JACK'S CLUB profile picture


Jack's page is dedicated soley to all animals, protect, preserve, respect, value, enrich, their live

About Me

I'm simply a friend and lover of all animals here to give us all another public venue in order to promote greater awareness of animal rights and ensure humane treatment of all animals. ******************************************* *******"PLEASE DON'T TETHER MY FRIENDS!" ******* *********************************************************** VIDEO OF CHEF WOLFGANG PUCK'S NEW STANCE ON ANIMAL COMPASSION WITH PRESIDENT OF HSUS, WAYNE PACELLE. Quote from Wolfgang: "Once you start thinking. Once you start seeing what's going on, it's really easy to change sides." *********************************************************** 'MADISON PARK'S' NEW MUSIC VIDEO CONFRONTING FACTORY FARMING. http://www.myspace.com/madisonparkmusic********************* **************************************My name is Moopheus, and I know a lot about you. I star in The Meatrix, an online movie about the lies we tell ourselves about how our food is produced. Over 15 million people have watched the first film. The script has been translated into over 30 languages - we also have several foreign language versions.We're pleased to announce that The Meatrix II: Revolting and The Meatrix II 1/2 are both online! The Meatrix II exposes the truth about dairy factory farms and tells you what you can do to eat healthier, sustainable dairy. The action continues in The Meatrix II ½ as our heroes Moopheus, Leo, and Chickity learn firsthand about the problems with meat processing.www.themeatrix.com******************************* **************************** ***CELEBRITIES IN ANIMAL ACTIVISM*** ***ELLEN DEGENERES***In January, 2004 Ellen DeGeneres was awarded the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Founder's Award for her lifelong dedication to the promotion of kindness and compassion towards animals. "Ms. DeGeneres regularly promotes pet adoption on her weekly talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show and made special pleas during the California wildfires for the rescue of pets that were affected by the tragedy," said Edwin J. Sayres, ASPCA President. Ellen also supports Kitten Rescue, Pet Orphans and The Amanda Foundation.************************* ***DORIS DAY***Doris Day made 39 films and two television series but for the past three decades her full-time career has been her work with animals. She created two non-profit organizations: the Doris Day Animal League national lobbying organization which works on legislation relating to animal welfare issues and the Doris Day Animal Foundation dedicated to promoting increased protection for animals through educational and community outreach programs like Spay Day USA. www.ddal.org ******************************PAUL MCCARTNEY***"My personal involvement with animal issues came many years ago when Linda and I made the connection between the roast lamb we were having for lunch and the baby lambs playing in the fields outside our window. From that day to this, I've been committed to vegetarianism and the welfare of animals."*************************************************** **PLEASE ONLY BUY 'CAGE FREE' EGGS AS THIS IS THE LAYING HENS FATE OTHERWISE. CAGE FREE EGGS TASTE BETTER TOO! TOP CHEFS SAY THEIR CUSTOMERS NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE! www.freefarmanimals.org ******************************************* PLEASE NEVER ORDER OR BUY VEAL! www.noveal.org and www.freefarmanimals.org ***** Arizona was the first state to pass legislation banning veal crates and gestation crates for pigs (2006). Go ARIZONA! May all other states follow their lead! *********************************************************** PLEASE BE SURE TO BUY ORGANIC OR YOU ARE BUYING INTO FARM ANIMAL CONFINEMENT AND TORTURE! YOU'RE SAFE IF YOU BUY FROM WHOLE FOODS. THEY HAVE AN 'ANIMAL COMPASSION' NETWORK AND NEVER BUY FROM FACTORY FARMS! www.freefarmanimals.org ************************************************************ ****PLEASE SAY NO TO FOIE GRAS!Foie gras (pronounced 'fwah grah') has been exalted in some gourmet food circles as a prized delicacy, but if most people knew how foie gras is produced, they would be horrified. www.nofoiegras.org ********** NOTE: The bird liver delicacy foie gras was banned from restaurants in a measure approved by the Chicago City Council after members decided it was inhumane to force-feed the birds."Our city is better for taking a stance against the cruelty of foie gras," said Alderman Joe Moore, who sponsored the ordinance.************************************************** *********MANY THANKS TO BO DEREK AND WILLIE NELSON WHO WORK TIRELESSLY LOBBYING CONGRESS TO PASS 'THE AMERICAN HORSE SLAUGHTER PREVENTION ACT'! *** PLEASE JOIN THEM IN THE FIGHT AND CONTACT YOUR FEDERAL LEGISLATORS AND ASK THEM TO COSPONSOR H.R. 503 OR S. 311. TO FIND YOUR LEGISLATORS GO TO WWW.CONGRESS.ORG ************************************************************ * 'AMERICANS AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER'************** HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE AS OF MAY 2007 ALL U.S. HORSE SLAUGHTERHOUSES ARE CLOSED! THERE WERE ONLY THREE AT THE TIME. TWO IN TEXAS AND ONE IN ILLINOIS, HOWEVER, WE NEED TO KEEP UP THE FIGHT ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL SO THE HORSES BOUGHT BY THE KILLER BUYERS AT AUCTIONS HERE IN THE U.S. WON'T HAVE TO GO TO SLAUGHTER IN MEXICO. ONCE THE FEDERAL BILL IS PASSED HORSES WON'T BE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL IN OR OUT OF THE U.S. FOR SLAUGHTER IN OTHER COUNTRIES. ************************************************************ **At first Jack gave money to The March of Dimes because he thought it was a good medical charity that helps babies, but then Jack found out that The March of Dimes (Crimes) gives millions of dollars a year to ANIMAL LABS! JACK KNOWS THAT MEDICAL CHARITIES WHO PRODUCE THE BEST DRUGS FOR BABIES DON'T USE ANIMAL LABS!!! He knows that the only reason some medical charities still use animals in their labs is because they want them as 'SCAPEGOATS' when they have to go to court for a drug that killed. REMEMBER, JUST BECAUSE A DRUG TESTS SAFE IN ANIMALS DOESN'T MEAN IT WILL BE SAFE IN A HUMAN BEING! VIOXX TESTED SAFE IN ANIMALS, BUT KILLED OVER 55,000 HUMANS! ---Animal testing has been phased out in over 50% of the U.S. labs and in over 85% of American universities in their medical labs. It's ancient science! There is human molecular modeling, human tissue testing as well as clinical studies nowdays. We don't need animals in labs anymore! --- Follow the GRANT MONEY and you will usually find an animal lab at the end of that rainbow!ANIMAL LABS PUMP OUT BAD DRUGS AT A FAST PACE. NON-ANIMAL LABS TAKE LONGER, BUT PRODUCE MUCH MORE ACCURATE DRUGS FOR HUMANS. ONLY GIVE TO CHARITIES WHO DISPLAY THE HUMANE SEAL OF APPROVAL!!!WWW.HumaneSeal.org ******************************************* www.bizarro.com *******************************************

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Animal rights and protecting our earth for all of us. ************************************************** *******************************************************JACK DOESN'T BUY FUR OR FUR TRIMMED ITEMS AND NEITHER DOES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *****RALPH LAUREN***** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ************************************************************ ***************** ******************************************PLEASE BOYCOTT ALL ANIMAL CIRCUSES!!!***** Behind the scenes, elephant trainer Tim Frisco instructs would-be trainers how to dominate elephants and make them perform circus tricks. “Sink that hook into ’em. When you hear that screaming, then you know you got their attention.” An elephant trumpets in agony as Frisco’s bullhook, with its sharp metal hook and spiked end, tears through her sensitive skin. Frisco, a Carson & Barnes elephant trainer, learned the trade from his father, a former trainer for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. For more information go to www.api4animals.org.**************************************** **********

I'd like to meet:

People who truly care about all animals, their health and welfare, enrichment of their lives, protecting the world we share together as friends.


***MADISON PARK*** www.myspace.com/madisonparkmusic *** CHECK OUT 'MADISON PARK'S' NEW MUSIC VIDEO ON THIS PAGE AGAINST FACTORY FARMING! ************************************************** ***MARIA DAINES*** www.myspace.com/musicunitedforanimals **************************************************


*****'IN YOUR FACE' BY CHRIS DEROSE (President of 'Last Chance for Animals' - www.LCAnimal.org ***** "In Your Face" presents some of the most cogent, well considered arguments against vivisectionism. DeRose presents strong evidence of the medical uselessness of animal research, and shows it to be little more than a way for hospitals and universities to significantly increase revenue streams, while contributing nothing of scientific value. PHOTO OF CHRIS DEROSE BACK IN 1985. DIRECT ACTION AGAINST CEDARS - SINAI MEDICAL CENTER FOR OBTAINING LAB ANIMALS FROM CLASS B DEALERS WHO ACQUIRED THEM ILLEGALLY. HE WAS FOUND TO BE RIGHT. WAY TO GO CHRIS!!! PLEASE SUPPORT 'LAST CHANCE FOR ANIMALS'! THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!! WWW.LCAnimal.org***** YOU MAY HAVE SEEN CHRIS DEROSE'S 'DEALING DOGS' ON HBO. IT HAS AIRED CLOSE TO 200 TIMES. IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU CAN OBTAIN A COPY AT WWW.LCANIMAL.ORG. Chris DeRose's main goal is to see 'The Pet Safety and Protection Act' passed into law. (S.714 and H.R.1280) Once this bill is law there will no longer be B-Dealers licensed by the USDA who sell dogs to animal labs. Many of these dealers obtain the dogs illegally and keep the dogs in filth where many die horrible deaths. Please call your Senators and Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor this bill! To find your representatives go to www.congress.org. CHRIS DEROSE WINNING HIS GENESIS AWARD FROM THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 'DEALING DOGS'. MARCH 2007 UNDERCOVER 'PETE' WINNING HIS GENESIS AWARD FOR 'DEALING DOGS'. WHAT A TOUGH COOKIE!!!!!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS DOCUMENTARY YOU'RE REALLY MISSING OUT!***** CHRIS DEROSE IN ACTION. CHECK IT OUT!!! *******************************************


3-07 Wolfgang Puck has now taken all foie gras off of his menus and is only serving 'free-range' veal! While Jack is opposed to all veal production at least 'free-range' is the lesser of the two evils. He also doesn't buy any meat from animals who have been confined on a factory farm. Always only 'cage free' eggs as well! Wolfgang will be leading this movement among compassionate chefs! *******************************************MR. JOHN MACKEY, PRESIDENT OF WHOLE FOODS MARKET - Jack applauds him for his 'Animal Compassion' Network and for getting the word out about going organic! Go WHOLE FOODS!!!!! *************************