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Defenders of the Wild


About Me

This page was created to promote the awareness of our wildlife and its vulnerability and endangerment from todays society. I have put together a collection of informaton, visuals, links, and news updates to help support the conservation of our wildlife. All efforts put forth will make the difference of lives. Everyones support counts. Please make sure you subscribe to the Blog for up-to-date news and check back often for the newest updates, and petitions!
“It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honour nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.”-Jimmy Carter
Site of the Week:
National Wildlife Federation
There are still companies out there who are dropping chemicals into rabbits' eyes and spreading burning goop onto the backs of mice—all for the sake of vanity. Here is a compiled a list of companies that don’t test on animals.
Hair Products
Nail Products
Skin Products
Donate for Free! up donates $1 and every day you log-in they'll donate $.01 to the charity you've chosen to support to help homeless pets. These pennies add up to make a big difference in the lives of pets, so go to the site and log-in often!
Care2 Click to Donate-Click free to generate donations to your favorite causes-Stop Global Warming, Save the Rainforest, Save baby Seals, Save The Oceans, Save the Big Cats, Save The Primates, and Save Pets in Need!
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Animal Rescue Site-Click Once a Day to Give Free Food and Care
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GoodSearch Search Engine-With each search you launch on, about 1 cent goes to the animal charity of your choice. You simply select an organization from a database of thousands or add your own, then tell all your friends, tell your friends to tell their friends and so on. If 1,000 people with the same charity search twice a day for a year, the charity earns $7,300. Make GoodSearch your official search engine Here

Myspace Layouts at / Dolphins Under water--live!

My Interests

African Elephant:

Elephants continue to roam the African land, but remain under threat from poaching and habitat loss. Although poaching of elephants for their ivory has declined since the 1989 "ivory ban", it remains a widespread problem in west and central Africa. Large quantities of African ivory are still finding their way in to illegal markets in Africa and beyond in places such as Asia. A more long-term threat to the species, however, is the reduction of habitat available to elephants in the face of expanding human populations.

Please Visit the WWF's Aprican Elephant Programme

American Alligator:

The American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) is one of the two living species of Alligator. The American Alligator is native only to the southeastern United States, where it inhabits wetlands that frequently overlap with human-populated areas. While populations were severely affected in the early parts of the century (with protection occurring in the early 1960's), the recovery of this species has been remarkable in most areas thanks mainly due to properly controlled and monitored conservation and sustainable use (eg. tourism, harvesting) programs. The belly skin of the alligator produces a generally high-quality leather, and this resulted in considerable hunting pressure earlier in the 20th century, particularly in Louisiana and Florida. Even after hunting was prohibited in Florida, illegal poaching continued into the 1970s. Were it not for additional changes in the law to control the movement of hides, many think extinction may have been possible. Since then, populations have improved considerably (ie. millions) and are now only considered to be threatened in a few areas by habitat degradation (including water management programs).

Arctic Fox:

The Arctic Fox, or White Fox, is in a habitat that is being destroyed by oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Help save this sanctuary at

Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle is a bird of prey found in North America that is most recognizable as the national bird and symbol of the United States.It is found near large bodies of open water with an abundant food supply and old-growth trees for nesting.The species was on the brink of extinction in the continental United States late in the 20th century, but now has a stable population and has been officially removed from the U.S. federal government's list of endangered species. The Bald Eagle was officially reclassified from "Endangered" to "Threatened" on July 12, 1995 by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

Black Bear:

The population of the florida black bear is declining rapidly due to urban sprawl and yet the bears are not protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Take further action now at

Adopt a Black bear, Black bear family, or Black bear group at

Blue Whale:

The Blue Whale is believed to be the largest animal to have ever lived. Blue Whales were abundant in nearly all oceans until the beginning of the twentieth century. For over 40 years they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers until protected by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 Blue Whales worldwide located in at least five groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggests this may be an underestimate. Before whaling the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering approximately 239,000. There remain only much smaller (around 2,000) concentrations in each of the North-East Pacific, Antarctic, and Indian Ocean groups. There are two more groups in the North Atlantic and at least two in the Southern Hemisphere.


Since 1960 over 7 million dolphins have died as a result of fishing vessels encircling the dolphins with nets in order to catch schools of tuna that swim below. Defenders of Wildlife is fighting in court to protect the "dolphin-safe" tuna label.

Adopt a Dolphin, Dolphin family, or Dolphin group at

I'd like to meet:


Please take a few minutes out of your time to sign these petitions to help support wildlife conservation.

***Eight Belles' breakdown and euthanasia at the Kentucky Derby on May 3 has put the spotlight back on an industry that puts speed and profit first and leaves the horses in last place. In pursuit of cash prizes and hefty stud fees, some trainers and owners run horses too young, dose them with large quantities of drugs, order jockeys to whip them mercilessly, race horses when they're exhausted and lame, and sell them for slaughter when they can no longer turn a profit. Tell Your Congressman Here

***Put the brakes on 'Speed Racer' Chimpanzee Cruelty! A whistleblower reported that the chimpanzee Chim Chim in the Wachowski brothers' live-action movie adaptation of the classic television series Speed Racer, was severely beaten. Chimpanzee "actors" are forcibly removed from their mothers when they are just infants—sometimes when they are only days old—causing lifelong emotional scars and an unshakable fear of the unknown. Trainers want these curious and playful animals to know that they're the boss, so the animals are often subjected to repeated beatings—a practice that the industry accurately refers to as "breaking the spirit." Sign the Petition Here

***Tell Burberry to Stop Selling Fur! Burberry is still using fur in its designs. As one of the old British fashion houses, Burberry should be standing proud as a leader of a forward-thinking fashion scene, but instead it's stuck in the Victorian era. Founded in 1856, Burberry is hanging onto 19th century ethics when it comes to its use of fur. Death for fashion cannot be justified! Minks, foxes and raccoons are just some of the animals who will suffer at the hands of a bad fashion choice. How could somebody wear the skin of one of these animals draped around his or her neck? Animals raised for fur are kept in some of the worst conditions imaginable, and they suffer horribly painful deaths. Anal electrocution and drowning are common methods used to kill the animals so as not to damage their fur. Burberry's decision to sell fur has become the animals' death warrant. Ask Burberry to follow the lead of Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren and other top designers who have stopped using fur in their designs and to adopt cruelty-free alternatives. Sign the Petition Here

***Help End Shark Finning!Every year, fishermen globally pull tens of millions of sharks on deck and crudely slice off their fins. The fishermen then throw the sharks overboard, now finless, and they sink to the ocean floor where they drown or bleed to death. Shark finning is as brutal as it is wasteful - which prompted the U.S. government to enact the Shark Finning Prohibition Act of 2000, making the practice illegal. Or, at least, that was the intention. Under the Act, the U.S. Coast Guard confiscated more than 32 tons of shark fins from the King Diamond II in 2002. The fins are used for the Asian "delicacy" shark fin soup, which can sell for up to $100 a bowl. There's no way to know just how many sharks were killed for this particular haul, but we do know that a shark's fin comprises just 1 to 5 percent of the animal's body weight, which means that more than six million pounds of shark carcasses were scattered on the ocean's floor. The King Diamond II got away with violating our shark protections. Let's not let it happen again. Watch the Video and tell your representative to support a true shark finning ban here

***Help End Animal Testing! Animals in the U.S. are being injected with substances like Botox until they become paralyzed and suffocate, even though there are modern, non-animal methods to test the deadly neurotoxin. As a recent Washington Post investigation reveals, the entity put in place by Congress to reduce the use of animals in toxicity testing—the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM)—has failed miserably and has, in fact, become a major obstacle to the incorporation of non-animal test methods. Contact Your Congressman Here

***Make the Tiger Trade Ban Permanent! Tiger numbers have decreased dramatically in recent decades due to poaching to supply the illegal trade in tiger parts. Illegal markets in China drive most tiger poaching and illegal trade. To its credit, China has taken many steps to stem this problem; however, its commitment to ending tiger trade is now wavering. Take Action Here

***In the past five years alone, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has contributed more than £321,000 to the slaughter of black bears for The Queen’s Guards’ ceremonial caps and has refused to find an alternative to the use of real fur. Take Action Here

***Close All No-Kill Shelters and Start Animal Sanctuary! "We the people of the United States demand that all kill shelters be closed and animal sanctuaries be opened to replace them. We further demand that spayed & neutering be made mandatory for cats and dogs in all States and this be made State or Federal funded. We the people demand our own Pet Project for this is the only way we will ever see a light at the end of the tunnel.10 Million Plus Animals Are Euthanized Annually In The United States." Close No-Kill Shelters Here

***Help End Seal Slaughter! Every year in Canada, hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals are mercilessly slaughtered for their skins, and we want you to help get this cruel practice banned by signing PETA's seal petition. End Seal Slaughter Here

***In the wake of the federal delisting of wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies our allies at the Natural Resources Defense Council have filed a formal petition with the Fish and Wildlife Service calling for a national wolf recovery plan. Such a plan would help ensure a lasting future for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies and provide a needed boost for wolf recovery and management efforts in the Southwest, Northeast and Pacific Northwest. Wolf Recovery Plan Here

***Greater Yellowstone Wolves Delisted - Protest Now! The Bush/Cheney administration has just eliminated federal protections for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies, opening the door to the slaughter of hundreds of America's most beloved wolves. We need to let the Bush/Cheney administration know that we strongly oppose this decision to remove Greater Yellowstone wolves from the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species. Wolves Delisted Protest Now Here

***Boycott China! China's dogs & cats are boiled, stabbed, drowned, bludgeoned, strangled, poisoned, hanged, and electrocuted...experiencing unbearable pain as their legs are routinely broken while trussed up and hung in local markets for human consumption, or skinned alive and cast off like garbage, for the despicable fur trade. 1,000,000 signatures needed! Boycott China Here

***Urge Kosher Authorities to Prohibit Cruel 'Shackling and Hoisting' Slaughter Method . Urge Kosher Here

***Urge Donna Karan to Shed The Fur!Please join in urging Karan to discontinue the sale of all fur items and to institute a permanent fur-free policy. Tell Donna Karan Here

***End Alaska's Aerial Hunting Program! Support the PAW Act, a legislation to close a federal loophole and curb Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program. Take action at Support the PAW Act Here

***Take a stand against aerial gunning! Help fight against unethical hunting at Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program. Take action at Stand Against Aerial Gunning Here

***Tell governor Sarah Palin to end aerial gunning! Send her a petiton here Petition Sarah Palin Here

***Urge your senators to co-sponsor the Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act to end possible extinction to polar bears and other species. Petition here End Global Warming Here

***Save polar bears from trophy hunters! A loophole in the Marine Mammal Protection Act allows U.S. trophy hunters to kill Canadian polar bears and bring them back to this country. This adds additional pressure to Canada's vanishing polar bear populations, which are already declining. Put a stop to this now! Stop Trophy Hunters Here

***Help keep "dolphin-safe" tuna labels! More than half of the tuna consumed by American families comes from producers, particularly in Ecuador and Mexico,use practices that can hurt or kill dolphins and catch tuna with increased mercury levels. Help keep tuna dolphin safe at Keep Dolphin's Safe Here

***Help the great cats an rare canids survive! Congress would give greatly needed support around the world for those working to save jaguars, wolves, leopards and other wild cats and canines. Make that happen here Help Great Cats Here

******For a list of other actions you can take please visit

***Animal Welfare Petitions

***Environment and Wildlife Petitions

***PETA's Get Active Center and Petitions

***Oceana's Action Center

***Big Cat Rescue Action Center-Help the Big Cats Here Big Cat Rescue

Please make sure you check out these sites to help out the defenseless and be the voices of the voiceless!

Defenders of Wildlife

ARAN-Animal Rights Action Network

PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

WWF-World Wildlife Fund

ALF-Animal Liberation Front

Wildife Humane Society

***World Animal Net- World Animal Net is the world's largest network of animal protection societies with consultative status at the UN.

