved of much suffering. In the end there will be a new foundation by which you will all build upon. In the meantime there will be those who lose there footing temporarily. See to these people that they too have the support that was once given you. Be the pillars of light that you all came in earnest to be. Represent the new world, that of unconditional compassion. In these times you will have the most profound opportunites to relate to your fellow man. Do not sit idly by and allow for others to suffer alone. Reach out and feel the connection as the web of peace and unity becomes you. This time of great need will also be the most spiritually fulfilling time in the history of earth. The outpouring of love will unify and bind brothers and sisters of all races, creed and gender. It will be a time when your heart explodes with joy and it will be a time that you will use this power of love to rise up and become your true potential.

Mankind is gregarious by nature and you will find this to be very true soon. Together you will lift each other higher and together you will fall, but in this togetherness you will have it all. I am but one master who is here to see this through, but know that we all work in unity. This is how it will be in the coming times. Depending on one another is something you are not akin to, however in the moments ahead you will come to depend greatly on thy neighbor. Take this as truth for it will be a valuable resource in times of upheaval. Your dependence upon one another will once again become known. It is in this way that you will truly understand the beneficial aspects of creator that each of you hold and how the puzzle fits so snugly together. You will also come to realize how harmony lacks without the contribution of each individual. For this reason, you will all become valuable to one another once again. As you fortify your relationships you change the energetic imprint of your society to one of advancement with a foundation of mutual love and respect. This is only one of the many benefits of the changes to come.

Stay with me a bit more as I try to surmise how each of you will be affected by the great shift. Each of you holds a specific and noble power that will be unlocked in the ensuing days. It will become obvious to you what your draw is and how to tend to it. You will be brought into alignment with many aspects of yourselves and will utilize each aspect for the betterment of mankind and mother earth. This is why you have contracted to be here, this is why you have braved through the storm and been weathered beyond your limits. For this reason alone you will be uplifted to a place of peace throughout the drama of change and it will be a celebration of joy for those in the know. We are looking forward to bestowing upon each of you your rewards for endurance and faith in the light. It will be in these end times that we will see to it that you are compensated for all of your strife. We have many ways of assisting you and we are prepared to change your lives for the better so that you may better serve each other and your world. The more you have, the more you can give and that is the law of spirit.

See to it that each of you has all your needs met before you venture out to assist another. Selfless service does not mean lack. Quite the contrary, actually. It is natural to be selfless when you are filled with love. Where there is light and love there is no lack. so be true to yourselves here. Many of you hold the belief that to be fruitful servers of the divine means to go without. This old paradigm concept will not serve you in the new world. You must understand the laws of energy to utilize their benefits. The law states that what you think you are, therefore thinking of lack will attract it, so stay in the thoughts of pure abundance knowing that the supply is endless and the more you give the more you receive. Never fear for your survival again, those days are behind you now. Only in believing this will you truly be free.

Friends, we stand before you now awaiting the moments that we have together sought after for so long that it hardly seems plausible that it has arrived. To this, I would add that those who have been diligent supporters of the light are headed for a most fantastic journey. It is in these words that we express to you our deepest love and gratitude for all you have endured on this long road to peace. It is because of the workers of light that we have made it to the finish line, and it is because of the countless selfless acts of so many that we stand before you now ready to take the next steps on your evolutionary journey.

Take some time to be grateful for yourselves and celebrate the amount of sacrifice you have offered to the unseen changes. Take note of the amount of courage you have displayed by refusing, even when in doubt, to be swayed completely from your path of service. We are in awe of the nobility and stamina of the human race and we applaud you all in your divine service to your fellow man and earth. Thank you, from all of us here to all of you there, for your complete and total dedication to the light. You are the reason that we celebrate, for without you none of this would have been possible. Let us begin the parade and hold our flags high. For the first time since this country was founded shall you be proud to be an American. I AM Sananda Immanuel, great times are at the fore. Let the Celebrations begin!

THANKS: GoD is GraciouS=John
Prophecies of the Pole Shift and the dawning of The Golden Age:
predictions of occurences between 2000-2012 by Mother Shipton, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus and more.


