I love to workout and go to the gym! I also enjoy traveling! It doesn't matter where or how... Just give me a backpack and a plane ticket to Europe, and I'm good to go :) From time to time, I enjoy baking desserts and other goodies ;) (This usually only happens when I am dieting for a competition, though...funny how that works, huh?)Here are some pictures from my various figure competitions, photo shoots, and magazine appearances...
I have to give a lot of credit to my nutritionist, Kim Oddo, for working with me on my diet and training when I am preparing for a figure competition or for fitness modeling photo shoots. Kim is THE BEST in the business!!!! If you are interested in working with a nutritionist or if you are interested in competing, please check out Kim's website at www.bodybyo.com.YOU KNOW YOU'RE A "GYM RAT" WHEN . . .
1. When you wake up, your first thought is what bodypart you're going to workout that day.
2. You wear gym attire throughout the day, even when you're not in the gym.
3. You eat 5 or 6 small and well-balanced meals each day. 4. You have a specified gym bag that has everything you would possibly need for the gym.
5. You plan your day around your gym session. NOTHING gets between you and the gym.
6. You ALWAYS check yourself out in the mirror, every chance you get.
7. You have a "favorite treadmill."
8. When people ask you what your diet is like, you respond with "40-40-20."
9. You are never seen without a water bottle. NEVER!
10. You do laundry at least twice a week because you always want to wear your best gym attire.
11. Monday is your Chest & Arms day (if you're a guy).
12. If you're a guy: You wish you could ask out that special lady you always see in the gym.
13. If you're a girl: You wish all those creepy guys would stop bothering you all the time.
14. You think people who just walk and never run on the treadmill are abusing the equipment.
15. You never need to rely on the cardio machine's heart rate monitor, because you know how to take your own pulse. 16. Your only pickup line at parties is: "So, do you workout?"
17. Outside the gym, everywhere you go people always ask you if you workout.
18. You have a "cheat day" once every week or two.
19. If you're a guy: you find girls with six-packs attractive.
20. If you're a girl: six-packs on guys are a REQUIREMENT. 21. You don't buy Playboy magazines, you buy the muscle magazines because they have hot fitness models in bikinis instead.
22. Everyone thinks that you're either obsessive about how you look, are just plain crazy, or both.
23. You met your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend at the gym.
24. Other Gym Rats are constantly asking you questions and workout tips.
25. Your only friends are other Gym Rats.
26. When you go to bed, all you dream about is your next workout.
27. You carry around a book where you write down the calories for everything that goes into your mouth, yes, even gum or cough drops!
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Pretty much anything...with a few exceptions! I particularly enjoy Latin, country, contemporary Christian, hip-hop, R&B, some styles of rock, and classical music. When I'm working out, I have to listen to something with a good beat/rhythm to keep me goin! ;) ...
Anything except for horror films!...
24; Friends; CSI; Law & Order; Without a Trace; FitTV...
The Bible; "Purpose Driven Life" -- by Rick Warren; "Become A Better You" -- by Joel Osteen; all John Grisham novels; "The Eat Clean Diet" and "The Eat Clean Diet Recipe Book" -- by Tosca Reno; a variety of Health & Fitness magazines; and many more...
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