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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Animal rights and protecting our earth for all of us. ************************************************** *******************************************************JACK DOESN'T BUY FUR OR FUR TRIMMED ITEMS AND NEITHER DOES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *****RALPH LAUREN***** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************************************ ***************** ******************************************PLEASE BOYCOTT ALL ANIMAL CIRCUSES!!!***** Behind the scenes, elephant trainer Tim Frisco instructs would-be trainers how to dominate elephants and make them perform circus tricks. “Sink that hook into ’em. When you hear that screaming, then you know you got their attention.†An elephant trumpets in agony as Frisco’s bullhook, with its sharp metal hook and spiked end, tears through her sensitive skin. Frisco, a Carson & Barnes elephant trainer, learned the trade from his father, a former trainer for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. For more information go to**************************************** **********
People who truly care about all animals, their health and welfare, enrichment of their lives, protecting the world we share together as friends.
***MADISON PARK*** *** CHECK OUT 'MADISON PARK'S' NEW MUSIC VIDEO ON THIS PAGE AGAINST FACTORY FARMING! ************************************************** ***MARIA DAINES*** **************************************************
*****'IN YOUR FACE' BY CHRIS DEROSE (President of 'Last Chance for Animals' - ***** "In Your Face" presents some of the most cogent, well considered arguments against vivisectionism. DeRose presents strong evidence of the medical uselessness of animal research, and shows it to be little more than a way for hospitals and universities to significantly increase revenue streams, while contributing nothing of scientific value. PHOTO OF CHRIS DEROSE BACK IN 1985. DIRECT ACTION AGAINST CEDARS - SINAI MEDICAL CENTER FOR OBTAINING LAB ANIMALS FROM CLASS B DEALERS WHO ACQUIRED THEM ILLEGALLY. HE WAS FOUND TO BE RIGHT. WAY TO GO CHRIS!!! PLEASE SUPPORT 'LAST CHANCE FOR ANIMALS'! THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!***** YOU MAY HAVE SEEN CHRIS DEROSE'S 'DEALING DOGS' ON HBO. IT HAS AIRED CLOSE TO 200 TIMES. IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU CAN OBTAIN A COPY AT WWW.LCANIMAL.ORG. Chris DeRose's main goal is to see 'The Pet Safety and Protection Act' passed into law. (S.714 and H.R.1280) Once this bill is law there will no longer be B-Dealers licensed by the USDA who sell dogs to animal labs. Many of these dealers obtain the dogs illegally and keep the dogs in filth where many die horrible deaths. Please call your Senators and Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor this bill! To find your representatives go to CHRIS DEROSE WINNING HIS GENESIS AWARD FROM THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 'DEALING DOGS'. MARCH 2007 UNDERCOVER 'PETE' WINNING HIS GENESIS AWARD FOR 'DEALING DOGS'. WHAT A TOUGH COOKIE!!!!!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS DOCUMENTARY YOU'RE REALLY MISSING OUT!***** CHRIS DEROSE IN ACTION. CHECK IT OUT!!! *******************************************
3-07 Wolfgang Puck has now taken all foie gras off of his menus and is only serving 'free-range' veal! While Jack is opposed to all veal production at least 'free-range' is the lesser of the two evils. He also doesn't buy any meat from animals who have been confined on a factory farm. Always only 'cage free' eggs as well! Wolfgang will be leading this movement among compassionate chefs! *******************************************MR. JOHN MACKEY, PRESIDENT OF WHOLE FOODS MARKET - Jack applauds him for his 'Animal Compassion' Network and for getting the word out about going organic! Go WHOLE FOODS!!!!! *************************