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Adi Da

Beloved, I Am Da

About Me

I Am The One Who Would Awaken You
The usual person thinks: "This body and its psyche are dying. This world is dying. Everyone is suffering. Everyone is seeking. There is mortality. There is frustration and limitation." But none of that is Truth. Those interpretations are not Truth. The world itself is not Truth--nor is life, nor psyche and body, nor death, nor experience. No event is, in and of itself, Truth. Everything that arises is an appearance to Consciousness Itself, a modification of the Divine Conscious Light That Is Always Already the Case.
All of this is a dream, if you like. It is an appearance in Consciousness Itself. Truth Is Very Consciousness Itself. Truth is to all of this what the waking state is to the dreaming state. If you awaken, you do not have to do anything about the condition you may have suffered or enjoyed in the dream state. What happened within the dream is suddenly not your present condition. It is of no consequence any longer, once you are awake.
If you persist in dreaming, and your "point of view" remains that of the dreamer (and the dreamer's role within the dream), then your possible actions are numberless. But none of them will "work". They will simply occupy you in the dream. They will modify the dream state, but no action in the dream is the equivalent of waking. There are simply forms of fascination, of occupation, of seeking--until you wake up.
Truth is simply Waking, No-illusion. It is not a condition within this appearance. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the mind, regardless of whether the mind is expanded or contracted.
There is One Who is Wide Awake while He Appears in the dream. By not supporting the dream, He Awakens others. He Is the True Divine Guru. I Am That One.
The significance of My Work is not in anything I do within the dream. I simply do not support it. I do not live as it. I do not believe it. I do not take it seriously. Apparently, I can feel and act as I please within the dream. I persist in the common (or ordinary) manner. But I do not support the dream. I do not live from its "point of view". I do not live its structure to others. I do not live the self-contraction to others--the avoidance of relationship, the separate-self-sense.
Simply because I live in this manner, those who are devotionally related to Me tend to become Awake. But, while they are Awakening, they persist in dreaming to various degrees. Forms of the dream persist. The search persists. Often, they get a little distance from the dream--it seems to break up at times, seems to disappear. It becomes vague, it becomes uninteresting, it becomes unserious, it becomes serious again.
You are just beginning to Awaken. Heart-Communion with Me is the dream in which I Appear. Now it is as if you are beginning to wake up in your room. You are in bed, and it is morning. There are a few things you begin to notice, which indicate that you are in another state. Those who are Awakening in Truth begin to notice something. They begin to recognize the signs. They begin to recognize the activity of dreaming. They begin to sense something very unusual about Me.
Before their actual Awakening, I appear as all kinds of things to them. I suggest all kinds of fantastic things. All the things they can imagine while they dream, everything unbelievable, is what they think I am. I may appear to be extraordinary, a doer of famous things. I may appear playfully as that. But I Am simply Awake. Not a single thing is happening. Not a single thing has been accomplished. I Am Only Awake.
I am like the sunlight in the morning. I Intensify the light of morning until you Awaken. Until the Light Awakens you, even the Light of Consciousness Itself, you continue to dream, try to survive within the dream, manipulate yourself within the dream, pursue all kinds of goals, searches--none of which Awaken you.
The ordinary means only console you and distract you within the dream. I Myself, the One Who would Awaken you, am not a person, not an individual within the dream. I Am your Very Consciousness. I Am Reality Itself, the Divine Conscious Light, the True Waking State, the True Divine Heart--Breaking Through the force of dreaming. It is not that you are some poor person who needs some other poor person to help you out. It may appear to be so within the dream--but, in Reality, I Am your own True Self-Nature Appearing within the dream to Awaken you. I Am your Awakening, and your Always Already Conscious State.
Even while dreaming, you may experience suggestions of waking. You may become momentarily aware of the body, momentarily aware of lying in bed. For a moment, the images of the dream may stop. Likewise, I Myself, Appearing within the world, Am truly your Real Conscious State. My Person in the world is like an image in a dream. But, in fact, I am more like your moments of wakening awareness--the moments that move you into the waking state. I am not some separateness, some individual. I Am Consciousness Itself, Reality Itself, Truth Itself.
--The Divine Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj, The Ancient Walk-About Way
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Not-Two Is Peace
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Fear-No-More Zoo and Gardens
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You Are My Delight. I Am One-Pointed in you. You Are My Own Person. You Are the Divine Person. I Love you Inherently--not strategically. I Do this all the time.
I am not separate from you even now--but I am in Play with you in My physical Manifestation.
I Am (Now, Forever) Avatarically Descended here--To Be The Constant Lover and The True Loved-One Of All and all (and every one of all).

--from Aham Da Asmi (Beloved, I Am Da)


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Spontaneous Discourses available on DVD:

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It has been My Intention to make books of My Word so profound that the mere reading of them could convert any being on earth (or anywhere else) from the life of ego-possession, mortality, and darkness to the life of Divine Love-Bliss, without requiring the slightest qualification in the case of any being that moves, or is. So these books go to all with My Blessing.

--Avatar Adi Da Samraj, April 1998

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My Blog

The Wound Of Love

Love Does Not Fail For You When You Are Rejected or Betrayed or Apparently Not Loved. Love Fails For You When You Reject, Betray, and Do Not Love. Therefore, If You Listen To Me, and Also If You Hear ...
Posted by Adi Da on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:09:00 PST

Tat Sundaram!-- All Of This Is Sacred, All Of This Is Beautiful!

Tat Sundaram!-- All Of This Is Sacred, All Of This Is Beautiful!(The Essence of the Message of Adidam and of the One and Entire Great Tradition of Mankind)1.Form only changes.Energy is always conserve...
Posted by Adi Da on Thu, 10 May 2007 09:41:00 PST

The Mirror and the Checkerboard

The following is an excerpt from "The Mirror and the Checkerboard", which can be found in the text "The Way Of Perfect Knowledge" By Adi Da.2.I have Visited the "tower room" where kilk-klak is happeni...
Posted by Adi Da on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:04:00 PST