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The Official Fan Space For Lara

About Me

I grew up outside Chicago in a town called Lockport. I have a GORGEOUS Identical twin. I Love anything funny and don't take life too seriously. Quick-witted, dry and sarcastic sense of humor. I love my friends and family with a vengeance and protect them like a mother bear on crack--so don't mess with my peeps! Health and fitness are my foundation and I can't imagine life as a fat and shiftless layabout. I work out regularly and eat clean--well, at least most of the time. Tee hee. I've been personal training for 17 years.

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My Interests

Midgets, when someone trips and invariably looks behind them as if to find the culprit, ear hair holds my fascination, Fitness, nutrition, Makeup (my poor friends can attest to being my Barbie Doll Heads on more than a few occasions).

I'd like to meet:

Will Ferrell,Steve Martin, Steve Carell, Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller (not necessarily in this order).I'd also love to meet Barbara Streisand. I've always been a fan. What a gorgeous voice! Also, Olivia Newton-John--can you tell I grew up in the 70's and 80's??


I love all music.


Anything with Will Ferrell,Steve Martin or Ben Stiller, Muriel's Wedding, All of National Lampoon's Vacation movies, tons of British films and Japanese subtitled (way too many to list).Okay, being the loser throwback that I am, I regress back to the 80's. I loved Xanadu (more nostalgic than favorite now)and can be seen listening to its soundtrack on my Ipod.



The Office, My Name is Earl, CSI (prefer Vegas and NY. Can't stand Miami. What is up with David Caruso??? Did you ever notice that he is the serious version of Harry Crumb right down to the red hair and mannerisms?!), Grey's Anatomy, Still Standing. HOUSE, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy and basically anything else with my same warped sense of humor.


I have no life so I love to read. I like a huge variety of books. Some of my favorite authors are Patricia Cornwell (only when she is writing about Kay Scarpetta. If she writes any other character, it sounds like a 7th grader wrote...Isle of Dogs is a perfect example), Amy Tan, Scott Turow, Anita Shreve, Michael Chrichton. I also love biographies and other books.


Hmmm Wonder Woman or Isis? That's a tough one.
GroupsIdentical Twinz

My Blog

Thermos Song! ...
Posted by Lara on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:15:00 PST