☼jnéo~dawn☼ profile picture



About Me

"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests."
~A.J. Nock~
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
~Mahatma Ghandi~
* "There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."
~Howard Zinn~
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man
(or woman = P) : brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the
timid join him; for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
~Mark Twain~

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
~Thomas Jefferson~
"When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the World will know Peace."
~Jimi Hendrix~
I have chosen to "take the red pill". No turning back . . . & absolutely no desire to!
~my amateur pix~
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares drop off like autumn leaves."
~ John Muir, 1898 ~
About me?. . . I am a work in progress!!!
~The ever-changing transformation of my 'self' as of late has led me to be somewhat of an independent Omnologist. . . collecting various pieces of the puzzle to see how they all fit together; to gradually acheive a greater understanding of this complex masterpeice we call "Life", to reach a higher spiritual understanding & to discover the connection in all events, all beings, all matter & all energy. I believe that everything's relative, relevant and there are no coincidences. I am a work in progress, trying to kill my own ego. I am innately an advocate for civil rights, justice, children, liberty, humanity, individuality and most likely the underdog. I believe that in order to grow, we must significantly challenge ourselves to overcoming our fears, in understanding purpose and in overcoming the "10%" brain capacity we seem to think we're restricted to. I believe that awareness, exploration, self-discovery, unity and education beyond the classroom & television are all goals that we hopefully strive for in this lifetime. I believe that most people let religion lead them astray, instead of closer to. . . this amazing astronomical spiritual force also known as God. Contrary to any conclusions one might arrive at while viewing my page, I do not claim "political parties", am not a "conspiracy nut" and I can't stand politics. . . but feel a sense of obligation in serving my civic duties and especially humanity; and that is why I display what I do. I represent what I feel is truth & what is right; even if it means some inevitable ridicule & suffering along the way. I'm willing to erase everything I always thought to be true and replace it with TRUTH. I'm human, so I encourage constructive criticism, feedback, new ideas and perspectives that may even conflict with mine currently. I don't have all of the answers, so please don't believe I do or that I think I do. Other than that, I'm pretty much just an independent mtn. girl who loves music, art, family, animals, the great outdoors, traveling, kids, diversity, mysteries, laughing, loving, living and liberty & justice FOR ALL. I have nothing to gain and a lot at risk of losing by representing these "political views" I choose to represent; so please don't take this material lightly. Every new day re-emphasizes to me: the importance of a higher understanding for me in this life, self reliance & fulfillment, that everything happens for a reason and that the value of the 'almighty' dollar doesn't hold much value after all.~
~it's a new day~
We are here to conquer our fears!

My Interests

Ok, I'm sure some of you are picking up on the fact that a lot of this info is old news and that I haven't updated my profile in aeons. . . If so, good observation. I am on an extended hiatus. I can't say if, or when, I will resume w/ this page. If you have tried to contact me and haven't gotten a response, I apologize, I am still alive and just needed & still need some "me time". Peace & love ya'll and best wishes to you in your journey. . . ~j~

You may say I'm a Dreamer . . .

I find this a very interesting and informative video. . .


Below: Where Is The LOVE? . . .


Below: Want your mind read? Try it!

(I do know how it works but still think it's pretty cool)





The Real World- not the same one you'll see on MTV. . . .

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
~George Santayana~

Below: One of my fave pix = )

Above: WTC 7 collapsed in 6 +/- seconds due to "fire"? Or. . .?!?! Did everyone forget about the 3rd Bldg. that collapsed? Keep in mind that no plane hit this 3rd steel building, but it collapsed in the exact same way as the twin towers. Listen to Larry Silverstein explain why they had to "make the decision to pull it". So do we really believe they meant pull the people out? It must just be coincidence that "pull" refers to controlled demolition and immediately after that he says something along the lines of ". . .and the building collapsed. . ." Upon realization that the "official" story is a fictional "story", physically impossible and that this nation has been brainwashed- then consider the implications. Watch the collapse of this building again to refresh your memory, it's only 25 seconds long. Knowledge is power and hindsight is 20/20.

it does according to George W. Bush. . .

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

- Woodrow Wilson, 1919

A wise man once said to me. . .
"It's all about balance". . .

Below: CSPAN- American Scholars Symposium. In June 2006 researchers, scholars, journalists, experts and average folks came together from all over the USA to invite the rest of the world to examine the facts of 9/11. Listen to the presentations of prominent guest speakers who will provide testimony & present evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job.

