At this critical moment in the history of the human family, when the very foundations of civilization are being challenged, there is a message of compassion being spoken by one grounded in enduring wisdom and true discernment. In Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da writes of the urgent need for a new form of global discourse, based on the recognition of the underlying unity of humankind. Such discourse would renew the ideals that originally underlay the foundation of the United Nations. And it would require humankind as a whole to listen to the ordinary people all over the world who are in dire need of greater human security.—BRYAN DESCHAMP Senior Adviser United Nations High Commission for Refugees
Peace is a result that will come from the changing of the egoic model of human activity to the mode of prior unity. We promote peace because war is the ultimately destructive arrow flying towards the heart of humanity.
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"There is no difference between people. Human beings are a single species — and, fundamentally, they are all the same. The various colors do not make any difference. Races of human beings are variations of minor genetic changes that developed as human beings wandered the planet and lived under various conditions over thousands of years. Of course, in each place where human beings settled, they developed particular philosophical views and cultural characteristics. Nevertheless, the changes that occurred and the differences that developed are sheerly incidental and minor." ~Adi Da"All we are saying is, give peace a chance" -John Lennon"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." -Martin Luther King, Jr."I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." -Mahatma Gandhi