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I am a vegan.I hate the western governments with a passion. They dont see anything wrong with pigs in tiny metal pens so small they go mad. Some pigs like mother pigs cant even turn around. This is for months they live like this until they are at a size that gives the most :food" or the mother pigs live for years continually impregnated. So the mother pigs spend what must add up years where they cant turn around. It would be better for the animal never to have been born than to live like this. Living in a tiny pen(called a pen but size of a cage) where you cant turn around or the cages where you can turn around but you cant walk more than one foot forward) feeling the mental anguish, biting the bars out of frustration. People dont want to live like this. This is in western countries. Take a look around where are all the pigs? This is where all the ham, bacon etc comes from. The pigs bite eachother out of madness so their teeth and tails are pulled out without anesthetic.As long as cage eggs are still there there are always enough nasty unfeeling people out there to buy them. The government needs to actually stop cage eggs from being available. Dont the government want to enforce a kind society? If you look on the agricultural egg industry official page it says there is no evidence that chickens suffer in cages. It doesnt take a degree in science to gather that being in a tiny cage minutely bigger than your own body for months is going to make you unhappy. . ALL animals like to move forward more than a few centimetres. The chickens peck eachother excessively out of madness. When they do this their beaks are seared off without anesthetic. These hens cant even turn around. These hens would wish to never have been born rather than to KNOW INTENSE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL PAIN. This is for months to years they live like this. They also develop bone diseases and go lame from the lack of exercise. Free range eggs do not come from chickens that have a large area to roam. The only difference between cage hens and free range hens is that the free range hens are out of a cage. They are still crowded together in dark hard floored barns. It is so crowded that they still go mad. Male chicks born in the egg industry cannot produce eggs so they are gassed decapitated ,strangled, put through a crushing machine . You can imagine how many times this goes wrong and it is intensely painful anyway. Or they are just tossed in a dumpster to die.Meat chickens may or may not be in a cage. Some western countries have their meat chickens in cages others dont. But meat chickens ( the ones out of the cages) still live in such large numbers that they still develop the traits of madness( like they are in cages). These sheds are dark so these birds hardly see any natural light. All psychological factors for happiness. Yes the chicken industry and governments chickens can be either unhappy or happy. The chickens cant express natural behaviours such as dust scratching or nesting because of the hard concrete floors.Turkeys are treated just as bad as chickens.In the dairy industry cows are impregnated to produce the milk. If a male calf is born he cant grow up and produce milk like his mother so he is taken off her on day one or two. He cries for his mother for days and his mother cries for him. He is tied up in a way in which he cant turn around. Him not being able to turn around stops his muscles from developing. This lack of muscle development creates the meat known as veal. He is left like this (where he cant turn around) for sixteen weeks. After sixteen weeks he will be used. He is nearly fully starved once again to stop the muscles from developing. He has painful bone diseases from the lack of movement. The calves have extreme mental pain from not being able to walk a round( not even turn around). Calves are highly sociable animals. These calves cant play. It is also dark. This is the veal industry. Some countries are group housing veal calves now and giving them a pen to move around in and a little more food. They still have painful bone diseases from the limited movement and they are still in pain from being half starved. They are still in mental pain from crying for their mothers. They still cant play because of their bone diseases. It is dark too.Cows in the dairy industry are chained up to the milking equipment for most of the day. They have to stand in one position where they cant turn around. This is for years. They are in constant mourning due to the continual impregnation and birth of male calves which are taken off on day one or two. Their whole lives are spent more or less in mourning.Their udders are painfully torn from the constant milking. They have udder infections. They have painful limbs from the little free range they have. They are either in dark milking sheds or in bright painful artificial light. They get electric shocks from the milking equipment which sometimes kills them.Some other acts of torture the government see nothing wrong with include desexing male piglets without anesthetic. Farmers tie up sheep and put them in car boots for journeys. The sheep being put onto export ships. These sheep cant turn around. It is absolutely packed. They go mad. They develop bone diseases. They go lame. It is sweltering hot. It is dark. They are on these boats for months and they are going to countries where they will be killed in a religious way without any method to make them unconscious before they are killed. Lots of sheep die before they get there. A clear indication of the conditions they are transported in. The cattle are put on those cattle trucks where they are smashed agaisnt the steel on every bend in the road. They are also standing up in one position where they cant turn around for as long as the journey takes. It is also very hot and the cattle wont be able to have any water. Some countries like America are now keeping cattle in tiny pens so they go mad from the lack of exercise.The cattle sheep and pigs are hit with rods. Sometimes these may be electric. Weak cattle are often dragged by tractors. There are no laws to stop workers from further abusing the animals. I watched today tonight and i saw cattle being kicked . This would have been with steel cap boots. This is just small on the scale of abuse but it does show the lack of laws protecting the animals from further abuse. PETA( People for the ethical treatment of animals) and other organisations have countless reports, videos, tip offs of extra abuse performed on the animals by workers. It happens on a regular occasion. For instance butterball poultry factory in America where workers were filmed stomping on live turkeys.Chickens and Turkeys face very bad transport. They are tied up and chucked in on a truck and they break their bones. Cattle have their genitals removed by hand without anesthetic. This is a long painful slow recovery for them. Sometimes they die. The methods used to kill many farm animals are sometimes inhumane and the lack of laws make it easy for nasty workers to deliberately stuff up the procedure.A hap hazard death may result accidently( due to keeping up a production speed). Kfc have been found putting chickens in boiling hot tanks to kill them. In America poultry is excluded from the humane slaughter law. Some countries only stun their cattle before killing them and this has been found to be very very unreliable so the cattle are still alive at the next station. I personally think there is a extra danger for the animals in that there are quite a lot of sickos out there and they are the ones who would have no problems working at slaughterhouses. If you could never kill an animal would you fully trust the people there? There is nothing worse than the prolonged mental and physical torture of a conscious being. There is nothing worse so why isnt stopping the torture mentally and physically of conscious beings the government's priority especially when its their direct fault for agreeing to it being allowed in the first place.Industries like rodeos, vivisection( animal experimentation in science) circuses, hunting, illegal pet trade, clothing( fur in the fashion industry) traditional medicine, entertainment all torture animals very badly. The torture in vivisection is particularly awful. An animal living in a metal cage barely bigger than its own body never being able to play, see natural light, roam around. Just living in the cage with its sore bones and mental anguish from living in the cage. Never able to have the freedoms of interacting with its family, roaming around, playing, seeing natural light, expressing natural behaviours like climbing. Then it is taken from its cage and tortured. These scientists are starving them, isolating them, breaking their bones, bleeding them, injecting them, burning them, boiling them, cutting them, tying them up in tiny positions, brain damaging them, stretching them, blinding them,electrocuting them, exposing them to freezing or boiling conditions, hanging them upside down, exposing them to painful noises, keeping them in the pitch black, keeping them in the brightest painful light, fitting them with devices, purposely infecting them with painful diseases. The list goes on.In many countries ducks are kept in tiny metal cages( where they cant turn around) for months. These ducks are fitted with tubes to force feed them. They are in the most intense pain they could be in. This is for the foie gras( french popular food popular in so many countries). Silver foxes and mink are kept in tiny metal cages where they cant turn around for months then gassed to death so their fur can be used in fashion. This is in Ireland.Some asian countries like China and Korea are as cruel to animals as one can possibly be. The western governments do nothing to help these poor animals. The western governments apathy is directly helping the torturers. The western governments dont really care though because they treat animals in their own countries badly. In my dream world the western countries are kind and they all unite and fight against any government and country that tortures animals. I personally believe in life imprisonment but if thats not possible then i believe in killing them. I dont believe in killing any innocent people just the individuals and governments that torture animals.Whats being blown up by one bomb or being shot to months and months in a cage where you cant turn around, starving, mad from being in the cage, feeling painful bone diseases from the lack of movement, never being able to find shelter in bad weather, never playing, being with your family, expressing natural behaviours like digging, being as unhappy as you can possibly be(considering animals can feel emotions too) and then