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Rebelutionary SouLJa

11:HellHeaven~Garden Of Eden~Danger Of Need ;-)

About Me

My life path number 9
Nine is composed of the all-powerful 3x3.It is the Triple Triad - Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference.Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, cave principles.Cultural References Buddhist tradition holds nine to be the supreme spiritual power, and a celestial number.Celtic legend symbolizes nine as a highly significant number. It is a central number with the eight directions with the center making nine. The Triple Goddesses are thrice three. There are nine Celtic maidens and nine white stones that symbolize the nine virgins attendant on Bridgit. Nine is connected with the Beltane Fire rites which are attended by 81( 8+ 1= 9) men, nine at a time.Chinese: Nine is qa celestial power. It is 3x3 being the most auspicious of all the numbers. Nine also signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point known as the Hall of Light. There are nine great social laws and classes of officials. In land divisions for Feng Shui there are eight exterior squares for cultivation of the land by holders and the central, and ninth, square is a "god's acre", dedicated to Shang-ti, the supreme ruler. It is also known as the Emperor's Field, giving homage and respect denoting the position of heavenly power.Christian: Nine is one of the numbers that appears scantly in Christian symbolism. There are the triple triads of choirs of angels and nine spheres and nine rings around hell.Egyptian mythology nine represents The Ennead.Graeco-Roman: There are nine Gods and later nine muses.Hebrew: Nine is pure intelligence ( eight was perfect intellingence ). Also represents truth, since it reproduces itself when multiplied.Kabbalism nine symbolizes foundation.Hindu: Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe.Mayan: There are nine underworlds each ruled by a God. We find this reference to "nine underworlds" present in many cultures and beliefs.Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers.Scandinavian: Odin/Woden hung for nine days and nights on the Yggdrasil to win the secrets of wisdom for humankind. Skeldi, the northern Persephone, the goddess of snow, lives in her mountain for three months and by Niord's sea for nine months. Nine is the sacred number in Scandinavian-Teutonic symbolism.
My name number 11
The number 11 is double digit that repeats itself - therefore is considered as a Master or Power Number. In Numerology - 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.11:11 is a digital code for awakening. 11 represents balance. It is your Spiraling Twin DNAIn systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number.Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality.
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?? Which Season Are You ??
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...You're often depicted as the cold, distant season. But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and Independant. You have an air of power around you - and that can sometimes scare people off. You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you rarely let people in if you can help it. You can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be negative, and hard to relate to, but you give off a relaxed image despite being insecure - and secretly many people long to be like you, not knowing how deep the Winter season really is.Well done... You're the most inspirational of seasons :)
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Your soul was born in the shadows of the moon at night. You're all mystery and enigma and your element is the Moon. No one really knows who you are, but they might think they know you. You only tell people fragments of who you are and never show your true personality. That doesn't have to mean that youre being someone you're not though. You're always yourself and you never do something just because someone else does. Some might think you're a little cold or dull, but you're just hiding your true self for some reason. Maybe only a couple of selected people have ever seen the true you. You are loyal to these people and it will take time if anyone else wants to gain your trust. You let people think that they know you and that you trust them. But sooner or later they will realize that they never really knew you. Be careful. Someday you might need someone who knows what you need. Trust people. You prefer silence and tranquillity. You're calm and collected and a nice person most of the time.

You are the Hanged Man

Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound.

With the Hanged man there is often a sense of fatalism, waiting for something to happen. Or a fear of loss from a situation, rather than gain.

The Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.

The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. It signifies selflessness, sacrifice and prophecy. You make yourself vulnerable and in doing so, gain illumination. You see the world differently, with almost mystical insights.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

"Whatever you think I am, or want me to be, I am." Which is to say that my name and very essence of being is constantly twisted and mis-interpreted by various people and Entitys, for their own material gains, but in reality, it has only one interpretation, which is easily found by studying 'The Word' without any pre-conceived ideas (I AM THAT I AM*)
Animated Aries Myspace Layouts in Zodiac Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Codes - Myspace Graphics

My Interests

The Illuminati, Part One The Illuminati, Part two The Illuminati, Part 3 The Illuminati, Part 4

I'd like to meet:

Like minded people that seek truth and freedom, real truth and freedom not the illusionary type, Comprende!!!I like people who i can have a laugh with and have intellectual discussions, not much of a small talker, cba seems to much of a waste of time and breath!I can come accross as arrogant and intense but if you can see further than your nose you will see theres a hell of a lot more to me than that. Take the chance and you may find me somewhat refreshing :)


Most kinds as long as they touch me deep inside and have substance, Music without substance is just a noise imho! .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


Kung fu movies and anything Educational ----------------------------------------------------------- david icke - secrets of the matrix
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13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati 3 Hours
200 miles per Gallon Supercarburator 47 Minutes
911 Inside the WTC (Made for TV) 2 Hours
911 = Demolition Experts are Speaking Up Against the Coverup 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 A Closer Look 25 Minutes
911 and the American Empire - How should religious people respond? 1 Hour 25 Minutes
911 Attack or godsend? 25 Minutes 2005
911 Eyewitness 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 In Plane Site 55 Minutes
911 Perspectives 2 Hours
911 Revisited
911 Road To Tyrrany 2 Hours 22 Minutes
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati 2 Hours
911 The Greatest Lie Evers Sold 2 Hours 5 Minutes
911 Timeline - Paul Thompson (Pakistan Involvement) 1 Hour
911 Truth & Politics 1 Hour
A Taxation Is Not Necessary 43 Minutes
A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 57 Minutes
Aerosol Crimes (CHEMTRAILS) 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death 50 Minutes
African Coup 30 Minutes
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11
Aftershock Iraq
AIDS & Ebola Were Manufactured Dr LG Horowitz
AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996) 2 Hours
AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Hours
Air Force One Tagged by Mark Ecko
America Destroyed By Design
America in Peril (UN / New World Order) 2 Hours
America's Economic Decline
America's Secret Destiny 2 Hours
American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004 (2004)
American Drug Lords CIA / MOB Drug Running
Ancient Pompeii was a mediaeval Christian town ruled by Illuminati?
Angels and Demons Revealed 1 Hour
Angels Dont Play This HAARP
Anthrax Attacks 45 Minutes
Anthrax Investigation
Antichrist and a Cup of Tea 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Are Americans So Angry? 50 Minutes
Are You A Manchurian Candidate 27 Minutes
Art, Truth and Politics - Harold Pinter
Assassination of Russia
Astronauts Gone Wild
Avian Influenza: Preparing for the Pandemic 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Banking & The Federal Reserve
Banking with Hitler 45 Minutes
Bay of Pigs: Declassified
BBC Conspiracies - New world Order
Behind The Green Curtain 40 Minutes
Behold a Pale Horse 4 Hours 39 Minutes
Beneath Iraq and a Hard Place - Rory Bremner 50 Minutes 2006
Best Enemies Money Can Buy 55 Minutes
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
BEYOND Iraq and a Hard Place
Beyond Treason
Bilderberg: Masters of the Universe
Biological Testing In US Cities
BioTerror (biological weapons and germ warfare) 45 Minutes
Blackout in East Timor
Brainwashing: 101 46 Minutes
Breaking the Bank
Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS 1 Hour 41 Minutes
Breaking The Silence - John Pilger
Britain's Heroin Fix
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Bush and Bin Ladens
Bush Dynasty
Bush Family Crimes
Bush Family Fortunes
Bush giving the middle Finger
Bush Nazi Family History
Bush Scandals - Kevin Phillips
Bush Stole the Election - Banned BBC Documentary
Capitalism & Other Kids' Stuff 50 Minutes
Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You 30 Minutes
Chem Trails : What is wrong with our skies?
CIA & Satanism
CIA & Lockerbie
CIA Analyst - Pelletiere
CIA and the Nazis
CIA drug trafficking - CONTRA COCAINE 10 Minutes 1997
CIA Remote Viewing 50 Minutes
CIA Spy Secrets: playing dirty
Civilian Disarmament - Prelude for Tyranny
Closer: The Fall of Baghdad
Cointel Pro - War on Black America 50 Minutes
Cold War, Dirty Science
Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 1 Hour
Confronting the Evidence A Call To Reopen the 9-11 Investiagtion
Conspiracies on Trial
Conspiracy Confessions
Conspiracy of silence
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories (Tex Mars & Alex Jones) 55 Minutes
Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip - censored by NBC only aired once
Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik (2003) Around 7 Hours
Contaminated: The New Science of Food
Countdown to killing
Crack the CIA
Da Vinci Code Decoded 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
Dark Side of the Moon 52 Minutes
Dead in the Water - The BBC investigates the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war
Declassified: Ayatollah Khomeini 45 Minutes
Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness Video that is NOT shown to Troops 45 Minutes
Despotism 10 Minutes - 1946
Diana: The Night She Died (UK Channel 5)
Dick Cheny - The Unauthorized Biography 40 Minutes 2004
Did we really land Men on the Moon? 55 Minutes
Divided America
DNC2000 protest footage
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1 Hour
East Timor 10 Minutes
Echelon The Most Secret Spy System
Economic vs. Human Rights
Eisenhower Farewell Address
Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and Why 30 Minutes
Elite Population Control 1 Hour 22 Minutes
Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995) 1 Hour
Evolving Lies
Executive Power and the War on Terror 1 Hour
Exploring Life Extension 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Fahrenheit 911
Faith in Exile: The Lesson of Tibet
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2 Hours 42 Minutes
Fluoride Deception
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2 Hours
Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Michael Tsarion, Hesham Tillawi 55 Minutes
From Prison to Paradise 6 Hours 17 Minutes
Gary Webb - In his own words
George Hunt:UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population reduction, Bank Scams etc..) 36 Minutes
Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence 1 Hour
Globalism the Program - General Ben Partin 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Government : Stealing Your Freedom 48 Minutes
Gulag USA - Texe Marrs
HAARP (BBLC 2005) 51 Minutes
Has someone been sitting on the FBI?
Hijacking Catastrophe 2004
History of Freemasonry 53 Minutes
History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Holes In Heaven? HAARP
Hollywood and the Pentagon
Hot Spots: Iran
How the Twin Towers Collapsed 45 Minutes
Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure 1 Hour 23 Minutes
IBM and the Holocaust
Illuminati - NWO - Greedy Elite 1 Hour
Illuminati Mystery Babylon 2 Hours
Illuminazi 9/11 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Inflation 30 Minutes
Inner World of the Occult 3 Hours
Interview With John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman
Invisibly Visible 30 Minutes
Iraq, Tony & the truth
Iraq: The Reckoning - Dispatches
Isreali Terrorism
JFK : The Bush Connection
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 7 Hours 20 Minutes
Kidnap and Torture American Style - Dispatches
Loose Change
Loose Change 2 1 Hour 21 Minutes
Lost Civilizations - Byzantium 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Mad As Hell 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 2 Hourss 15 Minutes
Majestic 12 documentary by William Cooper aka MJ-12 The Secret Govenment
Making of a Dictator
Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors 2 Hours 10 Minutes
Masonry: Beyond the Light 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Masters of Terror (2003)
Masters of the Universe
Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Michel Chossudovsky - Disarming War Agenda (Carlyle Group)
Military Video 25 Minutes
Milton Friedman on Limited Government 28 Minutes
Mission Accomplished
Mission Mind Control - 1979 ABC News
Money Banking and The Federal Reserve 42 Minutes
Monopoly Men
Mormons and the illuminati 41 Minutes
Munich: Mossad's Revenge
N. Wootan - History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 45 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 42 Minutes
Oil as a Weapon
Operation Hollywood
Order Of Death
Order of the Knights of Malta 53 Minutes
Orwell Rolls In His Grave 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Other side of AIDS
Our Friend Saddam 40 Minutes
Owning the Peacock
Owning the Weather
P. Lindemann - The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (KeelyNet Conference) 3 Hours
Painful Deceptions
Palestine Is Still The Issue
Pallywood "According to Palestinian Sources..."
Peak Oil - Dr Colin Campbell
Peak Oil - Mike Ruppert 1 Hour
Pearl Harbor
Pedophile Politicians 1 Hour
People and the Land
Perspective on 9-11
Peter Lindemann - The World of Free Energy (KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Pharmakeia: George W. Bush, The Apocalypse and the War on Weed 40 Minutes
Phil Schneider - August 1995 Lecture 2 Hours
Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture
Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure 53 Minutes
Police State 2000
Police State II: The Takeover (2000)
Z Police State III: Total Enslavement
Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide by Dr Stanley Monteith
Preparing for the Inevitable: Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases 3 Hours 40 Minutes
President George W. Bush: Wiretap Eavesdropping Full Speech 43 Minutes
Preventive Warriors 1 Hour
Private Toll Roads Are Bad -Alex Jones- 1 Hour
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Promises and Betrayals
Psychological Operations 30 Minutes
Purpose Of The Drug War
Reality Check - Alan Watt 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Religions based on Astrology? 53 Minutes
Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out -- Again ! 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Resisting Government Secrecy in a Time of Terrorism with Seymour Hersh 55 Minutes
Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke 3 Hours
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Surveillance 1 Hour 34 Minutes
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Say No to War in Iraq - Mr. Galloway
Secret History of the Credit Card 55 Minutes
Secret Rulers of the World 50 Minutes
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Secret Wars of the CIA
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 45 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 1 Hour 30 Minutes 2005
Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed 2 Hours 33 Minutes
Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training, Brainwashing) 30 Minutes
September 11th: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006 1 Hour 26 Minutes
Shadow Government Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11 attacks 31 Minutes
Shell in Nigeria
Silvio Berlusconi: The Italian Tycoon
Skull & Bones - Dutch TV
Skull And Bones (CBS Documentary)
Something about Katrina 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Spin 60 Minutes 1995
Spinning Terror 50 Minutes
Spoils of War
Stan Meyers shows his invention, Hydrogen power
Stealing A Nation
Stealing Your Freedom - Dispatches
Technology and The Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 20 Minutes
Technology and the Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 21 Minutes
Telling Lies in Bosnia
The Age of Terror: In the Name of the State
The American prison system
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The Blind & The Dead (tex marrs & alex jones) 1 Hour
The Capitalist Conspiracy 47 Minutes
The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate - Alan Watt 30 Minutes
The Citizens Guide To Surviving Police Encounters
The Corporate Globe
The Curse of Oil


I hate television, the drug of the Human Disgrace!


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A growing body of evidence us suggesting a missing chapter in human history. Symbolist author and Egyptologist John Anthony West explores evidence of a sophisticated science behind the unexplainable accomplishments of Ancient Egypt.Was Ancient Egypt the inheritor of a body of scientific and spiritual knowledge from an even earlier civilization? Author / Mathematician Michael S Schneider discusses organic geometry and the role of the Fibonacci number series in growing life. West then demonstrates the presence of the Fibonacci series in the stages of construction of the temple of Karnak, also known as the "House of Life".Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------Jo hn Anthony West explores architectural anomalies and other evidence of an advanced civilization predating the ancient Egyptians. Across Egypt, the many architectural engineering artistic and scientific wonders still defy explanation.They mysterious Oserion appears to already have been an ancient ruin when it was "uncovered" by Seti I during the construction of the Temple of Abydos in the first Dynasty. New developments in the "age of the sphinx? Debate. In the Cairo museum is a Stella, which describes reparations to the great sphinx performed by the Father of the traditionally credited builder. Does the great sphinx conceal its own date of construction in the age of Leo?Part 2DescentPart 3The temple was the teaching" A look at the ancient Egyptian temple as an interactive repository of ancient teaching. After more than 17 years onsite at Luxor Temple, the enigmatic mathematician philosopher and modern-day alchemist R.A. Schwaller de Lubics discovered a key that unlocks a timeless teaching encoded in stone.Does Luxor temple conceal and ancient teaching about the metaphysical anatomy of man? West explores the controversial findings of Schwaller de Lubics and the biometric data he discovered hidden in this remarkable temple.Part 4 Did the ancient Egyptian technology extend into mastery of the afterlife? In the Valley of the Kings, the tombs of Seti I and Tuthmosis III ... all » have been closed to the public for over a decade. Arcane funerary texts cover the walls of the tombs with a bewildering list of spells and secrets that allow the deceased to navigate the afterlife. Dr. Rick Strassman, author of "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" discusses the biochemistry of the death experience and the role of the mysterious pineal gland. Our powerful interaction with DMT is shedding new light on the ancient understanding of the "third eye" or pineal gland as the seat of consciousness. Lon Milo Duquette discusses the strange state of consciousness known as Lucid Dreaming and its unexpected relationship with the afterlife experience.Part 5LegacyPart 6IlluminationPart 7CosmologyPart 8-------------------------------------------------------Unde rstanding the Roman Catholic ChurchAfter centuries of mistrust, indifference and even hostility, attitudes between Roman Catholics and other Christians are changing. Dialogue, cooperation and understanding is healing old wounds, locally and up to the highest organizational levels.The Roman Catholic Church is the largest block of Christianity. In the U.S. 65 million Roman Catholics are organized into 200 archdioceses and dioceses and more than 19,000 local Catholic parishes. Each year over one million infants and 70,000 adults are baptized in U.S. Roman Catholic churches. Yet for all its great size, influence and long history, many non-Roman Catholics understand very little about the largest Christian denomination.The purpose of this video is to help Protestant Christians and others develop a better understanding of the Roman Catholic Church, its history and basic beliefs by listening to Roman Catholics tell their own story.The 35-minute program is organized into three parts: Roman Catholic beliefs, Church history, Catholic Renewal. The program includes interviews with Roman Catholic theologians, scholars, pastors and lay people. Portions of this program were recorded in Rome, Assisi, Trent and Casino, Italy.Platonism and AlchemyThe Lost treasure of Plato. This video studies Plato as an Intellectual Yoga, a spiritual tradition which is magnificent, structured, aggressive, descriptive and psychologically profound.Here is the full DVD focusing on Carl Jung's workb, discussing Alchemy, the Republic, and Carl Jung's book 'Psychology and Alchemy." This ... all » video discusses the idea that Platonic metaphysics is an Intellectual Yoga, a spiritual tradition which is magnificent, structured, aggressive, descriptive and psychologically profound. Enjoy the Lost treasure of Plato.The Search For Ancient TechnologyThe Search For Ancient Technology author Erich von Daniken guides us through the puzzle of ancient science. This program explores the possibility that our ancestors could fly thousands of years before the invention of the airplane.A journey to Bolivia examines a launching pad for ancient flight. The phenomenon of cargo cults is examined. We travel to Mexico and Guatemala where our ancestors built incredible monuments that defy understanding. We take a look at genetic engineering and try to answer the question of whether the Egyptians discovered the science thousands of years ago.


