Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) profile picture

Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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MyGen Profile Generator --------- I changed my profile with help from pYzam
-------------------HELLO FRIENDS!!! My name is Kate Stewart and I am a NPC National Level Figure Competitor/Online Trainer/Nutritional Coach/Mother and Spouse (even though officially not married) LOL I didn't start out that way and for my full story please read my blog. During my lifetime I have battled many different obstacles. Self esteem was a huge one. I never quite felt like I fit in anywhere. I have always been more grown up then my age and had way to much responsibility at an early age. As I became a young adult I started to battle with my my weight and self image. One day I just woke up and decided that I was tired of life kicking me in the butt and it was time to kick it back. Today I feel good about myself, have a wonderful life and have managed to find true friends in this world.I'm hoping to network and meet as many people as I can in the health and fitness field or that I can help inspire or motivate.My cup is always half full and I try to incorporate something positive in my day everyday. I am always striving to be a better person not just in health and fitness but life in general.For more information about me please visit my website by clicking on the banner below.For motivation and support please visit my new board by clicking on this linkRemember to live life to the fullest and be the best you that you can possibly be in your life. You only get one lifetime and if you do it right then one is all you need.Thanks for joining in my journey but remember the ride is never over but rather always just beginning.FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MY ONLINE TRAINING PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE OR MY OTHER MYSPACE PAGE WWW.MYSPACE.COM/KMSFITNESSI APPRECIATE ALL THE KIND WORDS OF SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT FROM EVERYONE! BUT PLEASE RESPECT MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND KEEP IN MIND THAT I AM HERE ONLY FOR NETWORKING AND MEETING NEW FRIENDS WHO HAVE THE SAME PASSION FOR FITNESS AND HEALTH

My Interests


- Get Your Own
------I think I will first start with what I am not interested in these days. I do not like people who talk too much and too long especially about themselves. I get really tired of sitting there and listening to them go on about everything in their life and never ask about mine! I hate phony people. The ones that will be so sweet to your face then you find out they have been talkin smack about your or someone else behind their backs. DRAMA NO WAY IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. Oh, and liars...I have no tolerance for being lied to. People who act like their life is perfect and never can admit when something is wrong or bad in their life are annoying. I am a realistic. I am not an optimist or pessimist. I hate when people ask me to flex I am a figure chick people and not a bodybuilder. I don't have large muscles...wish they were a tad bit bigger though.I love everything and anything outdoors especially the ocean. I hope to one day be able to move closer so that I can enjoy some nice warm weather rather then the cold of the midwest.

I'd like to meet:

Most of the people I would like to meet, I have. I would say that mostly I would like to meet people that I have met this past year online and atually be able to spend some time with them. I value my friendships more then anything.I would also like to meet my mother again. I know that I will someday and I am in no hurry to get there. She passed away 13 years ago. For now I just meet her in my dreams.


You name it...I like it. I am not fond of Hard Rock Heavy Metal. But all other music is great by me. On my mp3 player I have everything from Salsa,country,top40, techno to R&B. Must have my tunes for cardio.Some that I like are Fergie, Dave Matthews Band, James Blunt, Nikleback, Kanye West...so you can see I am diverse.


Oh geesh with the availability of HUGE WIDE SCREEN TV's and home theatre equipment. I have no need to hit the movie theatre. I really enjoy a night home relaxing in the comfort of my living room and watching to my hearts content. This doesn't happen much though with training and working a full time job. I suppose that is why I like staying home to watch my movies.


My favorite shows are...so many of them...CSI Miami, CSI Crime Scene,Big Brother, Housewives, Biggest Loser, liking some Dr Ray and the rehab....don't know why but I like some Brett Michaels and Flav just because they crack me up that anyone can be that dumb. America's next top model, love love love KIMORA. Kimora has it ALL together and I tape her episodes just so I don't miss one. No One crosses her I love it. Love the style network and also I like Brothers and Sisters as I come from a big family. My family teases me relentlessly because I do like Lifetime television for women. I am SUCH a girl!


The Prophet, Life with Marley, Tuesdays with Morrie and so many more to even begin to mention. I love to read anything that is self help and one of my all time favorites is Body For Life. If I wouldn't have read that book then I wouldn't be down the path that I am now as successfully. Again though, time restraints have really put a halt to being able to read much these days.


I don't have any heroes. I think there is a very strong meaning to that word. Of course there are tons of women in the fitness industry and modeling industry that I respect, admire and look up to. Many of you are already here and you know who you are!!!! A strong woman who knows what she wants and goes and gets it is something to admire. What I do appreciate and admire though are people that have made a difference in their own lives. See, I believe that no matter what it is, people all have room for improvement in some aspect of their lives. These improvements don't have to be physical. So the person that takes control and makes those changes for the better are the ones that I admire. People that have beaten all odds and conquered their goals...they drive me to mine. They fuel me! People that realize that you JUST DO IT

My Blog

"Why Should I Help Someone I dont know or dont like?" Do you ever ask yourself this ????

Even though I urge everyone to do the law of universal reciprocation acts anonymously I want to make it clear that I'm not taking any kind of a shot at any one person at all in the public eye. &...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Thu, 29 May 2008 05:24:00 PST


[IF] If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt youBut make allowance for their doubting too,If you can wait and n...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:27:00 PST

The Victor

I'm often asked if I'm okay and my answer, most of the time,  is hard for people to understand. I am more than okay, I am a victor. I find my self reflecting, praying and resetting my focus often...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:30:00 PST

Just makes you wonder.....

I just don’t understand people today and what they do.    I have to sit back and wonder how could it be so important to some people to try to destroy others rather then help them,...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:13:00 PST

My Story

I will be changing my page up a bit in the coming weeks so I thought I would take my "Story"   my "about me"  and move it here.  MUAH I am so excited to have this new little spot ...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 05:56:00 PST

Different places I have been featured

I was very excited to be chosen for a write up in the Indiana Health Matters.   It’s a newletter put out by the Indiana Department of Health.    http://www.in.gov/isdh/p...
Posted by Kathryn M. Stewart (Kate) on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 05:00:00 PST