Reading, Learning, Writing, Teaching. Stargazing, Cloud watching, Dancing, Dreaming. Looking up at the sky and staring into infinity. Being romantic, Kissing, Foreplay, Massages, smelling flowers, walking through nature, talking with trees. Visiting my relatives, the mountains, the rivers, the sky and the air. Looking at Grandmother Moon, feeling the wind against my skin. Having mind blowing sex, Walking in the rain, Loving all that is , experiencing existence.
Vegans, Vegetarians and Free~thinkers. Everyone else is welcome but I do have a preference for the non~conformist type. I'd really like to meet people changing the world for the better. The ones who are being the change that they want to see in the world. I'd like to meet real people, the ones who are going to be kool with you, build and grow. A person who knows what they want and is willing to express it, to be who they say they are. Please, walk it like you talk it. I believe in reality, practicality, and spirituality, plus many other things. There's so many people out there that can express what's inside them to the fullest extent. There isn't a lack of food, water, shelter, or clothing, there's only a lack of sharing. When I look at what faces the planet I think yes I want to meet good people. The builders, the healers, the shamans, and of course "The Great Mothers", which are really the strongest people on this planet, and children are the realest. I don't really understand the meaning of life but there's gonna be people that I can build with who will come to certain conclusions as we conversate on the intelligent tip. Meeting the extra~ordinary is where it's at. I'd like to meet beings from other planets, dimensions, from my dreams. I know I was here before and I will probably be here again. All those other lives are bleeding through, letting me know that there's much more to existence than I ever expected. I like people who dream, day or night. Someone who uses their imagination, is speculative yet open minded. The real thinkers, the philosophers, the natural psychologist, the commoners who always seem to have extra~ordinary insight, the Jedi Knights of this Realm. The universe isn't as weird as we can imagine it's weirder than we can imagine. People who have broken the restraints that the thought police have imposed. I wanna meet the ones who are not afraid, the rebels without a pause. People who care for our mother and live by it. The Magicians, the Sorcerers, the Shamans, the Mystics, anyone who is meta~physical, supernatural, and beyond belief. Those who are different change the world, and those who are the same don't change anything! I would like to meet people who can go beyond the physical, travel at the speed of thought, think in many different directions and on many different levels. You might have an idea that the ones I would really like to meet probably aren't even on this planet, or at least from it. I tend to wonder, actually I wonder alot, that's why I put the video "do the evolution" on this page. I saw some freightening similarities in the animation to what people are headed for if a closer look at ourselves isn't taken. Unplugg yourself, wake up and smell the reality of the situation. If you have, then I'd like to meet you. We have too many leaders and followers, what we need are more indivduals. I seek the Inventive, the Modifiers, the Adventurers. When a closer look is taken at people in so called modern society we see a different picture, we see many possible outcomes of what could actually come to pass. If you think that there's more to life, that there's forces still unseen to the eye that are manipulating and producing an affect, that many things are hidden, and that we are being lied to, then contact me. I step in puddles deeper than some of the people I meet in NYC. Maybe I think too much, or maybe I don't think enough. Sometimes I wonder, is it, or is it not, maybe it's just like Voltaire said, "Planet Earth is the asylum to where the rest of the universe sends all of their lunatics!" Sometimes I think that maybe you have to laugh it off and just smile.
The Mind-Deprogramming Video Jukebox
If you watch this video please listen to the words and observe the story that's being played out, it is very visually explainative. It makes some people think deeply. I myself find it very profound. I like almost every type of music that there is, I'm always open to hearing something new.
Deep, Dramatic, Love, Mystery, Science, Philosophical, Action, and anything with a profound meaning.
.... there's so many! The Secret Life of Plants, Forbidden Archeology, Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Figerprints of the Gods, The Mars Mystery, Children of the Matrix, The Hidden History of the Human Race, The Teenage Liberation Hanbook {How to quit school and get a real life and education}, The Food Revolution, It's All in your Head, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, The Culture of Make~Believe, The Auto Biography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic, The 12th Planet, The Dictionary {a must read for everyone} The Orion Mystery, Extra-Terrestrial Archeology, Secrets of the Soil, Lost cities of Micronesia, The I-Ching, Baghavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Kama Sutra, Yoga Positions, Tantric Sex, Erotic Massages, The Encyclopedia of Dreams, and many more!