Below: A better indication of how the U.S. President really feels about Americans. He thinks the joke's on us! ..


". . .YOU GOTTA FIGHT. . .
. . . . . .FOR YOUR RIGHT. . .
. . . . . . . .TO. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .BE FREE. . . . . . . . ."
(which does include the right "to party"!!)

Below: A non-fictional History Book that will be introduced into the San Francisco public school system! This book is "endorsed by Veterans For Peace, Susan Sarandon, Noam Chomsky, Ron Kovic, Martin Sheen, Cindy Sheehan, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ramsey Clark, Ed Asner, Michael Ruppert, Patch Adams, Medea Benjamin, Woody Harrelson, Kathy Kelly, Kris Kristofferson, S. Brian Willson, Michael Parenti, Father Roy Bourgeois, William Blum, Fernando Suarez, Blase Bonpane and many others". Click the image to learn more!

I'd like to meet:

. . . the movers & the shakers . . . the peacemakers. . . the ever evolving contemplators. . . those with humility. . . those who inspire me. . . those who find inspiration through me. . . that stranger on the street. . . those considered weak. . . and those who never fail to seek. . . that's who i'd like to meet. . .

--Save Darfur--

Click Here to Visit The Butterfly Foundation


Oh- I get it now, they were given different orders.

I've got nothin' but love & the highest respect for all of my fellow 'Warriors of the Rainbow'. You are the ones that help me get through all the struggles.



Music? Music makes my world go 'round! I'm a very eclectic avid lover of all good music!
Coldplay, Incubus, Neptunes & N.E.R.D.(Pharrell), Nickel Creek, anything on XM Chill or World Zone, Rob Thomas, 30 Seconds to Mars, Pinback, Barrington Levy, John Mayer, Sublime, Air, Everlast, Death Cab for Cutie, Sade, Eagles, System of a Down, Goapele, Korn, Fleetwood Mac, Foo Fighters, Gnarls Barkley, U2, Jamiroquai, Sting, Weezer, David Gray, Willie Nelson, Outkast, Morrissey, 311, Thievery Corporation, The Carpenters, Digital Underground, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Hall and Oates, Bob Marley, Nickelback, Bjork, Fugees, Roscoe P. Coldchain, Alabama, Eminem, Michael McDonald, Jack Johnson, Digable Planets, Peter Tosh, Snoop, De La Soul, Def Leppard, Zero 7, Staind, Fort Minor, Sugarhill Gang, Immortal Technique, Linkin Park, Pearl Jam, Bee Gees, JT, Warren G, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, E-40, Gorillaz, Eamon, Allison Krauss, Norah Jones, Metallica, Jodeci, Earth Wind and Fire, Maroon 5, 3 Doors Down, Ambrosia, Black Eyed Peas, Goo Goo Dolls, Mary J, Arrested Development, Mos Def, Stevie Wonder, Tears for Fears, Lauryn Hill, Beastie Boys, Bill Withers, Eek-A-Mouse, Eva Cassidy, Quintero, Blue Shoes, Super Lucky Catz (local), Argyle Pimps (local), and Kathleen Lane (local) to name a FEW!



Still think Fluoride is good for you?
Please watch.


You are Napoleon Dynamite and a buttload of gangs are trying to recruit you.
*** ~ENERGY~ ***
Do you believe in UFO's or higher intelligence?. . . "The Disclosure Project"
Click Here to view BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones' research showing scientific evidence of Thermate detected in the rubble of the World Trade Centers, proving controlled demolition on 9/11. (What? It disappeared? Link no longer active due to . . .???)
FACTS debunk the weak conspiracy "theory" "debunking" any day of the week, including Sundays. Watch the video below and do YOUR OWN research on the information it presents! Don't let the media secure any doubts you might have, they are ordered to say what they say & it's all a part of one of the biggest cover ups in HISTORY!