My favorite theatrical films are ultimately, STAR WARS and the MATRIX films, as they both speak many hidden truths about our government, our society, and the universe we live in. I also love THE FIFTH ELEMENT, FIGHT CLUB, FINAL FANTASY, and last BUT not least TEAM AMERICA (F**k YEAH)!!! I now highly suggest V For Vendetta which I did finally see, and realized it's depiction of what we are now experiencing the beginnings of. I will note though, that it's suggested context just barely skims the surface of what could come if we willingly give up our civil liberties and overall freedom. Here are some more interesting videos you may care to view.
THANKS: AREA 51 & UFOsDo you believe that Bob Lazar is a fraud? I DON'T
JAIME MAUSSAN - UFO CONFERENCE 2005 A closer look at UFO's
THANKS: AREA 51 & UFOs AND:UFOs: Cause for Alarm Part 1
UFOs: Cause for Alarm Part 2
THANKS: DaliborFormer NASA astronaut contends that life does exist elsewhere
Modern day Nikola Tesla recreates ET/Egyptian energy source
Thanks: SLEEPWALKER Mysteries Of The Hollow Earth PART 1 Some of us feel that the Earth is not in fact a solid planet, but rather a multi-surface planet consisting of an exterior surface, and an inner surface, where it is that a more advanced civilization resides.
Mysteries Of The Hollow Earth PART 2
Mysteries Of The Hollow Earth PART 3


You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

- Interview with an alien abductee-

-Billions & Billions of Galaxies beyond conventional belief-


THANKS: GoD is GraciouS=John The Legend Of Atlantis PART 1
The Legend Of Atlantis PART 2
The Legend Of Atlantis PART 3
The Legend Of Atlantis PART 4
The Legend Of Atlantis PART 5


POLICE BRUTALITY, What may come for us in 2008
Never before did I have a vivid idea of what's to come on an even larger and more destructive scale than what's depicted below. It's very disenheartening to see what the human race is willing to do to itself without questioning those who employ them to do so.... For Money
Thanks: buying my stairway to freebird Date: Sep 27, 2006 1:56 AMGOD, help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Video Posted By:The Resistance LIVES IN YOU

Get this video and more at

GOD, help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Video Posted By:The Resistance LIVES IN YOU

Get this video and more at

How to make a Lane
5 parts mercy
5 parts ambition
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of caring and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
You scored as Artist. You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at











Fallen Angel





What Kind of Empath Are You?
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You Have A Type B+ Personality
B+ You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?
adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Birthdate: September 4
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.
Your sincerity and honesty shine through in almost every situation.
Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.
You're level headed and rational. People count on you to look at things objectively.
Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics
Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness
Your power color: Navy blue
Your power symbol: Shield
Your power month: April What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Sun Sign: Virgo
Sun 11° Virgo 36' Virgo Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Scorpio
Moon 16° Scorpio 10' Scorpio Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Gemini
Ascendant 27° Gemini 19' Gemini Horoscope
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My Egyptian Name is AMEN-RA (personification of the power of the universe).
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My Blog

In The Beginning, There Was Choice....

..> An Excerpt borrowed from the book: Many Were Called Few Were Chosen Chapter One In The Beginning There Was ChoiceBy: Dr. Heather Anne Harder In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the E...
Posted by Virgleomaris on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 04:52:00 PST

Spiritual Health Links and More

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Representations of LIGHT vs DARK

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Who Are The Kumaras?

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What was hidden?

..>What some would say was hidden is the the key to our mental, and ultimately our spriritual evolution. We have so many who are seeking "it", being truth, but are looking in all the wrong places such...
Posted by Virgleomaris on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 09:33:00 PST

What are Greys, Extensive ET Readout...

Greys, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Orions, Lightworkers...who are they, and what is "The Shadow Government"? It's come to my attention that I've shared much information with everyone regarding the presen...
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Posted by Virgleomaris on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST

Extensive Google Video List A MUST HAVE

THANKS GoD is GraciouS=John Mythology, History and Science From Prison to Paradise -David Icke href=" 133&q=david icke illuminatihttp://...
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The Age of Aquarius

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Posted by Virgleomaris on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 07:34:00 PST

The Death Penalty

The following is a brief excerpt taken from a message I recieved after a bulletin I posted regarding the pending execution of a young man convicted of murder and sentenced to the death ...
Posted by Virgleomaris on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:18:00 PST