Education Development Center’s Global UR online magazine offers a new, interactive way to learn about the world. Each issue of Global UR focuses on an important world challenge and the deep questions and hard facts related to that challenge. Global UR contains articles which highlight relevant innovations from experts and organizations from each of 9 regions of the world- The Middle East/North Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South Asia, The Pacific, Southeast Asia, Africa, North America and South America.
In addition to providing students with engaging reading material, Global UR’s interactive design presents students and teachers with a unique opportunity to engage in and contribute to international development. Students are presented with opportunities to comment on our source material; offer their own views; engage in advocacy campaigns and develop action projects.
Our inaugural issue focuses on the topic of Cars, Gas and Air:
With gas prices on the rise, the global warming issue heating up, and automobile makers responding to consumer demand by designing and producing more fuel efficient cars, the topic of Cars, Gas and Air drives many debates, decisions and dilemmas. As a result, the Global UR staff felt compelled to contribute to the discussion surrounding Cars, Gas, and Air by posing questions, such as:
Can we stop our reliance on petroleum based fuels for automobile transport?
Should we focus on designing better cars or developing alternative sources of fuel?
What kinds of policies and best practices do we want to see put in place by governments industry, and international organizations?
Future issues are scheduled to address issues such as: HIV/AIDS, Citizenship in the 21st Century, Technology and the Digital Divide.
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