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..The Vida Marina Foundation was founded in order to create and maintain a protected marine area off the coast of the Osa Peninsula, on the South Pacific side of Costa Rica.
When most people think of Costa Rica, they think of the rainforest, but what is
not widely known is that Costa Rica enjoys one of the most biologically diverse ocean ecosystems in the world. This is mainly because the heart of a vast habitat known as the Costa Rican Thermal Convection Dome (named for its proximity to this country) lies here. Shallow warm waters lie on top of low-oxygen cold water, creating the perfect ecosystem for a vast variety of marine life.
Whales, dolphins, tuna, marlin, manta rays, sea turtles, sailfish and more, congregate in this area taking advantage of this year-round thermal dome of ecologically rich waters.
Humpback Whales visit us from two separate hemispheres, giving us the longest humpback whale season in the world. For this reason alone, the area should be protected.
However, commercial fishing in the area is rampant, including long lining, trolling for shrimp and large scale tuna fishing.
A Baby Humpback Whale with a fishing line embedded in his body.
This is no way to treat an endangered species!
Through our research and education programs, Vida Marina Foundation is working to make the protected marine sanctuary a reality.
We been collecting data, taking ID photos and filming dolphins and whales since 1999, a solid data base of research information which enables us to better understand the great
variety of species in the area, their behaviors, and the threats that exist to them.
Our Flying Inflatable Boat (a dingy that flies!)
enables us to cover a lot of area, observe commercial fishing boats,
and get a special view of the dolphins
and whales
Vida Marina Foundation has many ongoing projects.
 These include creating the protected marine sanctuary, identification of
individuals, distribution and usage maps, local and outreach marine education, and
much more!
Vida Marina Staff at the 2007 Earth Day Event
Local students learning about Dolphins and Whales
The cumulative goals of our projects
• Promote and support with scientific research the creation
of marine sanctuaries or reserves in the area.
• To support,
promote and carry out scientific studies and submit scientific publications.
• To carry out educational
programs and projects that contribute environmental
awareness about marine resources, both locally and otherwise.
• To create a web of information,
documentation and reference on local marine life with educational and scientific
To stimulate and support other organizations and institutions that may share our
• Promote regulated eco-tourism specially oriented towards cetaceans
watching in their natural habitats.
• To support the creation of
environmental and protective laws towards marine eco-systems and its
• Carry out environmental campaigns: waste reduction in homes
and hotels, beach cleaning, recycling etc.
• Support the certification of
tour operators and tour guides involved in Whale and Dolphin watching,
• To better
understand the relationship between humans and whales and dolphins, and why we
are so curious and attracted to each other
• Create video documentaries on individual
species and the making of the marine sanctuary
Our Proposed Marine Protected Area
off the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica
Please help us to protect this incredible area, known by National Geographic as the most biologically intense place on earth. There is no place like it in the world, and your support is needed to protect and conserve this biological hot spot.
Vida Marina's Super Team has their hands full removing hooks and lines
from the mouths of sea turtles and rescuing dolphins who have
beached themselves for whatever reason.
Vida Marina recently had great success with stopping a large scale tuna farm that was planned in the Golfo Dulce on the Osa Peninsula. The tuna farm company tried to push through the project without consulting the local people that it would affect, and without the proper environmental studies. Tuna farms such as these are very destructive to the area around them, and this company wanted to do it in a mostly enclosed Fjord, one of only three like it in the world! There is now a court order haulting the project until further environmental studies are done.
Vida Marina is also on President Arias' Peace with Nature Campaign Committee, giving us direct access to the President of Costa Rica and other governmental officials. We have been very successful in bringing Costa Rica's marine issues to the forefront and are very proud of our work in this area.
The above photos are the ones that no one likes to see, but we can't keep our heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen. This is a dolphin that fishermen skinned and tied to a floating bag, they even use dolphin meat as bait on long lines! Can you imagine? Next is two Olive Ridley Sea Turtles tied together to a makeshift buoy with their guts sliced open. The fishermen were looking for turtle eggs,
a supposed aphrodisiac, GET SOME VIAGRA, DUDE!
And now, please enjoy a slide show of the beautiful dolphins and whales of Drake Bay, Costa Rica. All photos were taken by Vida Marina President, Sierra. We have also included some photos of the other animals found here in Drake Bay, both on land and at sea!