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About Me

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You must not know 'bout me. Well for one thing, everything I own's in a box to the left. Also, I produce and perform at comedy shows. I am probably the most famous person you've never heard of. Unless you've heard of me, in which case, I'm definitely gonna pay you back. Tomorrow. Check out my show at Two Steps Down on whatever date it says on the flyer. I used to try and be particular about that but then I said forget it. Can you even read this? Are you even reading this? Whatever. Two Steps is located at 240 Dekalb Ave between Vanderbilt & Clermont. You can take the G Train to Clinton Washington or the C Train to Lafayette. Then you walk.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Entertaining homeless people. And you.


I wrote a song. I call it "Big Fat Chubby Motherfucker". It's already a number one hit in Uganda. I'm just kidding. There's no such place as Uganda. Enjoy this and other songs here!


I put this under movies cause I had no place else to put it. Also cause I was never in a movie.



I would like to be on television one day. In order to do that, you need headshots. You should get your headshots where I got my headshots, which is from a gentleman by the name of Michael Benabib. His web site, which you can access by clicking any of the different color text here, is digitalheadshotsnyc.com. Interestingly enough, I had to pay him to advertise his site. Go figure.


Back in high school, the people who sold weed used to refer to their bags as "books". Ahh .... good times.


Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 90% Hulk 70% Catwoman 70% The Flash 65% Supergirl 63% Spider-Man 60% Green Lantern 60% Wonder Woman 58% Superman 55% Robin 53% Batman 50% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Blog

how did we get here?

Hmmm...so what the fuck just happened?Within the past year, I've become something beyond that  which I've conceived.  What does that mean, you ask?  You tell me, motherfucker, I don't k...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:27:00 PST

Guess which movie I think is the greatest movie ever?!?

Did you stay till after the credits?  Oh shit!! oh yeah the movie's Iron Man.  I had to go alone because all of my friends were busy.  I should stop writing jokes about them....
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Mon, 05 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

Haven’t blogged in a while...

nor do I feel any particular need to do so now.  It’s just nice not having a show to promote.  So what’s been going on in my life? My high school reunion is on Saturday.  Th...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:36:00 PST

I’m not really into politics like that..

but my friend Danielle is.  So read this: "I'm sorry, I just had to vent about the disparity in coverage between the primaries in South Carolina, a half-black state and the mainly white states of...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:11:00 PST

Okay seriously, I’ll review the movie

It was pretty good.  But not really.  I saw I Am Legend the next day and that was better.  Point is, I'm not going to Manhattan for a while.  Well, except tomorrow, when I'll be pe...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST


 I couldn't even describe the monster to you if I wanted to.  Seriously, it's hard to explain. The whole experience was weird.  First off, I was there with my ex, but not really, so tha...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:36:00 PST

Does "DSW" stand for "Da Shoe Warehouse"?

Seriously.  And what's the deal with Toys "R" Us?  Why is the "R" backwards? Which brings me to my main point.  Which is this Remember when you were a kid and got mad excited to go to K...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 04:42:00 PST

the problem with blogging...

is that it's so therapeutic, that I'm generally not as angry by the time they finish.  By then I'm just remorseful and apologetic.  But not this time, no this time I'm gonna stay bored right...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:01:00 PST

Check this shit out!!!

Oh shit, I gots me a web site!! Click below to see it!!  Then bookmark it!! Also on a side note, I need one more person to perforn at the show on Tues, Jan 29th and three people to perform on ...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:46:00 PST

My quest

So for those of you who read  the last blog, you know that I was on a mission to find a quest for this upcoming year.  The responses were plentiful and overwhelming, and I thank you all for ...
Posted by WWW.SIMSCOMEDYANDALCOHOLREVUE.COM on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 01:58:00 PST