Juan Carlos Paniagua profile picture

Juan Carlos Paniagua

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About Me

JUAN CARLOS PANIAGUA BUSTAMANTELEBENSLAUFGeboren am 29. Juli 1974 in Medellin Kolumbien hatte er seine ersten musikalischen Kontakte im Alter von 5 Jahren, als Sänger in einem Kinderchor vom Augusto Bustamante, sein erste lehrer.
Mit 17 Jahren begann seine musikalische Karriere als Akkordeonist und Bassist mit Lateinamerikanischer Musik und Flamenco.
Mit 21 Jahren Eintritt in das Konservatorium für Musik der Universität von Antioquia (Kolumbien) wo er Musikpädagogik und Klavier studierte, seine Lehrer für Klavier waren Consuelo Mejia und Arnaldo Garcia welcher am Konservatorium der Stadt Wien graduierte.
Von 1996 bis 1998 studierte er Improvisation und Jazz bei Eugene Umman (USA), von 1997 bis 1998 karibische Rhythmen und Arrangement bei dem kubanischen Pianisten Andrés Hernández, zwischen 1998 und 2001 belegte er diverse Seminare bei den Pianisten Chano Dominguez, Richi Rey und Edy Martinez.
Ab 1996 arrangierte er für namhafte Plattenfirmen wie Discos Fuentes, Discos Victoria und Colmúsica. Er spielte, arrangierte und dirigierte bei allen bedeutenden Konzerten und Festivals in Kolumbien. Tango, Jazz, Latinjazz, Bossa Nova,Flamenco, Andino, die gesamte kolumbianische Folklore, Heavy Metal, Neoklasik und progressiver Rock zählen zu seinem Repertoire. 2002 spielte er als Solist Bandoneón im Symphonischen Orchester der Universität von Medellin.
2003 ging er in die USA und spielte und arrangierte mit verschiedenen Gruppen in Miami, Hollywood, Key West,Tampa und Las Vegas Bandoneón, Klavier, Baß, Akkordeon und Keyboard.
Im Moment lebt er in Wien (Österreich) und studiert Komposition am Konservatorium Prayner bei Professor Stolz. 2004 und 2005 spielte er mit verschiedenen Gruppen in Spanien, Deutschland, Ungarn, Italien, Schweden und natürlich auch in Österreich (z.B. Wiener Konzerthaus, Jazz-Festival in Wiesen).
Viel Energie investiert er im Moment mit der trio “Alejandra“ welche er zusammen mit der kolumbianischen Violinistin und Mezosopranistin Alejandra Maria Torres, Substitutin der Wiener Philharmoniker, und der kolumbianischer Basist Juan García – Herreros, gegründet hat.
JUAN CARLOS PANIAGUA BUSTAMANTE Curriculum Vitae. Born on the 29th of July, 1974 in Medellin, Colombia. He had his first musical experiences as a singer in a children's choir of Augusto Bustamante, his first teacher, at the age of 5 years.
He began his musical career at 17 years of age as an accordionist and bassist with Latin-American Music and Flamenco.
At 21 years of age he entered the Conservatory of Music at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) where he studied music educational theory and piano, his teachers for piano were Consuelo Mejia and Arnaldo Garcia, whoh had graduated at the Conservatory of the city of Vienna.
From 1996 to 1998 he studied improvisation and Jazz under Eugene Umman (USA); from 1997 to 1998 Caribbean rhythms and arrangement with the Cuban pianist Andre Hernández.
Between 1998 and 2001 he attended various seminars with the pianists Chano Dominguez, Richi Rey and Edy Martinez.
From 1996 he arranged for famous record companies like “Discos Fuentes”, “Discos Victoria” and “Colmúsica”. He played, arranged and directed at all important concerts and festivals in Colombia. Tango, Jazz, Latinjazz, Bossa Nova, Flamenco, Andino, the whole Colombian Folklore, Heavy Metal, Neo-classic and progressive rock count to his repertoire.
In 2002 he played as a soloist Bandoneon in the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Medellin.
In 2003 he went to the USA and played and arranged with different groups on the Bandoneon, piano, bass, accordion and keyboard in Miami, Hollywood, Key West, Tampa and Las Vegas.
He lives in Vienna (Austria) and studies composition at the Conservatory Prayner under Professor Stolz. In 2004 and 2005 he played with different groups in Spain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Sweden and, of course, also in Austria (e.g., Viennese Concert Hall, Jazz Festival in Wiesen).
At the moment he is investing a lot of energy with the trio "Alejandra" which he has founded together with the Colombian Violinist and Mezzo-soprano Alejandra Maria Torres, substitute of the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Colombian bassist Juan García – Herreros

My Interests


Member Since: 9/17/2007
Band Members:

Alejandra Torres: Violin, Voz
Juan Garcia-Herreros: Bajo y efectos electrónicos
Juan Carlos Paniagua: Arreglos, Composición, Piano, Acordeón, Bandoneón y voz

La nobleza del león

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SDRB Bandas • Alejandra Torres from rubenblades on Vimeo .
Influences: Mis influencias estan basadas en una interesante mezcla de la experiencia recogida por muchos años con músicos de diferentes estilos, por ejemplo de los estilos populares de mi pais "Colombia", de formación empírica, del mundo del Rock progresivo, de estudiosos y conocedores del Jazz, de amantes a los rigurosos estilos interpretativos de la música clásica en la universidad de Antioquia y en el coservatorio de Viena, y a la fusión de muchas culturas aqui en Europa.
Partiendo desde J.S. Bach, pasando por Beethoven, Ravel, Shumman, L. A. Calvo, Piazzola, P. Milanés, M. Sosa, Marta Valdés, Ketama, Dream Theater, Planet X, L. F. Franco, Schönberg, entre otros, y no puedo decir hasta donde he llegado ya que la historia seguirá escribiendose siempre, aunque considero todavía que estoy en el punto de partida de este maravilloso mundo "la Musica".
My influences are based on an interesting miscellany of experiences, gathered over many years, with musicians of different styles; for example: the popular styles of my country "Colombia", of empirical formation, from the world of the progressive Rock, with students and experts in Jazz, with lovers of the rigorous interpretive styles of the classical music in the University of Antioquia and in the Conservatory of Vienna, and with the merger of many cultures here in Europe.
Beginning with J.S. Bach, moving on to Beethoven, Ravel, Shumman, L. A. Calvo, Piazzola, P. Milanés, M. Sosa, Marta Valdés, Ketama, Dream Theater, Planet X, L. F. Franco, Schönberg, among others. I cannot say up to where I have come, since the history will always keep on being written, although I think, that still I am at the starting point of this wonderful world of "the Music".
Sounds Like: La música que escribo, está influenciada por los colores y la atmósfera que me han facilitado diferentes momentos en mi existencia
Solo busco crear y experimentar con los elementos que tenga a disposición; sensaciones y momentos que describan por si solos un mundo en si mismos y cuenten a los demás su propia escencia.
Sounds like:
The music I write is influenced by the colours and atmospheres which have effected me at different moments in my existence.
All I do is search how to create and experiment with the elements that have been at my disposal; sensations and moments which describe for themselves its own world and tell the others their own essence.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie