Rancho Brado profile picture

Rancho Brado

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hay there, I'm Brado. Welcome to 'RanchoBrado' dedicated to the things I think are cool! If you would like to know what I think is cool feel free to read around. If you can't read just ask me. Hope you enjoy your trip and here's a little info on moi-même...
I am currently attending college to pursue a career in the radio business but in the mean time I work as bartender for a large restaurant chain. The job has turned me into an insomniac workaholic that is continuously surrounded by alcoholics. Because of this people think I'm funny when I laugh at their jokes. No complaints there. But, $2 is not a good tip when giving semi-sound psychological/psychiatric help...
When I think of JELLO I see the color red. Some people see green. Some see fruit. Weird. Well, perhaps not. Who knows? I hate to chat but love talking on the phone (wait, other way around), prefer dogs over cats (cats are just plain weird), and I like to eat sushi with chopsticks. Forks and knives are for the seriously uncoordinated.
I am out to meet as may friends in the radio business and the like (and HHR's) as possible on Myspace so if you would like to add me please do so if I haven't sent you an add request yet! Hope to meet you all real soon wile on the air waves... PEACE!
Check out my Heroes and L.A. Angels of Anaheim fan sites on Myspace...
LA Angels Baseball
My HRG Space
If you own a Chevy HHR please add me! My car needs friends!Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

I am a die hard Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim baseball fan. I root for the Arizona Cardinals during football season and I don't really follow basketball that much anymore. I watch NASCAR and Jimmie Johnson in Lowe's #48 is the man. Don't watch much soccer. Can't watch golf but Tiger Woods is a good role model for young athletes. I will jump on the band wagon and say I'm a Ducks fan but can't even tell you if it's hockey season. Well, that's sports.

My other wide range of interests include (I'm laughing to myself)... Art by Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, and Andy Warhol (soup cans, sooo deeep maaan). The film and the movie theater are near and dear to my heart. Radio broadcasting has always interested me and after seeing "Pump up the Volume" when I was in Jr. High I knew what I wanted to get behind a mic some day. Unfortunately, I have been in food service for 15 years so I haven't had the time. But, fortunately, I make the time now!

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet everyone on Myspace but if you know me or we have met before anywhere in our lifetime then click this link and say "what's up"! Then click 'add friend' please. You are now royalty! (Well, not really, but that would be nice though... If you're British)

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I like classic rock, some new stuff, but mostly stick to a few albums and artists. I also dig on the sultry tunes of Regina Spector, The Shins, Beck, and Bob Dylan.

I also enjoy some electronica, smooth jazz, and classical music. It depends mostly on my mood. Then there's the rock group KISS... I listened to them in the crib. No, Really.


I love all movies no matter how low budget or campy. I own over 300 movies now! My top three favorite movies are 'The Big Lebowski', 'Taxi Driver', and 'Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World' not to mention a slew of others.

It's sort of a hobby. Most are in the VHS format because I am slowly becoming 'old school' in my tastes in modern classic film...


TV and I have a long drawn out love for each other, so I try to stay away. I grew up on Different Strokes, Smurfs, Happy Days, and the A-Team so I know what TV can do to a young mind.

If you quit watching television (or cable I should say) for a week you will find a whole new world outside of the 'box' that is, god forbid, REAL! I know this because I am a TV junkie. My addiction: The Office, Heroes, and SNL... NBC basically.


I'm not the book worm type but I do enjoy those books that you just can't put down. Kurt Vonnegut, Anne Rice, and Mark Twain are some of my favorite authors.

I enjoy Hunter S. Thompson's book 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' because every time I read it I feel as if I am on LSD. I think it's the ink in the pages...


My Mom. Grandparents. Robert Zimmerman. The servers and bartenders of the world. J.C. and Gandhi...

Vlad and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Any U.S. soldier that is confused and scared shitless in Iraq. Teachers who care. Everyday people...