..For the perfect stage tan I use Jan Tana's new color called "On Stage Competition Color." It's truly the best tan for stage. Most of the top pros use it in bodybuilding, fitness, and figure. Provided below is her email if you want to ask her about the whole product line. You need to buy the whole pre-show tanning kit with the pre-tan scrub, posing gel, tanning mousse and application puff. She often has an amazing airbrushing crew traveling to different shows. If so, I would let them take care of you since they do an amazing job, and it makes the whole process a lot less stressful. There's nothing like it! You can e-mail Jan at: [email protected] or call: 1-972-347-2233www.jantana.com Good luck!
Jon Stewart, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Anothony Robbins