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About Me

Hear the latest radio interview with Elizabeth de Vries on what is coming up astrologically for our planet and ourselves.
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As a child, Toronto born Elizabeth DeVries (EdeV) spent countless hours in nature. She loved to spend hours alone with her wild creature friends. Her deep love of animals, especially horses, and the time she spent in the forests led her to a sense of the beauty of God’s creation. She recognized that her sensitivity to beauty was inborn, and that she viewed all life through a different lens than most. From early childhood, Elizabeth had visionary experiences that brought her into mystical and magical worlds.
Elizabeth writes, "My first love affair with flowers commenced with the rose. Be it a delicate tea rose with the light shining through or the multi-petaled hybrid, they all stir my heart with sweet memories of life with my long deceased mother. Each day of her life started and ended with flowers. She nursed them through the harsh Canadian winters, delicately wrapping them with cloth to avoid the deep ground frost. She taught me to give them loving care, to transplant, prune and fertilize them, to wash their leaves and caress their spirits with a soft encouraging voice. I happily embrace her legacy of love."
As I worked as an artist to recreate visions of the essence of the beauty of flowers, a wonderful healing began to take place within my soul. The colors, the different geometric and organic forms unique to each individual flower created deep spiritual transformations within me. I want to share this experience with as many people as possible. I want everyone to experience this healing and aesthetic journey into the heart of Divine Creation.” While Elizabeth’s early life exposed her to strong academic achievement, a different sort of life beckoned to her as she grew, traveled, and studied at university. She had continued to ride horses throughout her teen years and had become an accomplished equestrian. In her early twenties she packed her bags and moved to the west coast of British Columbia where she backpacked and rode through the glorious mountain terrain, observing the lush floral beauty that surrounded her. Her passion for horses deepened. Her skills helped many unmanageable horses become champions. Her work as a renowned horse whisperer, and her affinity for nature deepened and expanded over the next twenty years.
Since her visionary childhood experiences, Elizabeth has considered herself to be on a spiritual quest. After moving to California, in her mid forties, she spent the next 16 years of her life helping others uncover their own true “essence of beauty” through teaching classes which stripped away the artifice so indoctrinated into women from a young age and let them see, and learn to love, their own true beauty. Her seminars have been presented in Los Angeles and New York, and she has acted as a spiritual counselor to thousands of clients including many prominent business and entertainment personalities. Throughout her life, her love affair with nature has included a special love of flowers. In the same way that Native Americans consider stones and trees to have souls, Elizabeth has always seen flowers as unique expressions of nature infused with the same life force as any other creature, capable of communication, feeling and deep rapport with humans.
It was a natural progression of this innate appreciation of God’s handiwork that has led Elizabeth to want to help others see what she was seeing. Recently, she has turned her attention towards creating mixed-media artistic expressions. Using photography, acrylic paints, and collage she manages to find the unique “essence of beauty” in each flower she interprets, while simultaneously showing us the universality of Beauty. Her works help us see the relationship between the infinitely small and the infinitely large; what the mystics have known for thousands of years, “As above, so below.”
Elizabeth might fairly be described as one of those precious few who stares outwards at the infinite sky and inwards into the infinite beauty contained within a dew drop or the aging petal of a dying rose, and sees the eternal in each of us.I experience God's Divine Handiwork through my individualistic lens...the lens of my soul... I allow the Divine Creative source of My Holy Spirit to guide my soul to enhance and enlarge the view which this original lens captured. It is truly the Spirit working with the soul...and if both are exquisitely blended then it is Spirit guiding Spirit....and I surrender to this river of Spirit in the process.
As Elizabeth sums it up, “To me that which is infinite and eternal is clearly expressed in things that may go unnoticed in our hectic modern lives. It brings me great delight to reveal these treasures and help others walk this path of beauty that I see.”

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Adore to interact with creative sensitive people. Appreciate people of character, integrity and authenticity.. People who honour the "examined life." Friendships are developed over time and I am willing to unravel and share who I am slowly..I speak from my heart and can at times be a "pot stirring female!" romantics...assertive communicators who care to make a difference.Above all I am an activist for peace, seeking gentleness and kindness as the way to resolve differences. If we listened more and spoke less we would hear the hearts of others and build great bridges amongst all nationalities and belief systems.

My Blog

April Horoscope as Published in Venice Mag

..........Hello dear friends, We commence the month with that interesting combination of fire and water...impulsively jumping forward and then nostalgically drawing back...the in and the out...fabulou...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 09:30:00 GMT

December/January Horoscope as published in Venice Mag

..TR> ..TR> ..TR> ..TR> Hello dear friends,   Do take note that this is a December/January Horoscope and as such the next one will not be out until February.   In this ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:18:00 GMT

Venice Magazine November Horoscope

..TR> NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE by eliza de vries For many, November presents an intense period of resurrection and in depth plummeting as we delve into the psyche for some serious housecleanin...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 02:29:00 GMT

Venice Magazine October Horoscope

.. defer type=text/javascript> if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined") { var YAHOO = {}; } YAHOO.Shortcuts = YAHOO.Shortcuts || {}; YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = true; YAHOO.Shortcuts.sensitivityType ...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 16:40:00 GMT

The Fierce Urgency of Now

A letter I just left at his site...please go to and tell him how you feel. love, eliza   Dear Sentator Obama:   Barack we have stood behind you for almost two years. It i...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 04:19:00 GMT

Venice Magazine Horoscope

As published in Venice Magazine   Hello dear friends,   An interesting month...unique as we combat earth and air and probably are feeling prone to crave more of the deep emotional energie...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:28:00 GMT

Venice Magazine July/August Horoscope by eliza

Hello dear friends, Hang on to your hat for a summer of fire!!!  We are greeted August 1st with a potent Solar Eclipse which will affect all of us...each in our own way...according to our sun sig...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 11:43:00 GMT

Venice Mag June Horoscope by eliza de v

Hello dear Friends,   Hope that you enjoy this month's Mercury retrograde!  Remember to observe the New Moon in GEMINI (TODAY) by attending our great rituals New Moon in Gemini on Tuesday th...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:00:00 GMT

Venice Magazine Astrology column

Dear Friends,This is a powerful month...a Full Moon on the 19th brings us to a completely new expression of life. We are planning a huge ritual at that time and should you care to attend just call my...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:47:00 GMT

March Horoscope

A fascinating month...filled with Aquarian/Piscean energies which slowly shift mostly into if you feel incredibly romantic, nostalgic, introspective, emotional, .... you will underst...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 15:40:00 GMT