My Hate Speech profile picture

My Hate Speech

About Me

First of all welcome to our profile, and no we are not advocating hate. The My Hate Speech Campaign: It's Not About Hate! It's about Freedom of Speech and Expression, and Tolerance! The tolerance of ideas, without which there can be no other search for truth. We believe that while it is a shame that some people may have negative opinions, (Which other people believe to be hatefull) about an individual or group, they truly do not actually hate the individuals. What they hate are the idividuals or groups, politics, views, or actions. Hate Crime Laws, while their intentions may be noble, are in fact a direct threat to freedom of thought and speech, as these laws are interpreted by whomever may be in power, and are considered to be Politically Correct by those in power at the time. This is a contradiction to most Constitutions, since the concept of a constitution, with regards to protecting its citizen's, is to protect its minority, from the majority with regards to those fundamental rights as laid out by their constitution. In many countries these seemingly helpful and benign laws have become distorted and have run amuck. While most of these laws were an attempt to curb violent acts, they corrupted into enforcing victimless acts of thought and speech where no phsical violence happened or was called for.
We support the fundamental right and cornerstone of of a truly free society, which is freedom of thought and speech. If that ceases to exist then no truth can truly be discovered. However we do not support speech that DIRECTLY incites an individual or group to do direct physical harm to another group or individual. What we mean by this is that, Group A telling its members in speech or print to go out and physically assault or murder individulas of Group B. However while we do not support such speech we do not support hate crime laws when these acts of violence happen, because, society allready has laws in place for the prosecution of such crimes. To add an adjective to a crime that can allready cary a maximum penalty of death or life in prison is ridiculous. Are we going to give someone a life sentence for murder, then determine if it was a hate crime and give him another life sentence? We need to use are resources better in enforcing current laws, ensuring that justice is carried out when laws are broken, and not trying to attempt to legislate or determine after the fact if the crime was hateful. Most violent crimes are hateful to begin with and come from the heart. You cannot legislate or stop what is in someones's heart. We need to enforce the laws equally for all of society and provide justice for all just as equally. We can't begin to do this when we are legislating thought and speech in order to protect specific groups as opposed to all groups.
Our "My Hate Speech Campaign" is an attempt fight against such laws, reverse such laws where they are allready established, lobby groups, such as Amnesty International to defend victims of these insane laws, and hopefully broaden everyones understanding, so that we stop saying that we hate the person or group, when what we really mean is that we "hate" what that individual or group does to make us feel that way. While someone may say I hate President so and so, what we would like them to say is I hate that President so and so does this. Instead of saying that I hate republicans or democrats, we would like people to say they hate when republicans or democrats do this. Because, in the end when you take away the politics, the religion, and the philosophies that tend to seperate us, we all really have a lot in common. We want to live freely, we want our kids to grow into reponsible individuals, we want a roof over our heads, and we want our culture, whichever one that may be, to be prosperous. So while you may not agree with what someone says, understand that we need to channel our hate not against the individual, but against what it is you do not like, while accepting that they have as much right to thier thoughts and opinions, just as you have as much right to your own. That is the only way to bring about true change, not by forcing it down someone's throat. In the end we believe that when groups start infringing upon the rights of other groups to express themselves by trying to legislate against their thoughts and speech, these groups create the animosity that builds into anger, and thus "hatred." We believe that in the end, while some people will never allow thier daughter to marry the neighbor's son, or visa versa, perhaps we could start by just sitting down for a cup of coffee, and start out by discussing the weather. There are truly more things we have in common with eachother than things we do not.

My Interests

The My Hate Speech Campaign:
Fighting the Bigotry of Political Correctness in Defense of EVERYONE'S right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
It's Not About Hate! It's about Tolerance! The tolerance of ideas, and the speech and expression to express those ideas, without which there can be no other search for truth!

The definition of bigotry: stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. Political Correctness is extreme bigotry and those who peddle it are bigots themselves. They certainly peddle as much censorship as they can. There is no acceptable form of censorship in a truly free society, only open debate and discussion. THAT is true "tolerance", the tolerance of ideas. When a freedom is lost by one it is lost to all. If the rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, then everybody’s rights are at risk. Human Rights are meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions have ceased to exist.

"If you watch any video this year, please watch this one. The greatest form of censorship is Government Propaganda and Lies, because it censors the truth, so that they can take advantage of our patriotism, and make us do things we would not normally do in a free society. "

I'd like to meet:

"Freedom of expression is one of the most fundamental rights that individuals enjoy. It is fundamental to the existence of democracy and the respect of human dignity. It is also one of the most dangerous rights, because freedom of expression means the freedom to express one's discontent with the status quo and the desire to change it. As such, it is one of the most threatened rights, with governments - and even human rights groups - all over the world constantly trying to curtail it."





"Please click on banner below to see how you can help, don't wait, time is running out. Tell your representative to support any legislation that restores Habeus Corpus and other Constitutional Rights."


My Blog

Why is the ADL trying To Censor The Catholic Church?

By Harmony Grant7-26-7   ..>..> ..> In the last decades, Jewish activists and leaders have worked to preserve Jewish identity with a plethora of writing, films, museums and art piec...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Boycott gathers pace as friends fall away

Boycott gathers pace as friends fall awayIsrael and its backers have hit back at moves to isolate the country, writes Ed O'Loughlin in Jerusalem.07.14.2007 | The Sydney Morning HeraldBy Ed O'LoughlinT...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

The US is in deep doo doo - and it's all your fault

  The US is in deep doo doo - and it's all your fault Okay, maybe it's not all your fault. But, it will be if you don't act now . . . The following clip was produced thirty years ago but offe...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

The Assault on Due Process and Civil Liberties

Voices on the wall have a lot to say!Before Voices on the wall are silenced! The Assault on Due Process and Civil Liberties    By Ian Welsh      ...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

German Itelligence Report Speaks of Israeli Awareness of 9/11 Prior to That Date

..>      ..>   ..> Written by Physics911    Monday, 23 July 2007 Original Document including German and English Translation Original German Document Scan PDF ...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Hate crime laws and the path to tyranny

  Hate crime laws and the path to tyranny  Selwyn Duke   The insidious thing about evolutionary tyranny is that it's gradual progression. It doesn't beat you over the head with the iron...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Harvards Kangaroo Law School: The School for Torturers

..>   Written by Francis A. Boyle    Friday, 20 July 2007 Not surprisingly, the newly released January 2007 issue of the American Journal of Imperial Law--otherwise known as th...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Jewish Professor Deborah Lipstadt Speaks Out Against Thought Crime Legislation Against History

..> ..> Monday 16 July 2007..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> Deborah Lipstadt Denial should be defeated by facts, not laws In the run-up to a debate in London tonight, the American warr...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Kennedy and Hate Bill Holds America Hostage

Hate Bill Holds America Hostage7-17-7   ..>  For six months (until April 2006), the Senate inexplicably delayed passage of the Children's Safety Act, a bill created by conservative Re...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

Emergency; Hate Bill Moves Forward in Senate

Call Today (1-877) 851-6437 Toll Free Or (202) 225-3121!" href=" gislation-call-1-877-851-6437-toll-free-or-202-225-3121-toll _2453.html" rel=bookm...
Posted by My Hate Speech on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST