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Warning : The graphics on this page are difficult to watch, they may hurt your sensibility, but they are nothing compared to the permanent suffering all these animals had and still endure, to satisfy men's vanity and greed. If you are under 18 years old, please ask an adult to watch the videos with you...ATTENTION : Cette page contient des images difficiles qui peuvent heurter votre sensibilité, elles ne sont rien comparées à la souffrance permanente que les animaux ont du et doivent endurer pour satisfaire la vanité et l'appat de gains de l'homme ...Si tu as moins de 18 ans, demande à une personne adulte de t'accompagner dans ta visite de cette page..
d'autres raisons
They Need Our Support !!! Updates on the Blog
HONG KONG : Anti-abuse protest November 2007
Read more about the Kitten LamLam and the protest on the blog.

Amaizing and Compassionate "Granny Ding"..77 years old, saving hundreds of cats. More about her on the blog.
More than 400 cats saved by Chinese Animal Rights Activists, from a market in Tianjin. Read More about the rescue on the Blog
Buddhist prayer for the liberation of animals If you care about our world, please take the time to watch the vidoes and to sign the petitions.... Si vous vous sentez concerné par l'avenir de notre monde, prenez le temps de voir les vidéos et de signer les pétitions...
Please sign the PetitionsClick HERE : STOP LIVE DOG BURNING TESTS IN CHINA!
The horrific series of experiments in which dogs are being burned alive took place at the Third Military Medical University at Chongqing, China. The experiments appeared in the Chinese scientific journal: ,,Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi.
NAVS and ADI have uncovered three experiments published since 1999 and believe the programme of research continues.

The 3 experiments involved :

1) 37 dogs burned with napalm - The pain of napalm is so excruciating that people have died from the pain alone. The pain felt by the dogs would have been unbearable. The dogs were then kept alive with their agonizing burns for three days. 72hours of hell.

2) 26 dogs were burned so severely that their brains swelled - In order to determine the value of scanning equipment in diagnosing brain swelling due to excess water (oedema) following burns, dogs were inflicted with third degree skin burns, over half of their bodies. Yet, scanning techniques such as MRI cause little or no suffering to people so it is difficult to understand why the information could not have been derived from studies of burns patients.
3) 24 dogs were deliberately scalded and suffered steam inhalation injuries – 24 mongrel dogs were used in an experiment in which 40% of their total body surface area was deliberately scalded, giving them third degree burns, and they were left alive for up to two days. Some of the dogs died from shock within 36 hours.

Tim Phillips, Campaigns Director for ADI says: “These are perhaps the cruelest experiments we have ever uncovered, these dogs must have been in almost unimaginable agony. Worse still, these animals suffered and died in vain, there are ways of conducting this research without animals, and dogs are simply a bad research model for human beings.”After a report on the Chinese zoos (see the Skynews video) was shown on the French TV channel France2, which reacted many protests from the French population, Britte Bardot (The Brigitte Bardot Fondation) sent a letter to the Embassador of the Republic of China to France. She urged the French to do the same, and to sign the FBB PETITION to the intention of the President of the Republic of China.Après avoir reçu de nombreuses protestations de la part des fraçais qui avaient pu voir le reportage diffusé aux JT de France2 (voir video Skynews), Brigitte Bardot a écrit à l'ambassadeur de la République de Chine en France, et a lancé un appel aux Français leur demandant de se mobiliser en signant la Pétition de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot Cliquer ICIPetition : we need 1Million.. 1 Million de signatures ! Boycott China petition, HEREReporters Sans Frontières (RSF) have called for a boycott of the Olympic Games Beijing 2008 : "No Olympics without democracy". Reporters Sans Frontières ont appelé à un boycott des JO de Beijing 2008 : "Pas de JO sans démocratie". Click on this link picture to read more ..RSF Boycott Beijing 2008 PETITION, Click HERE, cliquer ICITo sign the OIPA PETITION, HERE ... PETITION OIPA, Cliquer ICIPlease click to sign the Testo Turtle Petition In China, Dogs owners must have a license to keep their dogs, the fees are very high thus leaving them in a constant terror of seeing their dogs taken away. (check the blog) En Chine, Les propriétaires de chiens doivent payer une taxe très élevée pour garder leurs chiens, ils vivent dans la terreur de voir leurs animaux de compagnie enlevés pour être exterminés. (voir le blog)OIPA PETITION against dogs eradication campaign. PETITION OIPA, contre la campagne d'extermination des chiens en Chine.The PETITION to the European Parlament..... PETITION Au Parlement Européen,ICIOur Message to the Chinese Government: Please have mercy, stop animal abuse and killing :Dogs and cats for their furs Dogs and cats for their meat Moon Bears for their bile (check blog out) Zoos : stop throwing LIVE animals to feed the lions Stop mass dogs killingLet's call China for more compassion.. Let's help the small animal welfare groups in China, Take action ! Some may argue that European countries dont treat animals better, as eathlings we have to duty to spread our action beyond our countries.Rejoignez-nous pour faire passer un message à la Chine : Ayez de la compassion, cessez d'exploiter et de tuer les chiens, les chats pour leurs fourrures et leurs viandes, les ours Moon pour leur bile, faire des exécutions massives de chiens, exploiter les tigres ..Le monde ne peut tolérer plus longtemps qu'un pays qui va accueillir les prochains Jeux Olmpiques baffoue les Droits des Animaux et les Droits de l'Homme. Il est temps de protester au nom des animaux.Bien sûr, les Droits des Animaux sont aussi bafoués, des millions d'animaux sont sacrifiés, maltraités dans les pays d'Europe. Il est aussi de notre devoir d'occupants de cette planète d'étendre notre combat pour les Droits des Animaux en dehors de nos pays. Apportons notre soutien aux petites associations de défense animale qui oeuvrent avec difficulté en Chine.
Not convinced yet ? please watch the slideshow and the videos of China fur and meat trade.Pas encore convaincu ? regardez le diaporama et les vidéos sur le commerce de la fourrure, des viandes de chiens/chats en Chine. WELCOME TO CHINA, OLYMPIC GAMES 2008 host ! BIENVENUE EN CHINE, L'hôte des Jeux Olympiques 2008OIPA's slideshow of Compassionate chinese activists trying to help.. They really need our support. Please pass it on !
VIDEO Skynews : Conditions in CHINA'S ZOOS and wildlife parks are a national disgrace, animal rights activists have told Sky News. Part was shown on the French channel France2, which reacted Brigitte Bardot to send a letter to the Embassador of the Rep of China to France.VIDEO : Les conditions de vie Dans les ZOOS en CHINE et les refuges animaliers sont une HONTE nationale selon les activistes. C'est l'extrait de ce reportage aux JT de France2 qui a soulevé un tollé de protestations, suivi par une lettre que Brigitte Bardot a adressée à l'Ambassadeur de la Chine en France.THESE VIDEOS : FOOTAGE ON CHINA FUR AND DOG/CAT MEAT TRADES : Animals skinned while still alive,they say their furs is silkier.. dogs and cats beaten to death before being cooked, they say the meats is more tender..animals boiled while they are still alive.. HOW MUCH MORE CRUELTY ? Please take a little time to watch..take charge.. take action !DES VIDEOS SUR LA CRUAUTE DES COMMERCES DE LA FOURRURE ET DES VIANDES DE CHIENS/CHATS EN CHINE : Des animaux dépecés alors qu'ils sont encore en vie, les laissant agonisants, la fourrure est plus soyeuse lorqu'elle est arrachée du corps des animaux vivants, disent-ils.. Des chiens, des chats battus à mort avant d'etre cuisinées, la chair est plus tendre ainsi, disent-ils ..Des animaux ébouillantés vivants.. COMBIEN DE CRUAUTE ENCORE ? Prenez le temps de regarder les vidéos, plus décidez par vous-meme .. et faites tourner autour de vous.

My Interests

Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

Common life in China *** La Vie de tous les jours en Chine ..
A Tiger slaughtering in public : how to make a carpet *** Tuer un tigre : Leçons pour faire un tapis en place publique

DOGS AND CATS, Men's best friends KILLED FOR THEIR MEAT, some animals are thrown into boiling water while still alive, or beaten to death to get a more tender meat (watch the videos). Dogs,cats, rabbits, and other animals are skinned alive for their furs..LES CHIENS ET LES CHATS, les meilleurs amis de l'homme et pourtant, SONT TUES POUR LEURS VIANDES, des animaux sont jetés vivants dans de l'eau bouillante ou battus à mort pour une chair plus tendre. (voir les vidéos)Les lapins, les chiens, les chats et autres animaux sont dépecés vivants pour leurs fourrures.

