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New! Enumerated Powers Act
New! To Congress: Mind Your Own Business, NOW!
New! Pass Ron Paul's "Honest Money Act"
New! One Subject At A Time Act
Support Ron Paul's American Freedom Agenda Act
Repeal the fraudulent "Protect America Act"
The Accountability Project: 9/11 Accountability
Reviving American Health Care
I Am Not Afraid
Signature Campaign: Read the Bills Act
Repeal the PATRIOT Act
Repeal the REAL ID Act
Write the Laws Act
Whistleblower Protection
Federal Deficit Causes Congressional Pay Cut
Stop Experimenting With American Lives
Don't Let Congress slash jobs for the young and poor
Save our ports from online poker sites
Truth must count. Innocence must matter
Stop the War for Terror
Agriculture Department Imposing New Program to Drive Family Farms Out of Business
We believe the federal government has grown too large, too intrusive, and too expensive. We believe in constitutional limits, small government, civil liberties, federalism, and low taxes.We want to end laws and programs that don't work, cause harm, and violate the Constitution. We want to restore the full force of the 9th and 10th amendments, which reserve most social functions to the people and the states.Our goal is to reduce the federal government to a tiny fraction of its current size, decentralize power, end deficits, federal borrowing, and monetary inflation, and eliminate most federal taxation and the IRS.We intend to achieve these ambitious goals by petitioning Congress and the President to vote against or veto bad laws and programs, and to repeal old bad laws and programs.We intend to make this petitioning effective by recruiting every American who believes in small, Constitutional government, decentralized power, civil liberties, and low taxes.Our goal is to have millions of Americans emailing, writing, and calling their elected representatives to oppose bad laws, and to support laws that shrink the size, scope, intrusiveness, and cost of the federal government.We will recruit these millions of Americans through the Internet, advertising, media interviews, and direct mail.We will mobilize, direct, and express the will of the people to force the government to respond, through the sheer weight of our numbers.