Imagine being part of a community where life is one big struggle. Where all hopes, dreams and rights are taken away by abusers of authority. Where the minds of children are washed away with negative, fictional media that influences them to act in a negative or sometimes foolish manner that often seems the only way to get noticed or gain exposure. While making several attempts to find a way out you take positive steps forward but here they come to knock you ten steps backwards. All of your positive efforts such as Community Events, Social Gatherings, and Peace Concerts etc. are busted up by the enforcements and portrayed as negative. A whole community under gang injunction law (quarantined). Ages 3 to 73 it doesn’t matter (Spoils?). This is a very serious business. Many celebrities and others claim to have lived or live this kind of life and many have. But there are many that come through and rip-off the ideas from the people in the struggle and make huge profits by mocking our way of life. Why is this?I Gotta Make It brings you into the life of a young black man in the city of Watts. Young Troy paints a clear and present picture of his personal life and surroundings which many young men and women can relate to. Whether you’re a working man or a hustler on the block you can really understand were he’s coming from.Its about time the chance be given to someone that can deliver the message from the people truly in struggle.Young Troy Gotta Make It!!!Young Troy and Big Marc's Showcase
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