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Here’s our music video about our encounter with some Africans trying to gain freedom and get away from their government...
Peace Full Sail EuroRock Alive and Well after week of 30-60 foot waves and rudder breaking...here’s the news:
The Calms before the Storms
Peace Full Sail Departure Video
Peace Full Sail EuroRock Departure
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PEACE FULL SAIL The excitement grows! We are getting closer to showing the world our desire for World Peace. We have sent Lemmy with a truckload of supplies from Germany to Spain to load on the boat. Also, several musicians are heading that way as well as the Skipper! I leave in a few days to set up the Satellite equipment for our Internet broadcasts, brief the crew and discuss how we are going to film the journey. We are looking good with a major network for our series and I should be talking with them again soon. They don’t know it yet since there is some new news, but we are joining forces with another documentary being filmed in Jamaica by a huge music-film-publishing company that I’m affilliated with. We are going to surprise alot of people! This will make our production 100 times fatter! and our mission a million times brighter! Wait till you hear who’s involved with that! Also in discussion is our daily updates we are filming to upload on to the Internet via the satallite equipment. Thats a little tedious but should be no problem for the Peace Full Sail EuroRock experts! When we arrive at the boat we will also begin shopping for two months worth of food for 10 people. Can you imagine that? Det was telling me three to four carloads of rice, beans, pasta, ...basically all the stapels. Bottled water is enormous! Everyone will then do another shopping spree for their ’cant do withouts’..like chocolates, chips, you know, the junk foods I guess. Maybe some healthy stuff lol...I can’t live without my Sugar Smacks, Chocolates and potato chips...the rippled ones. We will also be training the crew on safety, running the sails, watches, and general stuff like how to shower with sea water and sweet water rinse. Also the proper way to hollar, "Ahoy Mate!" Many things we gotta do!..we will upload some video of us doing all the above before we set sail. I will also make public our EuroRockers and award winning film crew at this time. Some of em with some major rock and roll and some jazz, and yet some pop. She is actually pretty popular already in the Peace Activism arena, having sung with Bono, Sir Elton John, among many others and will be singing for the Pope right after we land in Florida....Some major celebs will be joining us in Jamaica for concerts and the trip to the USA..and that info will be released soon! Right now the press has it and it should be published shortly. And all of this is confirmed. We have a bunch of Peace Activists coming as well! Musicians and Fine Artists For World Peace members are giving us much moral support as well as helping to get the word out. Some of the best people in the movement and we are blessed to have them as our anchor peace organization. My deep love and respect to all of you that have stepped up. Thank you to Alan, the founder as well and much respect. Last, but not in the least, we are excited that our mission has come to this point. And it never stops growing. Next year we are purchasing a 2 and half million euro yacht, equipped with 16 sails, and 50 meters long! We have the down payment and should have the rest for Peace Full Sail EuroRock2009 which we will circumnavigate the world for PEACE! Love and light and peace... Louie and the crew CONTACT: www.myspace.com/kriegergotteswww.myspace.com/kriegergottes
PEACE FULL SAIL kommt von Europa nach Amerika
Am 7 März 2008 wird die Beija Flor, ein 54 Fuß-Schiff, mit dem Skipper Detlef Kowalewski "D.K." (KriegerGottes) und seiner Crew und Band von Gran Canaria nach Florida segeln. Die Überfahrt unter der Flagge Peace –Full Sail wird einen Monat dauern.
EuroRock, gegründet von LouRicca, wird von Peace Full Sail von Europa nach Amerika gebracht. EuroRock ermöglicht Musikern aus ganz Europa in Amerika aufzutreten.
Das Team von EuroRock und viele Prominente und Musik Stars aus der ganzen Welt wollen helfen mit Peace Full Sail die Botschaft des Friedens zu verbreiten.
Die Reise wird Streaming-and Broadcast im Internet täglich live vom Boot senden.
Am Ziel in der Nähe von Tampa Bay, Johns Landung, wird es das Erste Friedens Konzert geben.
Dabei sein werden unter all den Prominenten, Swiss Chris, 5 maliger Gewinner des Grammi,
John Legend’s Music Direktor und Drummer.
Charlie Souza: Tom Patty’s ehemaliger Bass Spieler und nun Bassist für die New Rascals .
Der Skipper D.K., der im Back –up von Iron Maiden spielte
Im Gespräch ist EuroRock mit Dr. Arun Ghandi, der Enkel von Mahatma Gandhi.
Wir warten jeden Tag auf weitere Bestätigungen. Diese Reise einmaliges Unternehmen in dieser Art, werden sich viele Millionen Menschen live ansehen können. Während der Überfahrt wird es Musik auf Deck geben, die durch die Broadcast Crew gefilmt wird.
Von dort aus via Satelliten-Uplink an das Internet weitergereicht und ausgestrahlt.
In Tampa Bay wird es dann das Erste Live Konzert geben.
Wir werden über Medien wie Fernsehen, Zeitschriften und in Talk Shows mit Unterstützung vieler lieber Menschen diese einmalige Geschichte um den Erdball transportieren.
KONTAKT: www.myspace.com/kriegergottes