Rye Silverman profile picture

Rye Silverman

I call the big one 'Bitey'

About Me

I've often had this fantasy about driving out into the desert in a jeep with the top down and the doors off. This is a weird fantasy because I cannot for the life of me figure out where it came from. I don't know what desert I'm in, or how I got to be there, nor where I got the jeep. And did I take the doors off? or did someone else? I don't know the answer to this riddle but I'm sure somehow it means that I'm destined for something. Or that I want to buy a jeep and drive it in the desert.

I once haggled with a New York hot dog vendor and got him to drop his price from $1.25 to $1.00

I'm so money, if I go to Canada, they have to add more me to me.

Once I saw a UFO. No kidding.

I think Spiderman would kick Batman's ass if they ever got in a fight.

My Interests

Standup comedy, books, movies, TV and discovering the secrets hidden in my father's Grail diary.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who isn't a vampire.


I carry a boombox over my head at all times.


All of them. But you know that movie that you really love? the one you can watch anytime and it just makes you feel really good inside? I hate that one. Sorry. It's pretty lame, we all think so, but no one else had the honesty to tell you. I thought it would sting less coming from me.


All of it.


Victoria's Secret catalogs and the instruction booklet to Grand Theft Auto III


Steve Martin, Gary Larson, Douglas Adams, Jim Henson, Jon Stewart

My Blog

Random writing

I don't know exactly why I haven't been posting any blogs lately, I think I just got so busy at the day job that I wasn't feeling the fire to write, which is a really dangerous mindset for me to get i...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 09:36:00 PST

Chasing Stroupe, a short film by Bill Arrundale and I

This video was created for the 40th birthday of Dave Stroupe, manager of the Columbus Funnybone Comedy Club, and booker for many other clubs. It originally played at a surprise roast put on at the clu...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:36:00 PST


I haven't written a blog in a while, mostly cause I haven't felt that much interest in writing stuff lately, which bugs me. I have had severe blockage this month and not the kind prescriptions can ha...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 02:21:00 PST

Shirt up!

So I've finally done it, I've finally joined the ranks of comedians seeking to supplement their income by selling shirts. I resisted it for so long because I really wanted to find a shirt that I thou...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:50:00 PST


Hey,So apparently AOL has decided to cancel my AIM screen name for no reason whatsoever, and I can't figure out how to get my buddylist to transfer over from it, so if we ever talked on IMs, please em...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:53:00 PST

No more games

Just as an update, I found out today that I wasn't selected as a contestant on the syndicated "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Kind of a disappointment because while I hadn't thought much about if be...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:16:00 PST

HBO unveils new marketing slogan

HBO has begun airing commercials for their original programming with the slogan "We're just getting started." This slogan beat out the original idea, the more blunt but less poetic: "Please don't can...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:15:00 PST

Day in the City

I hadn't really said anything about it on here because I didn't want to jinx it, but I was back in NY yesterday for the day, auditioning for a game show. I haven't signed any sort of nondisclosure ag...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:03:00 PST


Had a show last night in Titusville, PA. I was already sort of bitter about it because when it was booked, it was the first of three gigs, and I had set them up strategically so I could make it into ...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:54:00 PST

Muck Fichigan

Just got back from a 3 day series of gigs, the first one being at the Just Jokin Comedy Cafe in Lima, Ohio. I have nothing but good things to say about this club, these guys really get the business a...
Posted by Rye Silverman on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:52:00 PST