Myspace Layouts at / Broken Justice
Myspace Layouts at / Broken Justice
exposing the CORRUPTION in the Long Beach CA Police Dept. Donald Wood in particular. The Long Beach Prosecutors office in particular getting Prosecutor TOM REEVES out of office. This corrupt Prosecutor actually signed an arrest warrant that indicated I was in two different cities at the SAME TIME! HE NEVER EVEN READ IT!!! Among other false accusation being told by the courrpt cop Det. Donald Wood and his drug dealing buddy John Pohl. Attorneys Robert Miller and Bruce McGregor are just as stupid and morally corupt. They violated my civil rights. Det. Wood LIED to Judge TOMSON ONG OF THE LONG BEACH SUPERIOR COURT to get access to my home. He had NO PROBABLE CAUSE.
Slide Show below is from a former psychotic EX-boyfriend. A lying thieving con-artist named John Pohl from Long Beach CA. He is a drug-dealing, wife-beater who ran to his buddy a dirty cop at the LBPD out of Pure REVENGE after I broke up wih him. He committed Credit Card Fraud and led a stupid Jr. Detective down a path of lies and corruption. He got away with his lies because he got the the cops first and became the "Victim". This pathetic psychopath managed to make Corrupt Prosecutors and a bias, Pro Prosecutor Judge named Deborah B. Andrews actually believe his lies. He knows from experience - his equally fucked up x-wife Denise Pohl filed 2 Restrainng Orders against HIM having the Downey PD throw him out of his own home on New Years Day in 2002. 4 years later she's recanting her accusations against him. He knew to go through the Domestic Violence Court and he was guranteed to get his REVENGE. Now this stalking FREAK continues to harass me with these ridiculous Text messages. The courts will do NOTHING to stop him. He is after all their pathetic "Victim". Enjoy the show.
Lots of them
"Until Proven Innocent-Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case"
Defence Attorneys Joe Cheshire, Buddy Connor, Wade Smith, Jim Cooney, Brad Bannon, Doug Kingsbery, Bill Cotter, Kirk Osborn - for standing up to the injustices in the corrupt District Attorneys office in NC, Authors: Stuart Taylor Jr. and KC Johnson for their amazing book that exposed the corruption in Durham North Carolina DA's office - Anyone with the balls to stand up to the equally corrupt system here in the LBC.