*PAWS for a CAUSE* profile picture

*PAWS for a CAUSE*

PLEASE ADOPT A SHELTER ANIMAL TODAY! Donations to any local shelter are ALWAYS appreciated... the an

About Me

Please note that this page is new and under "construction". Check back daily for updates and additions!
Hello and thanks for visiting my page! I'm a huge animal lover & supporter of many organizations that aid animals in need. Animals require as much human love, help, attention & support as possible... it breaks my heart when I see or hear about the mis-treatment of harmless & innocent animals, and it happens WAY too often. I can't fathom how anyone can be that cruel, especially to defenseless creatures. Please be loving & respectful to the animals in your life & always remember that there are MANY others out there that could use your help!
So this page was started to raise awareness and funds for the MANY homeless/shelter animals in need. I would also like to add my feelings & views on animal rights in general. I hope you can help support, donate or even just spread the word about all the poor & innocent animals of the world that NEED kind and generous people to keep them healthy and alive and find them loving homes! Remember, every little bit counts and if you feel you CAN make a difference, that's the perfect start!
Please go to the 'Pet Savings' webpage I created through 1-800-Save-A-Pet, to help raise funds so they can continue to help shelters and rescue groups save thousands of lives! I am hoping to reach my goal amount by Christmas... wouldn't that would be so rewarding & definitely appropriate for the "season of giving"!? ANY donation would be APPRECIATED! THANK YOU! If you have any questions about it, please feel free.
Please visit the ONE STOP BUNNY SHOP for all your pet bunnies' needs & general info on taking proper care of rabbits!
Please check out my "friends" pages' as well, as many (if not all) will be able to inform you of current situations of shelter/less fortunate animals around the country, ways you can help, donate, volunteer, success stories and simply get better informed of animals in general!

My Interests

Helping/saving animals (what a surprise!)

I'd like to meet:

People willing and ready to make a difference in helping animals in need!

If you're a lover of Collies, click on the pic below to check out the group created by one of my friends which is dedicated to that fascinating breed of dog:

If you're a Saint Bernard fanatic, check out the group dedicated to this breed, where you can chat with fellow St. Bernard lovers, share stories and photos! Click on the pic to go there:
Click on the banners below to link directly to GREAT & WORTHY organizations' websites helping to aid the helpless animals of the world!

In March of 2003, 59 horses arrived at their new home at The Fund for Animals' Black Beauty Ranch in Texas. The Fund had received word in January that hundreds of wild horses in Crescent Valley, Nevada, were in danger of going to slaughter. The horses were caught in the middle of a dispute between the Bureau of Land Management, which claimed that the horses were trespassing on federal lands, and two members of the Western Shoshone tribe, who argued that the land where the horses roam belongs to the tribe. The BLM and the Nevada Department of Agriculture gave animal rescue groups only days to take as many of the horses as possible, and planned to send any remaining horses to livestock auction, where they would be sold for slaughter.
The Fund immediately arranged to take the least adoptable horses to its Black Beauty Ranch sanctuary in Texas, and networked with other organizations around the country to find homes for the remaining animals. The Fund's threat of legal action delayed the round-up, giving animal rescue groups more time to arrange for sanctuary for the horses, and eventually led to a cooperative agreement guaranteeing that all of the horses would go to sanctuaries -- and none would go to slaughter!
Fund staff members picked up 59 of the horses in Nevada -- 2 mares and 57 stallions -- where they appeared to be in poor condition and in need of food. Many had scrapes and other signs of injuries after being chased by the BLM's helicopters. During the drive back to Black Beauty Ranch, FFA's staff stopped every couple hours to check on the horses and to give them food and water. Due to a storm, they stopped with the horses for a day and a half in Albuquerque, rather than frighten the animals and risk the unsafe weather conditions in Texas.
Once they arrived at Black Beauty Ranch, the horses were all vaccinated and placed in a pasture where they were given more hay than they had ever seen in their lives. One of the mares arrived pregnant, and has since given birth to a young colt who gallops alongside his mother. The horses are very energetic and playful, and within two weeks of arrival they were all released from their pasture to roam the full 1,620 acres of Black Beauty Ranch with hundreds of other horses and burros.
The Fund for Animals, one of the largest, most active and successful organizations working for the cause of animals throughout the world, operates the world famous Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas. The 1,620-acre refuge is home to many hundreds of animals -- from chimpanzees to burros to elephants.
You can help feed these magnificent rescued horses. Just click on this horse banner to donate!





Everyone who works at/for the ASPCA, Humane Society and all the countless animal shelters/hospitals in existence! Also, those who ADOPT instead of buy homeless animals!

My Blog

PLEASE Visit my 'Pet Savings' Webpage!

WOOF, WOOF, PLEASE HELP! MEOW! Hey guys, please check out the page I created in helping raise funds for all the poor & defenseless animals in need! ANY donation would be GREATLY APPRECIATED and wo...
Posted by *PAWS for a CAUSE* on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:14:00 PST

10 Reasons to ADOPT Instead of Shop!

If you're thinking of getting a new pet, please ADOPT..... here are 10 reasons why: Why You Should Never Purchase a Puppy from a Pet Shop Reason #10: Emotional Problems These puppies are the offsprin...
Posted by *PAWS for a CAUSE* on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:10:00 PST