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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

THE BLACKWORLD: EVOLUTION TO REVOLUTION starts with solid proof that the true Garden of Eden/Evolution site was between the West African Negro Delta and the Land of Love - the Slave Coast where most Africans in the Americas came from! THE BLACKWORLD then goes on to breaking down the past, present and future of Black America from the Chicago's Millionaires row to Californian Death rows; the East, West, Gulf and Slave Coasts; the all-Good, the Bad and the damn Ugly of Nigeria, Jamaica, Sudan, Trinidad, Haiti, Ghana, South Africa... the real deal, no B.S. or Bamboozles of mainstream media, academia... THE BLACKWORLD: EVOLUTION TO REVOLUTION offers a fresh empowering perspective to help us achieve our full potential moneywise on Black or Wall Streets (economically) and with our relationships (culturally) on all levels - personally, locally and globally. It empowers us with loads of useful easy-to-understand information to free us from cultural and economic restrictions, as it analyzes every major Black community in the world - from their inception to present-day. Check it out... if knowledge is power, then this book will make you a fully kitted one-man army to deal with your money, honeys, phoneys and attorneys... TUTUOBA: SALEM'S BLACK SHANGO SLAVE QUEEN is a profound tale of a young woman and her reincarnation, having to survive similar desperate struggles against rich powerful enemies. Violently uprooted from Africa, persecuted in Jamaica where she inspires a Maroon Slave riot, before being shipped to Boston where she is tried for witchcraft, TUTUOBA has to survive by all means! Yeah, about me - London was my cradle, New York City is my 'hood. Akure, where weapons are dropped and words are used to smitten, my land. The land of love, Ile-Ife, is my spiritual home... I speak straight from the heart, and bear gifts from the Land of gold! Available in bookshops and Amazon.comfound this music layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

Reading, Traveling, Music and Black Economics

I'd like to meet:

Bob Marley - Redemption Song

Add to My Profile | FELA - Army Arrangement

Add to My Profile | More Videosnas & lauryn hill - if i ruled the world

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I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
Rap, Jazz, Reggae, Afro and all black music. Artists like Fela, Grover Washington, Nas, Sade, Talib, Mos Def, Mary J Blige, Lauryn Hill, LL Cool J, Dr. Dre and Sunny Ade.


Animal, Soul plane and other African-American comedies, Nigerian videos


I have stopped watching the Idiot Box, except for the occasional comedy, like Dave Chappelle, or news program.


Books? Too many to recount... My professional librarian mother often grounded my street loving self in libraries! I've read libraries, not books, across Africa, America, Europe and all the way to Australia. However, there have also been impressive books read outside the academia like Autobiography of Malcolm X; They came before Columbus; The African Origin of Civilization etc


Black women and men like Harriet Tubman and all others that step forward in face of adversity for common good.

My Blog

Excertps of TUTUOBA (novel about a 'Comeback' Sista's struggles)

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Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST


THE BLACKWORLD CONTENTS 1: INTRODUCTION 2: BACK TO BASICS Existing religious creationism and evolutionary theories vs. The Negro Delta/Slave Coast as the true Garden of Eden 16 3: CHARITY BEGINS A...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:30:00 PST

Excerpts - Chapter 2: BACK TO BASIC - THE LAND OF LOVE

2 BACK TO BASICS  THE LAND OF LOVE The lack of Black focus and unity is partly due to our foggy past, which has resulted in hundreds of languages that have diffused across multiple continents. The...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:24:00 PST

Excerpts from THE BLACKWORLD (pages 9-11) showing the world's Black population

Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:33:00 PST

From Ghetto to Global

FROM GHETTO TO GLOBAL Majority of Black people may be ghetto and never leave their localities, but they have progressed thanks to their globally linkages, even though most local leaders claim the glor...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 05:52:00 PST


THE BAGGIER THE JEANS, THE JUICIER THE BLACK! Contrary to popular beliefs, the baggy street-type Black male is more naturally progressive than his integrated well-suited Brother, according to a new b...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:00:00 PST

Dudu Black History Month???

THE BLACKWORLD:EVOLUTION TO REVOLUTION BY PRINCE JUSTICE nosim/aalbccom-20   DUDU means Black in the largest original African langua...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:42:00 PST

Hip Hop Power!!!

Empowering the global Hip Hop community with the real lowdown& THE BLACKWORLD: EVOLUTION TO REVOLUTION BY PRINCE JUSTICE aalbccom-20 &n...
Posted by PRINCE JUSTICE on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:35:00 PST