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In order to depict the true story of what animals are enduring in Asia, I have chosen to include pictures which are very graphic in nature, but they are REALITY for these poor animals. I've seen them a thousand times and it still breaks my heart, but I urge you to view them to understand their suffering (and speak out for them). We are the only voice they have.
Most people tell me my page breaks their heart, and believe me that is not my intention. But if you care for animals the way I do, it will and I'm sorry. But, they also thank me for making them aware what is really happening to animals all over the world because we never hear of this evil on the news. There are ways you can help - please sign petitions (below) and spread the word to everyone you know. If they have to live and die by this evil, how can we not be their witness to it?
Let me also say that I am NOT racist toward the Chinese people. I am trying to help the Chinese people who love their dogs as much as I love mine. What I am against is the brutality of the Chinese government against their people and animals.
Thank you for caring about animals.
If you'd like to visit my personal myspace page that I've dedicated to my own family of animals, please feel free to add me as a friend there as well. Go to ~ An Angel Cries For Her ~
For those who promote the torture, abuse, and eating of dogs in China, and who try to add me as a friend or harass me: know that you WILL be blocked and you WILL be reported to Myspace, but you will NOT get any attention from me, so don't waste your time.
This image HAUNTS me. This was Sudan 1994. How could anyone walk away from this child?
How can we walk away from the children in Darfur today?
I have to be honest. Until recently, I knew next to nothing about Darfur and what is happening there ( Click here to learn more about it yourself ). Then a friend posted this video. I can't believe this is happening and no one will help. Please watch the video and then scroll down to sign this petition and pass it on to everyone you know.
This petition needs signatures!! THANK YOU!!
Children in Darfur Need a Future
Join Lucy Liu in the Virtual March
Click to Sign PETITION Here
After nearly three years of conflict and tens of thousands of deaths, Darfur is one of the hardest places in the world to be a child. Every day over 70 children under the age of five are dying across Darfur. One million others seek refuge in temporary camps, where they struggle with disease, malnutrition, violence and rape.
While the long-term prospects of Darfur's children appear bleak, we can work together to push for a lasting solution in the region. UNICEF Ambassador Lucy Liu has committed to speak out for Darfur's children and asks us to join her! We cannot stay silent about the devastation in Darfur. It's time for people across the nation to stand up and be counted in the growing movement of citizens joining together to support the children in Darfur.
Sign the pledge to join the virtual march, and pass it on to everyone you know. All of your friends and family can be part of the march too!
Click to Sign PETITION Here
Visit for updates about this crisis and ways you can help.
** DON'T SHOP - ADOPT!!! **
9/28/07 - Great news and justice for Mercy!! Read details in my blog!
Mercy, a 10-month-old pit bull mix, had been doused with gasoline and set on fire. She was rescued on Good Friday, April 2006, but she was unable to survive the extensive stab wounds and burns that covered 60 percent of her body. In the picture above, her skin if pink from the burns on her body.
What is Mercy's Law?
MERCY’S LAW--A law to arrest and prosecute those that torture, mutilate, and ultimately cause death to companion animals. Such crime would allow for criminal charges to be filed as a felony and not less. When it has been deemed obvious by a Licensed Veterinarian that the animal indeed suffered due to being tortured or mutilated, then an appropriate and aggressive investigation, arrest, trial and conviction should be pursued. Sentencing should be no less than 2 years.
This law would also include a "Mercy's Alert" which means any convicted animal abuser/killer who is out on bail, or has been released from prison, would be put into a database so that they can be tracked in the event another attack occurs within their vicinity.
This will also provide shelter or rescue adoption facilities with important information as part of a background check should an attempt to adopt an animal occur. It should also be made mandatory that City or State funded shelters perform a background check before adopting out any animal. Most abusers seek out these kinds of shelters because currently they do not do background or reference check.
Please watch this video memorial and sign the petition above to enact "Mercy's Law" to help protect other animals from dying at the hands of evil. I promise if you watch this, you will never forget her. Rest in peace, Mercy.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on ... and do nothing ...
~ Albert Einstein
Goldfinger - FREE ME
The video below was made by the lead singer of Goldfinger after seeing chickens in a truck on the way to slaughter. He wrote the song for animals who are the victims of cruel treatment at factory farms, slaughterhouses and laboratories. The truth is sad and I will admit I cried like a baby watching it, but the truth needs to be told and witnessed, so that we can do everything we can to change how animals are treated.
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO and share it with everyone you know. Thank you.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian. We feel better about ourselves and better about the animals, knowing we're not contributing to their pain.
Paul McCartney
and Linda McCartney
I'm going VEG because
I love ALL animals
Want to try it with me?
Click HERE!
Make your own KFC sign at
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
~ Anatole France ~
"For hundreds of thousands of years the stew in the pot has brewed hatred and resentment that is difficult to stop. If you wish to know why there are disasters of armies and weapons in the world, listen to the piteous cries from the slaughter house at midnight."
~ Ancient Chinese verse ~
Our task must be to free ourselves ... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
~ Albert Einstein ~
"Cruelty to animals is as if man did not love God...there is something so dreadful, so Satanic, in tormenting those who have never harmed us, and who cannot defend themselves, who are utterly in our power."
~ Cardinal John Henry Newman ~
Animals used for Entertainment
Sign the Petition!
Animals don't want to ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire. Sadly, they have no choice. Trainers use abusive tools, like whips and electric prods, and force them to perform.
Not only are elephants, bears, tigers, and other animals abused by trainers, they suffer from extreme loneliness, boredom, and frustration from being locked in tiny cages or chains month after month, city after city. Instead of being treated like furniture that is loaded and unloaded into trucks and storage areas, these animals should be in their natural habitat, exploring, seeking mates, and raising families.
Animals held captive in circuses, rodeos, zoos, and other entertainment venues need you to speak out for them. Teach your community why, for animals' sake, they should go for a hike or take in a baseball game instead of supporting these unkind businesses.
What You Can Do
Ask Ringling Sponsors to Stop Promoting Cruelty
Ask Rodeo, California, to Change Its Name!
Give Your School Board a Lesson in Circus Cruelty
Help Get Great Apes out of Commercials
Join the Human RaceSupport Our Monthly Leafleting Event
Try This Month's Great Idea for Helping Animals
Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife - birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice, foxes and dingoes - by the million in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billion and eats them. This in turn kills man by the millions, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative - and fatal - health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year, sends out cards praying for Peace on Earth.
~ David Coats ~
Animal Testing
Have you ever wondered how many animals suffer in labs? It's a good question. Because there are so many animals in laboratories and records are not kept for all animals, estimates of the number of animals tortured and killed annually in U.S. laboratories vary widely but are in the millions.
The Animal Welfare Act requires laboratories to report the number of animals used in experiments, but it does not cover mice, rats, and birds (used in some 80 to 95 percent of all experiments). Because these animals are not covered by the act, they remain uncounted, and we can only guess at how many actually suffer and die each year.
Many household products and cosmetics companies still pump their products into animals' stomachs, rub them onto their skin, squirt them into their eyes, or force animals to inhale them as aerosol sprays. Charities such as the March of Dimes use donations from private citizens to fund experiments on animals, and the FDA requires all drugs to be tested on animals. However, animals differ from humans significantly, making animal drug tests unreliable and dangerous. New research methods, such as computer models, cell cultures, and human studies are more accurate, less expensive, and much more humane.
Companies that do not test on animals proudly state it on their labels. Send back items that you have from companies that test on animals, and write a letter to the companies explaining why you won't buy their products anymore.
What You Can Do
Be an Iams Avenger
Contact Your Congressional Representatives
Help Modernize Medical EducationJoin the Animal Savings Club
Support Only Companies and Charities That Do Not Test on Animals
Support Our Monthly Leafleting Event
Try This Month's Great Idea for Helping Animals
The Horrors of HLS
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is one of the world's largest animal testing labs, operating two facilities in England and one the U.S. (East Millstone, NJ).
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) has been exposed in five separate
undercover investigations to openly abuse animals, killing 500 per day
testing such products as oven cleaners and pesticides. HLS is a contract
testing company with facilities in the United Kingdom and New Jersey. Its
suppliers and customers have been under unrelenting attack by animal
advocates for the last 3 years, driving them to near-bankruptcy.
The horrors witnessed inside HLS have given rise to one of the most successful anti-vivisection campaigns in the history of the animals rights movement
Explore to learn more and follow the links to get more involved in efforts to close HLS forever!
This is the work of Huntingdon
Life Sciences in 2005
THIS WAS TAKEN LITERALLY ONE SECOND AFTER SHE WAS KILLED. Click the image to find out what companies have blood on their hands. These companies and many more supply animals to Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Who are the ALF (Animal Liberation Front)?
Watch this slideshow and see some real HEROES in action,
freeing animals all over the world.
ALF, we love you!!
Please support the Shac 7
The SHAC 7 are six individuals--Lauren Gazzola, Kevin Kjonaas, Jake Conroy, Josh Harper, Andrew Stepanian, and Darius Fullmer--and the organization Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (USA). They are all serving lengthy prison sentences for simply speaking out!
They were found guilty on all charges on March 2nd, and are were sentenced on September 12th in Trenton, NJ. They received the following sentences:
Kevin Kjonaas: 72 months
Lauren Gazzola: 52 months
Jacob Conroy: 48 months
Joshua Harper: 36 months
Andrew Stepanian: 36 months
Darius Fulmer: 1 year, 1 day
The SHAC 7 represents a frightening new frontier in the war on speech. Indicted for protest activity against a criminally abusive animal-testing lab, their alleged modern forms civil disobedience and traditional free expression is being heralded as terrorism by big business and their pocketed politicians.
The college graduates, law school student, EMT, and social justice volunteers draw a sharp contrast from the ‘Osama bin Ladens’ of the world, but are being pursued no differently. Charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act they face millions in fines and up to twenty-three years in jail for protected political speech and an unabashed support of controversial forms activism.
Their conviction is constitutionally flawed and imperils not just those who speak out on behalf of animals, but anyone who has something controversial to say. The stand they now take is a stand for civil liberties of us all.
Dying for Fur:
Recent Investigation Shows
Cruelty at Chinese Fur Farms
Imagine buying a child's toy or a piece of furniture, never realizing you are actually buying a product containing fur from a Chinese fur farm—fur that was once a terrified Arctic fox, held in a wire cage, abused, and eventually skinned alive.
Eighty-five percent of the world's fur comes from fur farms. China has become the world's largest exporter of fur, largely due to the country's absence of animal welfare protection and surplus of cheap labor.
Demand for fur from China, mostly from Europe and the United States, has grown in the last ten years—the result of heavy investment in marketing campaigns by a global fur industry aiming to make fur more socially acceptable. The fur industry has also developed a wider range for fur products in international commercial markets—products with smaller price tags and less obvious connections to the furry faces that have caused them so much trouble over the years.
The Investigation: What They Witnessed
The rapid growth in fur farming and lack of animal welfare regulation in China prompted Care for the Wild, EAST International and the Swiss Animal Protection (SAP) to collaborate on an investigation throughout 2004 and January of 2005. The investigation, Fun Fur? A Report on the Chinese Fur Industry, exposes the horrors inflicted on animals at Chinese fur farms.
Investigators for the Fun Fur report obtained photos and video at fur farms throughout the Hebei province o