Bon Appétit !!!!!! To Andrew, may you never be forgetten.. On Maria Daines' song

WHAT THEY DONT SHOW : Dogs and Cats trade for their FURS and their MEAT ... CE QU'ILS NE MONTRENT PAS : L'odieux commerce de chats et chiens pour leurs FOURRURES et LEURS VIANDES

They dont show these facts either Ils ne montrent pas ces réalités non plusThat's what they show of China to promote Beijing2008ALL other videos and pictures are what they DIDNT SHOW in China.. TOUTES les autres vidéos et images c'est ce qu'ils N'ONT PAS MONTRE en CHine ..

CE QU'ILS NE MONTRENT PAS DE LA CHINE WHAT THEY DONT SHOW OF CHINAMOON BEARS abused for their BILE.. how much more cruaulty ?! To know more about Moon Bears Click HERE and check the blog out.
To know more about MOON BEARS ....Pour en savoir plus sur les OURS MOON :Please click HEREC'est aussi ICI

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d'autres raisons

Free Kevin Kjonaas ! Libérez Kevin Kjonaas ..
Free Kevin Kjonaas ! Although the event is in the past, Kevin Kjonaas still unjustly sits in prison. Please do not forget him and the sacrifice he made for all our free speech rights!This video was played during John Feldmann's "Free Kevin Kjonaas" (Goldfinger benefit concert in the USA)


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They Help
Aidons-les they need our support Project Asia Myspace Protest in BeijingActasia AnimalAsia"Ce n'est qu'après que le dernier arbre soit mort, que la dernière rivière ait été empoisonnée, et le dernier poisson pêché, que nous réaliserons que l'argent ne se mange pas""Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we can't eat money."Fur coats/La Fourrure à prix sacrifié, ICI


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Reset June 1st, 2007 7am

My Blog

A little hope in China .. Animal Right movement rising fast

In China : A new protest movement February 2008   Human rights, or the lack of them, have long been a focus of China's critics at home and abroad. But a new rights movement, complete with ideali...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 02:56:00 PST

Taiwan helps Korean animal rights groups

The Korean Association for Animal Protection (KAAP) representatives displayed several photos at the news conference to illustrate the terrible treatment of dogs in South Korea and the appalling condi...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:06:00 PST

Behind Dalai Lama Holy Clock ... La face cachée ..

The Dalai Lama is considered as a Spiritual leader to many people in search of enlightment..  Vegetarians wanted to follow the path of a Holy Lama,  and the Dalai Lama was "known" as being a...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:14:00 PST

Amaizing : pavements for the dogs in China !! Incroyable : trottoir pour chiens en Chine !!

                  While a minority of the Chinese population still eat dogs, China is making possible for the dogs to walk safe on their streets .. Alor...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

Updates from Jill's Blog : 28 tortured bears arrive at the AAF sanctuary * A perfect day

The mail received today from Jill, Animal Asia Foundation. They are doing a great work to save the animals in Asia, please join to give them your support. "Just a quick email to update you on the news...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:36:00 PST

Beijing updates : Dog Meat Restaurant Ban Masks Cruelty

Thank you YAFA Dog Meat Restaurant Ban ’Masks Cruelty’ By Sky News undercover reporter Tuesday March 11, 2008 Restaurants serving dog meat in Beijing have been ordered to close for fear ...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:37:00 PST

Olympics clean up Chinese style: Inside Beijings shocking death camp for cats

Olympics clean up Chinese style: Inside Beijing's shocking death camp for cats By SIMON PERRY - More by this author » Last updated at 00:55am on 9th March 2008 Thousands of pet cats in Beijing are bei...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:29:00 PST

The Horrors of Maoshan on Jill’s Blog.. Heartbreaking ..

From Jill's Blog : Animals Asia - Blog   The horrors of Maoshan  Part 1  Monday, February 4, 2008, 07:34 PM Recently, I visited Maoshan Live Animal Market in Guangzhou with two of our Chin...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:42:00 PST

The spectator sport China DOESNT want you to see

Animals torn to pieces by lions in front of baying crowds: the spectator sport China DOESN'T want you to see By DANNY PENMAN (Daily Mail 5th Jan.2008) The smiling children giggled as they patted the ...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 02:06:00 PST

Animals Rights Chinese Activist caged herself in Xi"an to Protest

A call from a Chinese Animals Rights Activist .. they need our support ! A volunteer with a local animal protection organization locks herself in an iron cage in Xi'an in northwestern China's Shaanxi...
Posted by MESSAGE TO CHINA on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:41:00 PST