Olle Gällmo profile picture

Olle Gällmo

Swedish bagpipes, voice

About Me

I play Swedish traditional music on a traditional instrument - the Swedish bagpipe . This instrument is native to Sweden and was suggested to the title "national instrument" in the 1860's (together with the nyckelharpa). The tradition died out soon after that, however, and was soon forgotten. The instrument was revived in the early 1980's.
I have worked to spread information about this fascinating instrument, in Sweden and abroad, for many years through concerts, courses, workshops, information sites on the Internet, etc.
I play both traditionally configured Swedish bagpipes, i.e. mouth blown and with a single drone, and an extended version of the instrument with bellows and more drones (which makes it superficially similar to the Irish Uilleann pipes). The main advantage of the extended instrument is that it is much easier to keep in tune. The pipers of old played mostly solo - I like to play with others.
I play traditional music from most parts of Sweden, but in particular from Dalarna (where the instrument has its roots) and Uppland (where I live). I also sing traditional songs, together with the bagpipe playing second voice (another advantage of the bellows). And I give talks and lectures on bagpipe history, Swedish and international.
In 2008 I was awarded the Swedish honorary title Riksspelman (Piper of the Realm).
[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 5/28/2007
Band Website: olle.gallmo.se
Band Members: [email protected]
Sounds Like: New CD! (click for more info)

The second issue of the Nordic drones podcast contains a long interview with me about this CD, including several music samples.
More information on Swedish bagpipes at http://olle.gallmo.se/sackpipa .
Here is a video recording of me and Stefan Ekedahl, playing Knivens polska (a Swedish traditional bagpipe tune from Värmland).

Record Label: Tongång Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Radioinslag, Radio Uppland (P4), 2008-07-21

En kort intervju med mig och ett par musikinslag från Radio Uppland den 21 juli.
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:42:00 PST

Artikel i Upsala Nya Tidning 08-07-08

En ganska stor artikel om mig, min nya cd och att jag blivit riksspelman, finns i UNT den 8 juli 2008.---An article in a local newspaper, Upsala Nya Tidning (in Swedish) about me, my new cd and that I...
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 06:21:00 PST

New CD: Olle Gällmo - med pipan i säcken

Finally done! 25 tracks with Swedish bagpipes, including 8 songs. 28 page booklet with lots of information, in Swedish and English, about the instrument, the tunes and playing techniques. With Gunnar ...
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 03:03:00 PST


I går, den 6 juli 2008 i Delsbo, blev jag tilldelad zornmärket i silver och därmed också titeln riksspelman på svensk säckpipa. Det är en stor ära för mig, förstås, men också en bekräftelse på att den...
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:42:00 PST

On the Origin of the Screeches

Last week, I gave a talk on bagpipe history during the "mediaeval week" on Gotland (a big festival). The talk was entitled "2000 år av pip och gnäll" or "On the Origin of the Screeches" and included d...
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:54:00 PST

Interested in Swedish bagpipes?

If you want to know more about Swedish bagpipes you should visit the discussion forum at the Norden Sackpipa Association of the Americas (NSAA). See also my website about the instrument....
Posted by Olle Gällmo on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:42:00 PST