Karen: For the past 12 years I have been writing and illustrating articles for local Florida readers in a nature column entitled BACK TO NATURE: http://www.back-2nature.com/. Back to Nature caters to anyone interested in our natural world. It is educational as well as entertaining and concentrates on wildlife, plant life, and environmental topics. Back to Nature also covers ecological concerns, resources and solutions, and outdoor adventure topics: camping, hiking, canoeing, kayaking and backpacking. Back to Nature’s readers are from all professions and ages and reach beyond Tampa Bay. Back to Nature appears weekly in print at Tampa Bay Newspapers with an average weekly circulation of 120,000 homes and businesses and a weekly online estimated publication of 2,574 visitors per day.Since 1997, I have been writing professionally and I am currently a freelance journalist. I've covered everything from urban sprawl to bumble bees, to covering specific species like the American eagle, Dragonfly watching, and the American alligator. As well, I’ve been on location as a hurricane news reporter and photo essayist.
You can find me at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/karentremmel
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– 2007 archives of
Back to Nature columns at:
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Back to Nature Hurricane Photo Essay