This is the Renee Olstead MySpace.
Her self-titled debut album "Renee Olstead" is in stores now!
Okay this is where Ill be answering some of the most popular questions that many people ask me...
Tony age 23 asked, "when's the new CD coming out? "
Answer: Well we are in the final final stages, and we were getting ready to promote it, BUT we ran into a few bumps in the road so its going to take way longer than any of us expected! Sorry for the wait! ^_^
Chelsea age 17 asked, " What made you start singing this kind of music?"
Answer: Well its actually a boring unromantic story. I was watching a movie called Pleasantville; and in it was a song called At Last, and it was so beautiful and so moving that I waited till the end of the movie, and I wrote the name of the song and the artist Etta James who I of course Love!
Daniel age 15 asked, " What was the best part of recording your album?"
Answer: Well I really lucked out working with David Foster, who's incredible. He's pretty cool! It was wonderful when your in the studio, and you see all these people who are so talented and are in the studio putting down their talent on the track for you to sing with, and I just felt so lucky in that instant. You know when you've got someone like David Foster behind the consol it was so inspiring!
even though i may not get back to you due to so many mail, the thought still counts. hey you never know maybe i'll even spot you out in one of my concerts. you would think, " wow there are so many people she can't possibly see me" and unless your way behind everyone i see most people. i go through one section at a time, it just puts me in awe. a bit overwhelming but thats what i live for! so hey you never know!
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