Below: Do you believe in free speech?
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Below: Insightful words of wisdom and prophecy spoken by a true patriot with commendable courage and selflessness. His leadership capabilities (minus the marital disloyalty) and the sacrificial risks he took to share the truth with his fellow Americans ultimately contributed to costing him his life.
~ Albert Einstein ~
What the Bleep Do We Know??? (trailer)

.. .. .. .. .. ..
Below: Official documents showing proof of an attempt made decades ago for a self inflicted false flag terror attack.
Most are unaware of this interesting piece of history. . . In 1962, "Operation Northwoods" was proposed to commit detailed self inflicted false flag terrorists attacks on America, blaming Cuba, as an alibi for justification to go to war with Cuba to complete an agenda. Here is a link to view official documents.
Any time a major catastrophe is broadcast, we immediately & instinctively react, fully relying on what we've been told. . . without question, doubt, logic or proof! Think about it!. . . History tends to repeat itself! It is up to us to break the cycle.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
~George Orwell~

ImpeachBush.Org , TheFourReasons.org , ImpeachForPeace.Org , ImpeachBush.tv
Below: The Declaration Comes to Life. . .
What?!? A Missile Hit the Pentagon, Rummy?
Official U.S. Department of Defense Site- Click Here. Why does it quote Rumsfeld saying a missile hit the Pentagon? Freudian slip?
Nope, that's not the only Rumsfreudian Slip. . . here's another. . . directly from his mouth saying the plane (Flight 93) was "shot down over Pennsylvania". Oops, just like Brittney, you did it again. . .


Although I don't watch too much t.v. I do like watching stuff on travel, the outdoors, wild animals, Lost, That 70's Show, home improvement shows, docs on different cultures, interior design shows, investigative and educational documentaries . . . I don't make a habit of watching "programs"!

"Annuit Coeptis Manus Nocentibus Novus Ordo Seclorum" ~The True Saints~




Do you know your rights as an American citizen? Have you ever read the documents that are the foundation of our "free" country? Do you know what the laws are and if you think so. . . have you ever seen them in writing?

We've come to a point in time where maybe. . . we need to re-teach ourselves what our rights actually are (legally) and learn how to protect and preserve these rights. Click here to build on the confidence you need to protect the rights of you and your family.


Mind Control
Please Note: If you need a FREE .TIF viewer - you can download Brava!® Reader . This is a free application that opens, views, and prints TIFF files.

Below: The truth about Hemp.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com

Can you handle the truth?

I know my page can be overwhelming for some. . . which is why I bring you this. . .probably one of the funniest, most adorable videos I've ever seen!


FAIR USE NOTICE: This profile may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes; to advance understanding of human rights, politics, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

My Blog

Had a dream last night. . .

 . . . that I changed my mind on my choice of 2008 Presidential candidate.  I know that I still need to dig pretty deep into the options that we have.  As far as I'm concerned there hav...
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Secret of Coral Castle--> Answer to Unlimited Free Energy & Clean Environment?

If this video interests you, the following compliments:Copy & paste the url below to learn an interesting theory relating the Coral Castle, magnetic currents, ancient knowledge & sacred g...
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~~~blueprint for ascension~~~

..>..>..>..> ..> ..>..>..>..> ..> I just had to steal this blog from Wilson Noble, 'cause it's just too cool.  This takes a while to get through, but no worries my friend. . .  it is we...
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The underlying meanings in "The Wizard of OZ"

Dark Side of the Rainbow (also known as Dark Side of Oz) is a perceived effect created by playing the 1973 Pink Floyd concept album The Dark Side of the Moon simultaneously with the 1939 film The Wiza...
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Nancy Pelosi. . . Should she be trusted?. . .

Found this article on 'warpheads' blog. . .  great points are made in this article.  Anybody can claim to be a "Democratic leader" all they want. . . but nothing will ever change the fa...
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Persistently Representing Liberty, Peace & The Constitution?

Wow. . .  Could it actually be. . .(????). . . that here in the U.S. exists a  politician with steadfast ethics who persistently represents liberty, peace & the constitution and is not, ...
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Mayan Calendar- Spirituality, Evolution, Conciousness, 2012

Mayan Calendar- Spirituality, Evolution, Conciousness, 2012     Interesting Theory. . . The Mayan Calendar Comes North:Part 1http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-86892619810 901210...
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Keith Olbermann Rocks --Cream of the Crop!--

Amen! . . . Preach it Olbermann! This man can break it down like no other. He definitely tells it like it is. Olbermann for President- 2008!Olbermann's Special Comments ...
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Does 1+1=2 . . . or 1+1=0?

For some odd reason I recall learning in math early on that 1+1=2.  That must also mean that 1=1 right?  'Cause I know as a kid I remember asking for a double scoop of ice cream a...
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PNAC-"Rebuilding America's Defenses-Strategy, Forces & Resources for a New Century" -Yr. 2000

Click Here to see this document showing the need for a good "strategy" & their motive of American world dominance IN WRITING & prior to 9/11   A few key members of th...
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