Bruce Lee, Nikola tesla, Me -----------------------------------------------------------

My Blog

Life is Death, Death is Life!

Life is Death, Death is Life! From the moment we are bornand we draw that first breath.We embark on getting old,one step closer to death. Death is nothing to fearits as natural as life.Like a starry e...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 07:51:00 PST

The Mind

The Mind======== Im a mind with a bodynot a body with a mind.Just look deep inside your ownyou’ll be amazed what you may find. The mind is the birthplace for nightmares and scream’s.It is ...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 04:23:00 PST

New peoms

The End of the Beginning====================== Im a man of the future,yet i come from the past.I was here in the first days,now im here for the last. I have come from the lightand the shadow's its cas...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 06:28:00 PST

Happy New Year

To all my friends on myspace new and old, would like to wish you all a happy new year altho the nx few years are gonna be a nightmare compared to years that have passed! For me its not about a new wor...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:51:00 PST

United Nations or United DiscrimiNations.

Products of our environment-----------------------United Nations or United DiscrimiNations.Are you people out there fed up of being discriminated against by how society deems we should be?!! I know i ...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:22:00 PST

The Poet Returns!

H.A.A.R.P/Chemtrails------------------ I see something wrong so for this ill Imply;the sky's not the same, this you cannot Deny!Its not global warming because that shit's a Lie,its those muther fucker...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:22:00 PST

Thye rise and fall of the NWO in a nutshell

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the kings horses and all the kings men,could'nt put Humpty together again!!!Come on people, stop helping build Satan's stairway to heav...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:01:00 PST


Why fear getting old when its as natural as the cold! Why should we fear death when its as natural as breath! Why should we fear races when they're just from different places! Why should we fear pa...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 06:28:00 PST

Beware of false prophets

Hi allI know the likes of alex jones and ron paul have many followers, thats freedom of choice and i cannot take that away from anyone! Ill keep th...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 07:46:00 PST

Let the Rebelution Commence

Rebelations 1------------- I reside with the Angels,that have fallen from Grace,a destructive Disease,that they call the Human Race. You may think im Crazy but that is'nt the Case,with my views of the...
Posted by Rebelutionary SouLJa on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:45:00 PST