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About Me


Our vision is for faith communities to become a catalyst in the movement to eliminate our society's dependence on fossil fuels. FUSE's mission is to educate, mobilize and unite communities of faith to act on the increasingly harmful effects of our society's dependence on fossil fuels.To achieve our mission, FUSE consults with congregations to develop educational programming, congregation-wide conservation initiatives, and energy-saving facility-management practices.FUSE raises awareness and catalyzes social and political action through an international network, based on the following universally-shared doctrines of faith communities worldwide: Respect for the Earth and all of creation Care for the health and well-being of humanity Commitment to protecting and preserving human rights throughout the world

My Interests


Stats & What You Can Do

    Nine of the fifteen top world oil exporters are listed as not free, measured by their restriction of political rights, civil liberties, and freedom of expression for their citizens. Another three on the same list are listed as only partly free.
    Freedom in the World Report, 2007 According to retired military leaders, climate change is expected to cause increased global conflict, including wars over water, increased hunger, instability from worsening disease and rising sea levels, and global warming-induced refugees.
    national security and the threat of climate change report

The 29 million gallons of petroleum that enters North American ocean waters each year as a result of human activities comes from land-based runoff, polluted rivers, airplanes, and small boats and jet skis, while less than eight percent comes from tanker or pipeline spills.
national academy of sciences

  • Benzene, which occurs naturally in crude oil is carcinogenic to humans and there is no known safe threshold level.
    World Health Organization air quality guidelines
    • Many of the new technologies that harness renewable energy, including wind, solar, geothermal, and bio-power, are, or soon will be, economically competitive with the fossil fuels that meet 85 percent of the U.S. energy needs.
      Environmental and Energy Study Institute A new national report finds that building "green" would save an average school $100,000 each year - enough to hire two new additional full-time teachers.
      U.S. Green building council
      In a warming climate, more water will fall as rain than currently falls as snow, leaving communities who currently rely on a long, slow snow-melt for summer’s water supply, such as those in the North American West, to face shortages.
      u.s. department of state A recent study concludes that climate change could drive a million of the world's species, or a quarter of animals and plants living on the land, into extinction as soon as 2050. The United Nations says the prospect is also a threat to the billions of people who rely on nature for their survival.
      bbc news

    FUSE suggests the following steps as an example of the simple ways that we can have a direct impact on the world's most pressing issues. FUSE believes in addressing these issues through a Sustainable Energy Strategy that combines education, community action, personal conservation practices, investment in renewable and alternative energy, purchase of carbon offsets, and legislative advocacy. The following sections provide a sample of what such a strategy would include.




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    My Blog

    Green Jobs and Eco-Equity

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmlatsFJ4KQ ...
    Posted by FUSE on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:25:00 PST

    March 2008 Newsletter Now Available Online

    Click here to read the FUSE March 2008 Newsletter. Keep up with FUSE’s progress and the latest headlines in sustainable news!If you would like to receive the newsletter as it is released, please...
    Posted by FUSE on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:05:00 PST

    February 2008 Newsletter now online!

    Click here to keep up with FUSE's progress and headlines in sustainable news!
    Posted by FUSE on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:27:00 PST

    Step it Up 2007 - National Day of Climate Change - November 3rd 2007

    Step it Up has featured FUSE in an 'action spotlight' on their home page. If you would like to help FUSE Step it Up on November 3rd, please go here to join!...
    Posted by FUSE on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:37:00 PST

    FUSE Inaugural Newsletter

    Click here to read FUSE's October 2007 Newsletter
    Posted by FUSE on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:01:00 PST