being kicked and dragged to a place where you will be skinned alive. Western countries could ask them time and time again please stop torturing animals and they wouldnt. I believe in stopping trade, tourism, aid with those countries to see if that works but if that didnt work i would want the western countries to go to war on them. I think it is more evil for them to torture animals for months and months or even days or hours than for the western world to kill each animal torturing individual however long it takes and then seize control. Even though men are usually a bit physically stronger than women if the western world was completely united to fight and everything was in order to absolutely give us the best chance we could have then i would fight. Chinese for example keep a dog in a metal cage the same size of its own body( where it cant turn around) for months. It is starving and so unhappy( why do some people forget animals can feel emotions too) and then they beat it to death and eat it. Or they skin a dog alive for fur for the fashion industry. Apparently skinning them alive makes the fur come off easier. Or they keep cats squashed in together ( and when i say squashed i mean squashed) in a cage for weeks out of the back of a restaurant and then boil it and eat it. I dont know why the western governments dont stop the torture of farm animals in their own countries. I think not all politicians know about the conditions but the agricultural ministers, related departments and the prime ministers would have an idea or know whats going on. There are animal welfare organisations continually writing to the appropriate people asking to stop it but hardly anything ever gets stopped. I dont know if it is simply the governments putting money before increasing the animal's comfort. Its really wierd how the government ignores animal welfare groups. I personally believe in animal rights because animals in the wild can stay with their mothers longer, roam around, see natural light, express natural behaviours, play. They can do these things for a period of time before they are eaten by predators. Animals eaten by humans cant do any of that or very limited. I know bad things happen in the wild where the animals may not be able to do those things but this would prob only be half the time if that. Also animals have had that chance whether long or short. I also believe in animal rights because animals in the wild have had a chance to live in a physically and mentally pain free way for a period of time( i mean no mental pain from being in a cage or physical pain like a bone disease from having a lack of space)before they are eaten by predators. I know animals in the wild may be in physical or mental pain for a long time too but this would prob only be half the time if that. Also they have had this chance. Farming where animals live in fields and have straw filled barns are in story books or a tiny tiny minority. I also believe in animal rights because i think if we can minimize an animal's pain we should. Also its not like animal welfare groups are asking for soft beds, soft lawn for the animals just to stop them being PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TORTURED. I dont eat fish because i get my omega3 from elsewhere without making the fish suffer and i looked on the sea shephard( a boat and crew that fights japanese whalers) my space and they said that there is so much over fishing( for dinner plates) that by 2050 there could be no fish except jelly fish and this would cause really bad problems for marine species and mankind.Most products in the supermarkets contain animal derived ingredients. If it doesnt say vegan it probably isnt. Rennet in cheese is a calf's enzyme, gelatin in lollies(animal origin) stabilizers,gelling agents, emulsifiers and heaps of other scientific names that i cant think of are of animal origin.Vegans get all their nutrients from non animal sources. On wikipedia it states a few nutrients vegans may be low on. These are omega 3( i get that from flax seeds) calcium( i get from dark green vegies) vitamin d( i get from sunlight and products fortified with fungi) iodine( i get that from iodized salt) . b12 is the only vitamin i take a tablet for. People used to get b12 from vedgies that were pulled up from the ground and still had a bit of soil on the end as there is b12 in the soil. But it would make me feel wierd to eat soil so i take a tablet. B12 can also be found in some bodies of water. We only need a tiny bit of b12. Vegans eat yummy things too. I like vegan cheese,, vegan pepperoni, mcain oven chips, vegan burgers, vegan fried rice, avacado on toast, salad sandwiches, vedgie sticks with vegan salsa, vegie sticks with vegan homus, rice milk, , rice milk fruit smoothies, fruit smoothies, potatoes with fillings, ,vegan spaghetti. There is also vegan wine, vegan beer if you want a bit..In America vegan food has really taken off and there is vegan pizza, . It is easy to get vegan staples like bread too. I get shampoos, conditioners, face creams that say vegan on them. If it doesnt say vegan chance are it probably isnt. Veganism is very good for the environment. The raising of live stock for food( including dairy) generates more green house gases than all the transport in the world combined. A vegan in a hummer(powerful american army vehicle) is better for the environment than a meat eater in a hybrid.

