Captain Morgan profile picture

Captain Morgan

lonely liver suspended in liquid

About Me

"she'll kick your ass and get you drunk"
i like road trips, mcdonalds cheeseburgers, ink, scary movies, hugs and burritos.

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Music. Movies. Tattoos. Piercings. Smoking. Sleeping. The 80's. Pirates. Vintage Bass Guitars. Going to shows. Rockin' Out. Roller Skating. Roller Derby. Dilligence. Wine. Guitar Hero. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Assemble. Feminism. Expressing my right to choice.

I'd like to meet:

someone who makes some fucking sense.


Currently Playing:
Midnight Creeps
The Blood Brothers
the Riverboat Gamblers
the Bronx
The Thermals
Kiss the Bottle
Bad Religion
Boy Sets Fire
Social Distortion
At the Drive-In
the Mars Volta
Bouncing Souls
Strung Out
Le Tigre
Alkaline Trio
Johnny Cash
The Chinese Stars


Sin City, Grindhouse, Dodgeball, May, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devils Rejects, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Night of the Living Dead, Battle Royale, A Mighty Wind, Aliens, Zoolander, Finding Nemo, Muppets from Space, Old School, What Dreams May Come, The Kings of Comedy, Any Quentin Tarentino Moive, Troma Films, Drumline, Zoolander, The Life Aquatic, Spaceballs, Tremors, Gremlins, Bubba Ho-Tep, The Boondock Saints, Scarface, Dead Alive


Adult Swim, Pimp My Ride, I love the 80's 3D.


Authors-Eve Ensler, John Grisham, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Jonan Vasquez, Chuck Palahnuik, Pearl Cleage, Nommy Lamm

My Blog

i miss..

kissing someone i love...being proud of myself and my accomplishments....liking who i am...working...not being jealous all the time...interesting conversations....intelligence....being who i am...know...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:02:00 PST

Counting Sheep..

So lately I have either had a problem falling asleep or I manage to fall asleep at 9pm and sleep until the alarm goes off... Last night I was tryng to fall asleep around 2am. I started to count sheep,...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

only in dreams

So last night I had a great practice and came home to find myself exhausted and went to bed relatively earlier than my usual 1-2am. At 4:20am(haha) I awoke as my bed was shaking from underneath me. I...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 08:31:00 PST

drink me.

1.What is your favorite beer?jameson.....uhh....magic hat #9 1A. Do you drink wine?haha 2. What is your favorite mixed drink?ive found love in LIT's 3. What is your favorite shot?liquor 4. What will y...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 10:12:00 PST

Jello Shots

So due to popular demand and a freindly request, I am posting my recipe for jello shots...First you will need 2 small packages of the same flavor Jello-this makes about 40 shots.Suggested Flavors...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:28:00 PST

Something Sweet...

Last night was a great practice. Afters we went out for some 2fers at Applebees and than I went home to my bed. When I layed down Raja, one of my kitties, was already sleeping at the foot of my bed. A...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:37:00 PST

Real Salvation....

The Laws that keep us safe, the same laws condemn us to boredom. Without access to true chaos, we'll never have peace.Unless everything can get worse, it won't get any better. The only frontier you ha...
Posted by Captain Morgan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Guts by Chuck Palahniuk
Posted by Captain Morgan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST