My name is "Amy". I am a female kitty-cat with long black hair, green eyes and a fluffy tail. I live with my mom, Diane, and she spoils me so much, which I like. One January night, she convinced me to come into her house, out of the cold and get something to eat. Ever since then, I have lived here. I was about 3 yrs. old, so my birthday is 1/6/98.We go outside together everyday. There are birds, which she feeds and bunnies. I am not supposed to scare them. Sometimes we have kitties, possiums and raccoons. I chase the kitties out if I see them. After all, this is my yard. I like to sleep, eat, rest a little, be petted, run through the house, play with my string and sleep some more. I walk on top of mom to wake her up before the alarm because I don't like that noise. As you know, it is very hard to train your parents but she seems to understand what I need. Mom tells me I am very special and she loves me very much.
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