Green Peace

The Animal Rescue Site

Donation Links:

Donate to Green Peace to Help the Whales Donate Here

Click to Donate- This site needs no money! All you have to do is click on the links once a day and it will send an automatic donation to each cause from the company! Help save big cats, primates, baby seals, the ocean, pets in need,and stop global warming. One free click a day makes a HUGE difference! Click to Donate Free Here

The Humane Society-Make a Caring Donation Today Donate Here

Donate and Join PETA today to Help Put a Stop to Animal Cruelty

Miscellaneous Links

***Fur is Dead-Learn What Happens on Fur Farms and n the Wild

**Request a Free Cruelty-Free Pocket Shopping Guide from PETA Here

***National Anti-Vivisection Society-Dedicated to abolishing the exploitation of animals used in research, education and product testing.

***Oceana-Protecting The World's Oceans. International Protection and Restoration


Ethiopian Wolf:

One of the rarest and most endangered of all canids. It is also known as the Abyssinian wolf, red jackal, red fox, Semien fox (or jackal. Some 500 survive today in small populations, threatened by loss of highland habitats, disease and persecution.

Please Visit the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme for more info. and ways to help.

Florida Panther:

The Florida Panther is native to cypress swamps and pine and hardwood forests of southern Florida. The two preeminent causes of population loss is collisions with cars and habitat destruction. Less than 100 remain int he wild today.

Help fight for big cats

Adopt a big cat at

Grizzly Bears:

The Grizzly bear is most commonly found in western Canada, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, and Idaho. Their survival is at risk due to habitat loss, encroachment, and poaching. The Bailer Wildlife Foundation Grizzly Bear Compensation Fund was established to offer compensation to ranchers and farmers as a way to help promote grizzly bear conservation and to reduce grizzly bear-related economic losses.

Find our more about the Bailey Wildlife Foundation Grizzly Bear Compensation Fund at

Humpback Whale:

Found in oceans and seas around the world, Humpback Whales typically migrate up to 25,000 kilometres each year. Humpbacks feed only in summer, in polar waters, and migrate to tropical or sub-tropical waters to breed and give birth in the winter. During the winter, Humpbacks fast and live off their fat reserves. Like other large whales, the Humpback was and is a target for the whaling industry. Due to over-hunting, its population fell by an estimated 90% before a whaling moratorium was introduced in 1966. Stocks of the species have since partially recovered; however, entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution also remain concerns. There are at least 70,000 humpback whales worldwide. Once hunted to the brink of extinction, Humpbacks are now sought out by whale-watchers, particularly off parts of Australia and the United States.


The largest cat in the America's, foun in Central and sSouth America, Arizona, and New Mexico. These skilled hunters' population and range has been decreased by 50% due to hunting and habitat loss.

help fight for big cats

Adopt a big cat at



The slow moving and harmless manatee is one of the most vulnerable marine mammals in the undited states. The most common death for a manatee is from injuries caused by collisions with power boat propellers in shallow waterways. Defenders of Wildlife has succeeded in foring th Department of the Interior to set aside more sanctuaries.

Continue to help


Polar Bear
The Polar bear, found in the arctic circle in the U.S., Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway are at risk. Oil drilling disturbs their birthing and denning, but the greatest risk is global warming which affects it's coastal habitats.
Please help at
Adopt a Polar bear, Polar bear family, or polar bear group at
Sea Otter:
Found of the shores of Alaska, California, Washington, and British Columbia, the sea otter population has decreased greatly due to their fur becoming coated with oil, in which they easily die from cold temperatures and ingesting oils. Sea otters receive state and federal protection in California and southwest Alaska.
Continue to help fight
Adopt a Sea Otter, Sea Otter family, or Sea Otter gropu at
Sea Turtles:
Sea turtles are found in all the world's oceans except the Arctic Ocean. Their numbers used to range in the thousands but due to the effects of extensive egg poaching and hunting in previous years the numbers are now in the hundreds. Marine turtles are caught worldwide, despite it being illegal to hunt most of the species in many countries.
A great deal of intentional marine turtle harvests worldwide are for the food industry. In many parts of the world, the flesh of sea turtles are considered fine dining. To a much lesser extent, specific species of marine turtles are targeted not for their flesh, but for their shells,a traditional decorative ornamental material used in Japan and China.
A sea turtle's senses are very sharp. However, all species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered. The leatherback, Kemp's ridley, and Hawksbill turtles are listed as critically endangered. The Olive ridley, and Green turtles are considered endangered, and the loggerhead is a threatened species. One of their most significant threats now comes from bycatch due to various fishing methods, long-line fishing has been blamed as one of the causes of accidental sea turtle deaths.
Please Help the Sea Turtle Conservation at Carribbean Conservation Corporation and Sea Turtle Survival League
Adopt a Sea Turtle
Snowy Owls:
Found on the Arctic Tundra in North America, the great snowy owl faces poaching and oil drilling.
Adopt a Snowy Owl, Snowy Owl Family, or Snowy Owl group at
More than 600 wolves have been killed in the past 4 years due to Alaska's governor Sarah Palin. She is allowing aerial gunning programs, which started in 2003, to continue and the Board of Game is pushing for additional aerial control. This barbaric program calls for up to 80% of the wolves to be eradicated from certain parts of Alaska, including pregnant females. The Bailey Wildlife Foundation Wolf Compensation Trust is offered to landholders for supporting threatened and endangered species and is used to compensate ranchers in the US northern Rockies and the Southwest US for all livestock losses due to wolves. To learn more about the Bailey Wildlife Foundation Wolf Compensation Fund go to
Warning! This video contains graphic footage of aerial gunning in Alaska.
Take action online at
Adopt a Wolf, Wolf family, Wolf pack, or Wolf mother and pup at


Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

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Please be advised this section of videos contain graphic images of abused and slaughtered animals of all breeds and species.

***Stella McCartney's Fur Farm Investigation

***Victim's of Euthanasia

***These Lions and Tiger's Have Been Saved!

***Sea Turtles

**What If?

**They Need Our Help

**Money Is Not Reason Enough

My Blog

We Can Help Save Critical Habitat for Endangered Whales and Marine Life

"Recently, the Department of the Interior took the first steps toward selling oil and gas leases in Bristol Bay, Alaska, which is critical habitat for endangered whales and marine life and the heart o...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:20:00 PST

New Video Shows More Abuses of Farm Animals-With Petition

"You probably remember when The Humane Society of the United States exposed animal mistreatment at the Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company. That investigation led to the nation's largest-ever beef ...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:16:00 PST

Action! We Only Have One Week to Stop Oil Drilling in Alaska Wildlife Refuge!

"Target: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Regional Director Tom MeliusSponsored by: The Wilderness Society The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering allowing oil development on a core par...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:12:00 PST


"Tragedy struck at Churchill Downs this past Saturday, when Eight Bellesthe first filly to run the race since 1999collapsed with two broken ankles after coming in second at the Kentucky Derby. Due t...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:58:00 PST

Angelica Houston Speaks Out About Chimpanzee Actor Abuse!

"When PETA learned that real chimpanzees would play the part of Chim Chim in the Wachowski brothers' live-action movie adaptation of the classic television series Speed Racer, we immediately wrote to ...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:08:00 PST

Polar Bear Breakthrough!

"Alaska's polar bears have moved one big step closer to receiving protection under the Endangered Species Act. A federal judge just ordered the Bush Administration to stop dragging its feet and decide...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:51:00 PST


"Garden Grove, CA: According to an anonymous communique received over the weekend by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists with the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claimed to have...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sun, 04 May 2008 05:50:00 PST


"Late last week the ASPCA issued a press release in response to the tremendous outpouring of public concern over a 2007 art exhibition by Costa Rican artist Guillermo Habacuc Vargas that featured an e...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:30:00 PST

Following Bear Attack, PETA Asks Will Ferrell Not to Act With Animals

In early February, after we were alerted to the fact that Will Ferrell's latest movie, Semi-Pro, was to feature scenes in which Will (or, more likely, a stunt double) wrestled a live bear, PETA sent ...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Anti-Cruelty Measure Certified for California’s November Ballot

California Secretary of State Debra Bowen today certified an anti-cruelty ballot initiative for the statewide general election on November 4, 2008. Californians for Humane Farms, sponsored by The...
Posted by Defenders of the Wild on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 07:46:00 PST