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MEN!! Read This!
NO MALES will be added as friends unless I get a message first saying they have actually read and comprehend the following:
I am the photographer, not the model in the
99% send a friends request with "Hey Baby" "You look great" "We should hook-up" and on and on. So if you send a friends request with out also sending a message you will not be added!
It's all good!
Arthur (Oh ya hedge!)
Last Samurai (I have enjoyed our conversations.)
Oceans Eleven (Ten oughta do it, don't you think? You think we need one more? You think we need one more. All right, we'll get one more)
Stripes (That's my philosophy: a hundred dollar shine and a three dollar pair of boots.)
Caddyshack (Did somebody step on a duck?)
Godfather (I know it was you Fredo.)
Remember the Titans (Attitude reflect leadership, captain.)
Lord of the Rings (I was there the day the strength of men failed.)
Stargate (Give my regards to King Tut , asshole!)
Patton (All right. All right, tell him I'll drink to that; one son of a bitch to another.)
Monty Python (And now for something completely different.)
Heroes are common men and women who do the extraordinary expecting no credit, no fame, no fortune. They are heros because of who they are and they did what they did because being who they are... they could have done nothing less.