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My Interests

countryside, sports, going out with friends, pets, dance, music, vegan food, clothes, environmental issues, concerts, travel, paranormal, camping, trampolines, swings, fairies, culture vulture- museums, architecture, historical sites.

I'd like to meet:

Vegans, nice people, anyone who can read about how farmed animals are tortured for months and months and months for human's food and become vegan.. Stella Mcartney, Alicia Silverstone she has a vegan dog, Daryl Hannah she has a really cool eco house, , Andre 3000, Natalie Portman, Joanna Lumley.


u2, Jamaroqui, ,the corrs, muse, bon jovi, dido, delta goodrem, , , kings of leon, norah jones, oasis, eimer quinn, irish music., evermore, , natalie imbruglia, the beatles, david bowie, led zeppelin.


Pride and Prejudice the bbc one, the slipper and the rose, sense and sensibility, phantom of the opera, the little mermaid, the lord of the rings. dont like films much.


. Today tonight, news, desperate housewives. dont like tv much.


Tolkien books,Harry Potter the classics. dont like reading much.


All the billions of animals that had painful lives so that they could be turned into food.BUNNYHERO PET START /
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

Vegan food

There is so much vegan food available on the cruelty free shop website. I hope big supermarkets get in more vegan food after a while.In England there is quite a good range of vegan food and in Americ...
Posted by Kim on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:58:00 PST

Progress for animals is so slow.

Animal rights protester's campaigns have been working to a slight degree. In the uk raising veal calves in a way in which they cant turn around has been banned. A proportion of veal calves are now bei...
Posted by Kim on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:49:00 PST

What are the western countriess governmentss motivations exactly?

Some asian countries like China, Korea need to be boycotted. They are disgustingly cruel to animals. I have nothing against an asian person individually but their governments are evil. I do have somet...
Posted by Kim on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 07:22:00 PST

Animal rights activists who burn down animal torture chambers rock.

Animal rights activists who burn down fur farms, release animals,cause damage to factory farms and other animal torture chambers write graffiti rock.Animal rights activists wouldnt do this if the plac...
Posted by Kim on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:52:00 PST


Posted by Kim on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 05:46:00 PST

Sheep in Australia being kept in pens for up to five years not being allowed out

The terrible conditions animals face to be used in the food industry and clothing industry is bad enough and now sheep are being confined in small pens for up to five years in Australia. This is to p...
Posted by Kim on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:28:00 PST

The evil government

Australia has media coverage on whale hunting and the government comes out and says they are doing their best to try to fight against it. Whale hunting is a tragedy but why dont the government also do...
Posted by Kim on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 02:40:00 PST

Environmentalists with compassion that doesnt extend to farm animals.

I was recently told that a prominent person in an enviro group isnt vegan and isnt trying to become vegan and then i was told to keep in mind that they are late middle aged as if that is some justific...
Posted by Kim on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:34:00 PST

diseased animal parts in commercial pet food.

Commercial pet food has meat by products in it. These by products are slaughterhouse waste like diseased parts of animals . Commercial pet products say not for human consumption or" pet food only". Th...
Posted by Kim on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 05:37:00 PST

Pus, hormones and traces of blood in milk

Milk contains many hormones. It also contains pus and traces of blood have been found in milk. When i first started on this veganism journey i thought it was a myth that cows were fed hormones. I the...
Posted by Kim on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 05:17:00 PST