Jeremy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Greetings and salutations to one and all!!! Well, as you can clearly tell from my profile I am a BIG time fan of muscular women, and have been for around 20 years now. One day in the 1980's (WAY back then for some of you!!), I was browsing around in a bookstore in the mall here in town, and came across the book "Flex Appeal" by Rachel Mclish. I was totally stunned by how good she looked on the cover. I had never seen a woman with something like serious muscles before, and I was instantly intrigued. I began to look through the book, and kept asking, "What IS this?" The more I read, the more intrigued I became, and I have been a fan of femphysique from that day to the present. "Femphysique" is my own little colloquialism referring to those sports that focus on the muscular and aesthetic development of the female physique (female bodybuilding, figure competition and fitness competition). The more research I did on femphysique, the more impressed I became with muscular ladies. I now consider them and their sports to be worthy of a great deal of respect and admiration, contrary to a society that insists upon denying them recognition for their accomplishments. It takes a lot of discipline, sacrifice, dedication, and plain-old hard work pumping iron in the gym to build one's body into a chiseled, well-muscled physique, and these are all qualities of character that I very much value in a person. For much of my life I have been a "closet" fan of sports involving muscular ladies, since these incredible athletes and their sports are still considered to be on the fringe of society and not widely accepted. Not too long ago, I decided to "come out" and make my respect for these women of steel public. I'm not hiding my appreciation for these amazing women and what they have done with their bodies anymore. Muscular women are ATHLETES, NOT FREAKS OR SEX OBJECTS, and deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect as any other female athlete....more, even.
I am also very much an Evangelical Christian. The Lord Jesus Christ is very much the center of my life, and I try and make time for Him every day. I enjoy discussing philosophy of religion, Biblical theology and Christian Apologetics. A third interest of mine is theatrical acting. I have been with my local community theater for around 3 years now, and have been involved in 10 shows with them. Each of these three subjects is a topic I am fascinated with and passionate about, and I originally created this site with the intention of dealing with all three on an equal basis. However, after much thought, I decided to redesign this site with three main purposes in mind: to create a place where female bodybuilders, figure and fitness competitors can network with each other as well as with their fans here on MySpace; to create a tribute page in honor of these amazing women and all the incredibly hard work they have put into creating and maintaining their muscular physiques; and to do what I can to positively encourage and support these muscular ladies in their athletic careers. I did this mainly because the vast majority of my friends in my list are muscular women, so I redesigned my site to reflect our mutual interest. I'm not a one-track mind by ANY means, but after much thought, I felt that by focusing on this one area is the most efficient way of spending my time here on MySpace.
Physically, I am not currently in the best of shape, but that is fast changing. Thanks in large part to the inspiration and advice of those muscular ladies who have joined my list, I have been able to lose a substantial amount of weight (60 lbs as of 5/1/07) and have started going back to the gym. On the relational side, I am very much your typical introvert, but I am decidedly better than I was: I would NEVER have considered doing something like this in my "hermit" days!! I also have a severe case of "niceguyitis." I try to be as polite, gentle and respectful as I can to most everyone I meet. I'm the sort who will give you a shoulder to cry on, who will talk and laugh with you until dawn, and will always be willing to help out in a pinch. I'm the kind of guy that usually gets the girl who wants to be friends, but never gets the girlfriend: I am proof that nice guys DO finish last!! That should just about do it, but I'll finish with this: I believe that femphysique is a beautiful, impressive, admirable, magnificent thing, and I hope and pray that one day you who visit or frequent this little tribute of mine to muscular women will see that as well (if you don't already)!! Let your voice be known, folks: SUPPORT FEMPHYSIQUE!!! "A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies. She girdeth her loins with strength, and maketh strong her arms." Proverbs 31:10,17 (ASV)

My Interests

Femphysique (the sports of female bodybuilding, figure competition, and fitness competition); Christian theology, apologetics, and philosophy of religion; and theatrical acting.

I'd like to meet:

Before I go on, allow me to be as honest and straightforward as I possibly can, and make a few things clear right from the beginning. ONE: I AM NOT HERE on MySpace to "hookup" with, date, OR find a future girlfriend or bride in any female bodybuilder, figure competitor or fitness competitor that is considering joining, chooses to join or is already in my friends list. I am here on MySpace for friendship and friendship ONLY. TWO: I REGARD muscular women first and foremost as WOMEN, created in the image of God Almighty and worthy of respect for that reason alone; and then as ATHLETES, worthy of a great deal of respect for their discipline and their dedication to their sports. I HAVE NEVER AND DO NOT regard them OR treat them in any way as the objects of some sexual fantasy or fetish of mine. THREE: I DO NOT AND HAVE NEVER considered my friends list to be my personal "collection" of muscular women for me to display and show off to others (as one competitor I encountered might describe my list). I am GENUINELY and SINCERELY INTERESTED in getting to know each and every person in my list and those I send requests to as a FRIEND and pen-pal, and I try my very best to stay in as much regular contact with them via e-mail or comments as I possibly can. Therefore, PLEASE DO NOT BE OFFENDED if you don't hear from me for a while. I DO read every e-mail that I get and stay pretty caught up on the bulletins. However, as my site grows, it gets harder and harder to keep up with everyone, and I REFUSE to let MySpace become my life: my immediate family and friends come first, and THEN come those that I meet online. Rest assured, though, you WILL hear from me!!! Just wanting to make those things crystal clear before I went on.

Now that THAT'S over with, who I'd like to meet here on MySpace....I am interested primarily in meeting and making friends with (1) Any woman that competes in femphysique who wish to use this site to network, make friends in the industry and connect with old ones, or simply meet and appreciate their fans here on MySpace; (2) LEGITIMATE physique photographers interested in offering their services to help muscular ladies create quality physique picture portfolios (no schmotographers please!!); (3) Companies that deal with femphysique, such as magazines (no porn please!), supplement companies, websites (again,no porn please!), clothing retailers, etc; (4) Organizations that promote femphysique events; and (5) Anyone who is a RESPECTFUL fan of femphysique. NOTE TO ALL GUYS WHO ARE READING THIS: If you are a guy who appreciates muscular women in a positive way, showing respect towards these ladies and treating them like the amazing athletes that they are, you are more than welcome here. However, if you are one of those schmoes who sees muscular ladies as nothing more than the objects of your sexual fantasies, please do NOT send a request!! And if somehow one of you schmoes does happen to get on my site and I find out about it, please realize that you WILL be deleted from my list without a second thought, and I WILL inform ALL of the women in my list just who you are so that THEY can delete you too!!

So, if you fall under any of these 5 categories and are interested in adding, I would ask that you please send me an e-mail telling me why you wish to add in addition to a friend request. To all those ladies who compete in femphysique out there I say this: Know that you have all of my respect, my admiration, my appreciation, and my support for you and your athletic endeavours; and I would love to meet you and get to know you as a friend, regardless of who you are or where you are in the world. Keep pumping that iron, ladies!! You all look MAGNIFICENT!! and to everyone, no matter who you are: May God in Heaven richly bless all of you today and all the days of your lives!!!


I guess I have a very broad range when it comes to my taste in music. It ranges from boy's choir, Gregorian chant, pipe organ, traditional hymns (A Mighty Fortress is our God, etc),classical, Enya, Billy Joel, Elton John, and Phil Collins on one extreme (as well as most any movie soundtrack, particular those written by THE man, John Williams) to metal, ANY and ALL types of metal, period!! (On THIS side of the spectrum, harder + faster + louder = better!!!!)


Again, very broad range of taste. I like silent movies, old 1930's B/W, classics of all genres, sci-fi, comedy, drama, war, horror, anime, action, documentaries.....all but chick flicks: can't stand (and don't understand) those!!!


Again, don't watch that much television. I have pretty much cut it out of my life for the most part, but the shows that I do watch mostly involve WWE or Bounty Girls Miami.


Mostly books on fantasy, Christian theology/apologetics, and books on the inter-relationship between the Christian faith and the arts. Also like to read musclemags and books on female bodybuilding, figure competition and fitness competition.


Those who are both believers in God and intellectuals, who make it a point from the example of their lives as well as their writings to show that belief in God is not an anti-intellectual enterprise, but is in fact a very intelligent thing to do. Also, any woman who has the courage and strength to be able to defy society's conventions of physical femininity, and is willing to put in the time, dedication and sacrifice necessary to create and maintain a muscular physique.

My Blog

December 7th-NEVER FORGET!!!

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." "No ma...
Posted by Jeremy on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:23:00 PST

Rest in peace, JT Littrell

Recently, I received an e-mail here on MySpace claiming that JT Littrell, the well-known physique photographer, had recently passed away after a long bout with cancer.  At first, I thought this w...
Posted by Jeremy on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:34:00 PST

Are ED/BT and Muscle Dysmorphia a legitimate concern for muscular ladies??

A while ago, while browsing around the web, I decided to do some research about how the medical field regards female bodybuilding.  I went to, typed in "female bodybuilding" in the sear...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST

The Unfortunate Rise of Schmotography

I recently saw this article posted in a bulletin from one of my friends who is a female bodybuilder.  Needless to say I was very disturbed after reading it; not only by the fact th...
Posted by Jeremy on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:08:00 PST

Some thoughts for muscular women from a "good" fan

I am writing this post because I feel the need to address something. I was prompted to write this after reading a blog written by a fellow fan of female muscle who was frustrated about how some muscul...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 01:33:00 PST

Benediction for the Muscular Woman

Usually, at the end of a Sunday morning service, my head pastor asks the congregation to receive the benediction, in which he sends us back out into the world with a blessing.  It may be a little...
Posted by Jeremy on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:38:00 PST

Why muscular women are admirable as well as attractive

As you can obviously tell from my profile, I am very much attracted to muscular women.  This has been true for much of my life, from middle school up to the present day.  I was never&nb...
Posted by Jeremy on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 02:13:00 PST