ADRIANNE CURRY profile picture


FAME...Its only a punch, drug bust, or public defecation away!!!

About Me

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My Interests

I love writing (as you can see from my blogs), music, animals, nature, softball, hiking, horse back riding, camping, paint balling random things..hehe, shooting ranges,working out, and curling up with a good book in bed with my husband a

I'd like to meet:

Trent Reznor, Maynard, Will Smith, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger(kinda did), Paul McCartney and Ringo Star, Roger Waters and David Gilmour, Sophia Loren, Bettie Page, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and many others! Too bad I can't put DEAD people on this list..if I could..Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Dr Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Napoleon, Joan of Arc, All the people tried in Salem for witch craft, Ramses the Great, and the high priest from the height of the ancient Mayans


The Beatles! The Clash, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Queen, Tom Petty, Fear Factory, David Bowie, NIN, Grand Funk Railroad, The Cars, Steve Miller Band, The Who, The Allman Brothers, The Eagles System of a Down, Aerosmith, Led Zepplin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, U2, The Rolling Stones, Enya, TOOL, Alice In Chains, AudioSlave, Stone Temple Pilots, Marilyn Manson, The Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Jefferson Airplane, The Go Go's, Billy fuckin Idol, Depeche Mode, Garbage, Janes Addiction, Mr. Bungle, Primus, Pantera, Nirvana, Annie Lennox, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Sarah Brightman, A Perfect Circle, The Beastie Boys, Type O Negative, Sound Garden, Johnny Cash, Sublime, and many others. a


The Fountain, Pan's Labyrinth, The Lord Of The Rings, Mystic River, Momento, A Clockwork Orange, The Doors, The Yellow Submarine, Legend, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Pink Floyd's The Wall, The Never Ending Story, Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob strike back, Crash, Four Rooms, Pulp Fiction, Lost Highway, Moulin Rouge, Donnie Darko, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Phantom of the Opera, The Usual Suspects, Kiss The Girls, Silence of The Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Half Baked, Dazed and Confused, How High, Friday, A History Of Violence, The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, Natural Born Killers, The Last of The Mohicans, Interview with the Vampire, Star Wars, Walk the Line, Star Dust, Beyond The Gates, Old School and many, MANY others! My Fav actors are Denzel Washinton, Johnny Fuckin Depp!, Tom Cruise(yep, I said it) Morgan Freeman, and a ton of other Talented Peeps. a


Heroes, Boston Legal, Dr. Phil, Cold Case Files, American Justice,Prison Break, Seinfeld, Aeon Flux(not the awful movie), Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Kid Nation, Salt n Pepa show, Almost everything on Discovery,The History Chanel, and my love to VH1, The Surreal Life and My Fair Brady a


Oh, where do I begin? Clockwork Orange (it has a different ending than the movie) I enjoy ANYTHING by James Patterson, especially his "Alex Cross" series. He is one of the best "thriller" writers of our time. Yu will be left on the edge of your seat! I have read EVERY bo0ok he has written. I have Read Dan Browns Digital Fortress, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, and DaVinci Code. He is a fabulous realistic writer. Anything that happens in his books could happen in real life. He researches his work with painstaking detail. I also like Christopher Paolini. He is incredibly talented for a guy his age. I do believe he is in his late teens. His books seem to have been influenced by the writing of J.R.R. Tolkien. Eragon and Eldest are only two out of a three book series. I am anxious to get to the third! He has created a world of his own, complete with maps of locations and History. Talented, indeed! I have read all of Anne Rices work. She has the ability to conjure such clear pictures in the mind that it's almost like watching a movie. The characters are painted with bright tones of lust, Light hues of love, and the black strokes of death! Although, there is one book that I wish she ended with The Vampire Chronicals. They did become too much at one point. Memoirs of a Geisha by Author Golden amazed me. Here was this book, an uncensored look into the complicated mind of a woman, written by a damn man! It just racks my mind that a man captured the essence of a woman as well as he did. It's a depressing book though, all the hardships a woman in the days of war, and having next to no rights. Last but not least My Favorites, C.S. Lewis nd J.R.R. Tolkien. I read Lewis as a child. Whenever I hear the word Narnia, I am 8 years old again jumping into that wardrobe with Lucy. Although they are too childish for my tastes now, I cant wait for the day when I give them to my children to read. Now Tolkien on the other hand is not childish reading. His books are full of sorrow and hardship. Constant battles between good and evil. The Hobbit however seemed more like C.S.'s work. Anyway, these two men were friends in life and it showed in the writing of their stories. I am a huge Tolkien fan, I believe he is the better of the two. I'd say the Book Of Lost Tales and The Similarian were the best for me. it gave you a deeper look into middle earth. I could go on about books, but I'm done for nowa


My Mom, My Grandma, JFK, Martin Luther King, every eccentric amazing rock star that OWNED it, and my husband for dealing with me

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My Blog

My thoughts on Hubbys Celeb Circus performance

I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of my husband! (I cried when he was done, it was stressful to watch him do something that dangerous) Watching my lover do such an amazing thing like the t...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:10:00 PST

My Husband left me!!!!

For the last two months, I might as well have been on my own....Chris has up and fucking left me....... and joined the CIRCUS! Celebrity Circus airs this Wednesday night on NBC! I am really excited to...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 05:07:00 PST

Our 2 year anni, fuck those who said we wouldnt make it!

Wow, time sure does fly when your having fun! Feels like it was just yesterday that I even met my husband! We met in November of 04, married May 29th, 2006.I am thrilled to report that our relationshi...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Thu, 29 May 2008 07:25:00 PST

Diary of a Mad Italian Woman..

Disposable LoveBy:Adrianne CurryYou think you're bad, you think your slickYou think that I fucking give a shit?You think she's better, you think she's good?You think she'll do all she said she would?T...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Mon, 26 May 2008 10:19:00 PST

Thank you, TMZ..for Von Ahole

Dear TMZ,   Dude, I need to thank you guys for exposing me to probably the BIGGEST Douchebag to ever walk the earth! Just like people watch my show to feel better about themselves, you have provi...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Sun, 25 May 2008 07:59:00 PST

Looking Back at Top Model

Holy shit! I stumbled across a video of me on youtube of me on top model and gave it a look. I sounded like shit! My vocals were ravaged from my years of drug use. It sounded like I had no energy! Sti...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Sat, 24 May 2008 05:32:00 PST

Beauty Tips, by popular demand..

Everyone asks me these 3 questions...1.) What kind of skin products do you use? 2.) What kind of foundation do you wear?3.)How do you get your eyebrows so perfect?I am going to try my best to answer a...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:25:00 PST

Are you guys having this problem?

Everytime I block applications from accessing my informqation or contacting me in my account settings, I save it. Then, when I sign out and back in...I am flooded with spam from applications! When I c...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:29:00 PST

Example of really SHITTY Parents...your thoughts?

I am in shock that any parent in their right mind would let their BEAUTIFUL daughter (and she is a pretty  one) go to prom looking like a fucking crack whore hooker! Ladies of the Night sometimes...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

Writing my book...From The Ashes:Rise Of The Pop Culture Phoenix

No, that is NOT the name of my book, but it basically sums it up pretty well...  I have finally got my shit together and started writing a book! I have been meaning to really buckle down and do t...
Posted by ADRIANNE CURRY on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:59:00 PST