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T.E.A.R.S. Thats Enough! Animal Rescue Site

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These pictures and this video shows the reality of how bad it really is. YOU CAN HELP!!! I Love Animals!! They have the right to a good life, and deserve our repect. STOP THE ABUSE!! BEING A VETERINARY TECH. I'VE SEEN SOME OF THE MOST CRUEL THINGS IMAGINABLE SOME SITES TO VISIT, Your right to know. MsplinksLiberationMagPetFinder InhumanePet-AbuseGreyhoundsPLEASE!! WATCH THIS VIDEO, PUPPY MILLS ARE IN EVERY STATE, EVEN IN YOUR TOWN.. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/dawson/cruelty/tn_cruel.htm ... I'VE SEEN THIS SEVERAL TIMES ON MY JOB !!!!.........Like going to the dog races? Is it worth all this?How about a rodeo? Any sport that uses animals, abuses animals.a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank" .......It's unreal to me, how a person can walk by a dog day after day.Hear it cry and bark, see its sad eyes STARING at them. And just don't care. What kind of a monster can do this. I can't tell you how many times I have seen this. Most have to be euthaniesd. The sadest one I recall, was a pitbull boxer mix. We were fixing to put him down. He had his head laying on my arm. he picked up his head to look at me.It was as if he were thanking me for rescuing him. Finally someone had come to save him from his missery. The chain he was wearing around his neck was huge, big enough to pull a car. I wanted to grab him and run, bring him home with me. To nurse him back to health. But I already have four at home I've stole from death. He probably won't survive anyway I thought. As the tears ran down my face I wanted to scream. Then the needle went in and he was gone. Finally free from the pain of starvation, bone chilling cold, scalding heat, biting fleas, cracked dry thristing lips. But also the hearbreak of watching someone walk on by each time he cried.This picture and video shows the cruelty caused by chaining a dog.....This is so common it's pathetic, MANAGE !!! Something that can be treated early at the first signs. But NOOOO!! people wait till the dog is naked from head to toe,full of sores and infection. Then they decide to do something (probably because they are so ashamed for any one to see it, not cause they care) the dog could have been spared.What the hells wrong with this world !!I WOULD LIKE TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THE PERSON THAT DID THIS !!!


Jesus, This is Doogie,after neighbors watched as he lay three days trying to get up.They called Tammy Grimes to help. She was so moved that she took the dog from his prison chains. Rushing him to the vet. In doing so she was later arrested for kid napping the dog. And was ordered to give him back.Doogie today...MORE INFO http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com/doogie.html UPDATE ON DOOGIE
After spending five months in his foster home, where he was loved,and cared for. Doogie passed away on March 1st. He spent his life on a chain but in the end he learned kindness, love, enjoyed food, kisses,and warmth.If you love the circus, this is what your ticket to the circus buys.These pictures and this video show the dirty secrets of the circus.PLEASE READ !! At our clinic we put down way to many cats with one of these viruses .And every time it tears my heart out. If people were more educated about FeLV, FIV and FIP fewer cats would have to be distroyed. If you own a cat it needs a Rabies, Distemper, FeLV, FIV, and FIP vaccine as a kitten. (with boosters) And AT LEAST every three years after that. More if recommended by your vet. Your cat needs a well check once a year. Flea medication every month (I recommend Frontline,or Advantage)all year long. Fleas will live on your cats warm body even in the winter months. Declawing is CRUEL, please get educated about this first. And do it only if nessecary. Many cat have a personality change after declawing. It may not be the same sweet little kitty you once knew.Not all cats with FeLV needs to be put down. With treatment from your vet and proper care, some can live for years. They MUST be kept inside away from other cats.FIV: Feline Aids Again, as with FeLV some cats can live long term with FIV. With proper treatment and care. Also MUST be kept inside away from other cats.FIP: Feline Infectious Peritonitis Cats with FIP rarely live more than six monthsAlot of people have never heard of heartworms. We see at least four cases a month at our office. Every year it seems to be more and more are testing positive. Heartworms can be prevented with a once a month medication. Once infected they grow in the heart and lungs. Without any symptoms untill the latter stages. Then coughing , breathing hard, even passing out or convultions, are the symptoms.IF YOU OWN A DOG he needs Distemper, Parvo, Corona, Lepto, Rabies, Bordatella, and Lyme vaccines. Starting as a puppy, then At least every three years. Your dog needs heartworm preventative every month,all year, for the rest of his life. Flea medication once a month all year, even in the winter months.These are all my buddies,I rescued them from euthanasia